Forum God
I am an Owl.
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Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
Shopping Trolley Ettiquete
Okay, There must be unwritten rules (not just in Australia )for shopping trolley ettiquete.
- follow the flow of traffic, up one side down the other side (not down the middle with family and friend either side so no one can pass)(or against the flow of traffic)
- if you are slow, expect others to pass you
- if you stop to get something or need to think about it , pull your trolley to one side and align yourself with the trolley or shelves (do not complain if you get bumped by a trolley cause you are standing in the flow of traffic or in the middle of the aisle)
- if someone said "excuse me" usually indicates they want to pass or are trying to get your attention (not look at them, ignore them, like they are something you stepped on)(or complain if you get "heeled" by a trolley cause your in someones way)
- give way to the elderly, impaired, people with children, children in general (not make the elderly get out of YOUR way)
- don't just stop in the middle of the suppermarket with your trolley just anyway you pleases, especially if it near the check-out and not expect to get " told off"
- try and line up in an orderly fashion at the check-out without impeding the flow of traffic- and if the line moves , move with it, if someone jumps in your space in the line, perhaps it was because you didn't look like you were in it.
- We do not need to hear all the shawdid details of what you did last night, with how, how many times, who's doing who, and if they know and what your family history is, or how interesting you think your life is, while you are on the phone, with a friend etc - VOLUME CONTROL people, if we really thought our lives were so boring and yours were more interesting, ...We would ease-drop.. we come to shop, the gossip magazines at the counter are for that purpose.
Yes I'm still sick, I Have little patients at the moment, the only think holding me up today was the shopping trolley, the only reason I went out was to get dog food and more throat soothers.
But, courtesy people,
a basic human lesson
I made sure I was showered, clean cloth (no slippers, no tracksuit pants), brushed teeth, brushed hair, I may have looked like sh*t, but I made a small effort to look and apprear presentable for what should have been less than half an hours trip into general population, and I did cover my mouth and nose when I had a coughing fit (unlike others)
I'm going back to bed and taking the dogs with me...
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
23-06-2010 03:55
Forum God
I am an Owl.
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Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
Okay, I feel better now (nothing like a nap with three warm dogs fighting for bed space)
Only 10 Commandments for customers? (maybe to many would confuse them ) (oowwh how catty of me)need more sleep)
would love to hear them if your can find them!!!
Green ....sorry I have been guilty of PJ and bare feet at some stage (usually late at night when you do a drive-thru take away run)_ but NEVER again , besides bare feet on the floors , bit unhygeinice/ and cold
Ebonyswanne - my motto - always give way to children, especially with those shopping trolleys, they are small, having fun and are not realy interested in what others/strangers are doing (other than their parents attention) let them enjoy their play
(secretly I'm jealouse, I want to run wild in the supermarket and ride in the trolleys (ops guilty of that , bit rough on the knees and hard when your trolley pusher looses control of the trolley on a ramp, , picture me one the ground still in trolley , sideways , wheels still spinning, surrounded by food, but I digress that was months ago))
and yes... put your trolley in the space provided the corral, for those who have had scratches on their car from trolleys , do it
Ps take your rubbish out first, don't leave it for the trolley people to do (that's just lazy)
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
23-06-2010 12:50
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