Forum God
I am an Owl.
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
15-04-2010 10:45
Forum God
I am an Owl.
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
okay I'm going to log of and turn of the computer
maybe work on a few other stories
actually can I use you as a sounding board?
(not waiting for a reply)
Thinking about a story from little wolf alter ego Danger Mouse (DM) case notes on fellow earth defenders Gforce/Gatchaman - from point
basically other superheros / spies / agencies have some serious concerns about the mental heath of above mentioned, eg PTSD, co-dependancy, substance abuse, tendancy to excessive violence, absent father figures , no female involvement in upbringing, a man, often absent, who adopted 5 young children Questionable in itself (sexual overtones), avoid specific answers to children support agencys, has high if not destructive expectaions on children, who are subjectid to excessive physical and mental training, often left to own divises, untested scientific experiemntation, delibrate isolation and openly encorages them to lead a double life, frequently expose to masacistic, narcasistic persons, frequest and exeplained injures, frequest truancy from school etc
need to find councelling, pyc and social profilling books and notes as well as cross refereance between medical dictionary and disease profiling and anatamy and pysiology text bookd (always knew these courses would come in handy, plus need to find my triage notes and rescue notes)
Has something like this been writen about before?
will I upset other fans by writtin something like this?
how deep can I go??
we have 5 children who are trained to defend at extream measures, can they honestly intgrate them self into normal mainstream or must they be isolated after the war is over?
what if they kill once in civilian mode who is resonsible for that, can they actually be charge and go to prison?
OOZZING my brain is bring up what if all over the place
okay need to log off now - got to go and write , all else fails it will get filed with my other stories and I Can amend the characters to fit non Gatch/ Botp stories
excuse spelling in the sceme of things the stories is more important than first presenation
and spelling was never my strong point, does this site have a spell check, oh well cut and paste it is
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
15-04-2010 12:17