Silly us. We'd told our son that if he finished the next box of phonics books we'd take him to see this one, provided we saw it first and approved.
Well, we saw it, and we don't approve. It's a good movie for adults and teens, but not for young kids.
I really enjoyed the movie. It was funny and intense and heartwarming. At no time was I, the hormonal Mommy, unable to enjoy it because I was afraid of what might happen.
But it was too intense for the kids. The danger is now and it is real. There are several scenes where, if you can read, you know people have died. There are several scenes parodying what can happen to superheroes with unfortunate uniform options. They don't dwell on it, and it's not the main source of humour, but it's enough that I don't think I'll be taking Crackers.
Parents, or friends of parents, will love the movie. Especially parents who, prior to becoming parents themselves, had seen their friends become parents. Or parents who have had to give up non-parent friends.
The big question for this group is, "What would Edna have done with the Birdy capes?"
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl