The Bourne Supremacy - Spoiler
Okay. I just farking loved the Bourne Identity. Matt Damon's performance was just right on the money enjoyable, and the movie just kicked butt all over the place.
I saw Bourne Supremacy on Saturday. The story was every bit as enjoyable (if only passingly simliar to the book), and the performances from the actors was awesome. In fact, I'd like to say it was every bit as good as the first.
But I can't.
The plot was great, the details were cool, the acting was kickin'...what could be missing?
Camera Control.
What bothered me was the epileptic fit inducing //extreme// close-up/shaky hand-held camera approach to anything remotely resembling an action scene. There was more action in this film than the last one. But I couldn't accurately tell you what happened. I'm sure it was probably cool. I'm sure the money they spent on FX and stunt men et. al. was put to great use!
But the jarring, bouncing,and 'oh gosh is that a pimple up Matt Damon's nose..wait, I'm not sure, it's moving too fast' camera motions had my eyes playing pingpong in my skull.
My kingdom for a steady cam and 100 feet of distance.
League of Extrordinary Gentlemen suffered from the same affliction.
But the thing that upsets me is that unlike League, this was an otherwise GOOD movie.
Grade it would have recieved with better camera usage: A+.
Grade it got because I walked out with a migrane, upset stomach, and inability to tell you what actually happened in the flick: D+

"Spider sense....tingling."