I am a Condor.
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Registration Date: 27-06-2007
Posts: 5991
How did you know, Eboynswanne? Yes, I dote on my cat, and my one nephew and three nieces. I was quite upset yesterday -my cat is 18, quite old and mostly deaf, and a male tabby that roams the neighbourhood jumped on him and beat him up, until I heard the commotion and intervened. As for my nephew, he's my Gatchaman buddy -he watched all of the ADV episodes with me. My nieces, at least the oldest two, like all the books that I do, so every birthday or Christmas, I mail a box to them.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 02-03-2008 at 08:19.
02-03-2008 08:15
Babbling Loonie
I am an Eagle.
2 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 09-10-2007
Posts: 2004
02-03-2008 16:07
I am a Swan.
23 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 25-04-2007
Posts: 5592
quote: | Originally posted by lborgia88
How did you know, Eboynswanne? Yes, I dote on my cat, and my one nephew and three nieces. I was quite upset yesterday -my cat is 18, quite old and mostly deaf, and a male tabby that roams the neighbourhood jumped on him and beat him up, until I heard the commotion and intervened. As for my nephew, he's my Gatchaman buddy -he watched all of the ADV episodes with me. My nieces, at least the oldest two, like all the books that I do, so every birthday or Christmas, I mail a box to them. |
Hug for your poor kitty cat my cat is getting took sometime to not look at the the baby like it was an alien invading his territory.
Now Lord Katse just accepts that she's staying here...
He's a cat that likes kids, he's strange in the way he gets protective of small child, especially when he was a younger cat. I've had comments on that about him, and it surprised me too. Then all the people telling me I should get rid of him now that we have a baby, who is almost a toddler...
No way is that gonna happen! I have had cats in my house since I was born...
He still gets his cuddles, now he won't jump in your lap until she's in bed...
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.
02-03-2008 21:43
I am a Swan.
23 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 25-04-2007
Posts: 5592
[i]Thinking of Merins comment about a child cooking brekkie for mum...heres and Eagle as a kid doing the same thing...[i/]
Ken looked at the questions that the journalist who was writing the story about him had sent through.
One of them was- what was your relationship with your mother like and how did affect you losing her at a young age? It was a strange question really, most people asked him about his Father Red Impulse but rarely did they want to know about his Mother.
He thought about the topic of Ken the Eagle and women a little more, the first woman to have any influence on his life was his Mother.
There was no doubt about that, he sat back in his chair as his thoughts drifted back to the last time he saw her look truly happy and radiant, it last only for a moment and the effort to make her smile was worth it, he was only 10 years old at the time&
Ken Washio sat at the Kitchen table, studying the book in front of him, this was his first self-appointed mission and he was not going to fail.
At Ten years old, cooking your first meal was a daunting task, even if it was breakfast.
But Ken was determined to create an edible dish for his Mother, she had been in bed, very ill all week and it was his mission to make her smile and get better.
They had moved into Dr. Nambu's mansion about a month ago, due to his Mother's illness which was getting worse, Dr. Nambu had sat with him the previous night and told him that she was terminally ill.
Ken asked him what he meant by that, and the Doctor explained it further to him, she would not be with them for much longer.
Ken did not believe him, his Mother could not leave him too and he was going to do everything he could to help her get well again.
He thought it was good of Dr. Nambu to look out for her, and he was sure they would be moving back to the house once she was better again, and everything would be as it should then, all they would need was his Father to come home.
He didn't believe he was really dead, they never found his body.
Ken jumped down from the chair and carried the book into the spacious kitchen getting out the step box, and began looking through the cupboards for the right equipment for the mission ahead of him.
He put the book on the bench and went to the refrigerator and got out the egg carton and butter, and then he looked back with a smile, before he closed the fridge door with a round house kick.
He put the goods on the bench and referred back to the manual on what was needed next.
After a few more punches at unseen opponents on his way to the pots drawer, he began the task of cooking Eggs Benedict. Poach the eggs, he read out loud from the book.
"How do you do that?" he wondered, screwing up his face as he looked in another section of the cooking manual.
"Oh, he thought as he read the instructions, Thats how. He filled the saucepan halfway with water and the put it on gas stove, he the turned on the gas and a blue flame lit up and was dancing on the hot plate, he then placed the saucepan on top of it.
He then put in the tablespoon of vinegar, some salt and then put the cracked egg into the now boiling water and pulled down the lever on the toaster.
Ken began to fight the unseen opponents again, practicing the moves that Dr. Nambu had been teaching him over the past year, a full Ninja Carte around the kitchen later, Ken was taking down an enemy when suddenly he could smell something burning..."The toast, Damn It!," he thought and hurried to pop it up, by then the water in the pot was boiling over and Ken went into damage control. He looked at the toaster's dial and realized he should have checked it, as he observed it to be up to high.
"Mental note to self," he thought "always check things before pulling the lever."
He looked at the mess and decided he needed to start from scratch, so he decided to make the sauce first this time, and then put the egg on, then the toast, so in that order he proceeded, and keep your mind on the mission, he scolded himself out loud as he began the task again.
Half an hour later, with a mess from one end of the kitchen to the other, Ken stopped and smiled at the tray on the bench. It had toast (still a little well done, but it passed quality control), a poached egg on top and Benedict sauce. He looked at the picture in the cookbook and went to the fridge for some parsley to put on top.
He went through the mental check list again; Main course check, cutlery check, napkin check, Orange Juice check. He looked critically at the tray; something was still missing, to make it special for her.
"I know," he muttered and felt himself brighten at the idea that just came to him. He got some scissors out from the top drawer and ran out into Dr.Nambu's prized rose garden, she liked roses so that should make her smile.
He found the light burgundy rose that was starting to open with large velvet petals and a lovely sweet perfume that would bloomed into a beautiful big flower.
It was her favourite flower called Mr. Lincoln (that's what the plaque in front of it said), so he knew she would love it on the tray. He cut a long stem and managed to cut his finger on a thorn in the process.
"Yyyoouuchhh!" he cried in surprise at the sudden stinging sensation in his finger. He put the small wound to his lips to try and stop the bleeding.
He then tried to de-thorn the stem as much as he could. He went back in and places it across the top end of the tray, smiled in satisfaction and then picked it up and carefully headed for the main stairway that lead to the upstairs bedrooms....
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.
This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by Ebonyswanne on 02-03-2008 at 21:55.
02-03-2008 21:48
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