Forum God
I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
We were going to pass this one up. So glad we didn't.
It's a character piece, not a plot piece, but the plot is sufficiently solid.
It's a bit slow to get going, but well worth the wait.
The characters are unique -- start with a stereotype, and then twist it to new meanings just before the audience gets comfortable.
Bit of an "Uh, that wasn't what I signed on to enjoy" in the middle, but I was laughing again in seconds. Actually, once that happened, the laughing wouldn't stop.
Wonderful use of juxtaposition and foreshadowing; things I knew were coming were twisted beyond recognition by the time they finally arrived. And the camerawork? Beautiful. There's one shot, near the end, so perfectly framed and absolutely inappropriate to the movie that it was perfect. (Email me if you've seen it and let me know if you can guess the shot I mean.)
And the music! That was one of the best parts -- one sequence combined renaissance, hippity-hop, and gospel -- good old-fashioned dancing in the pews black Baptist gospel.
Definitely one to see when you're ready for a good time.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
07-05-2004 01:45
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