Couple of years ago, I had my eyes tested and was told that I could get registered blind. I said I think about it and then my mum said I should as it could mean more benefits.
So she wrote and even rang the hospital, where I had my eyes tested and it took under 2 years for them to find my stuff and do something about it.
Well, earlier this week I had a form from them, which I didn't have a clue what to do with as the form was in the envelope and nothing else and I though it said that I was still registered partially sighted.
When my parents came yesterday, I showed them this form with very unreadable writing (and believe you me, this was a lot worse than my awful writing) and I was told that in fact the form said that I was registered blind, not paritally sighted.
Which shows how blind I am.
So, this week I am going to find out if I can get more benefits and stuff and if anybody, especially customers coming up to me and asking me in that rude way, whether I am blind or not, then I will say yes I am, hee hee.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker