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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, after many delays, was released today and I picked up a copy and watched it the second I got home from work. It is still my opinion that Final Fantasy VII is the greatest RPG ever made in terms of its story telling and emotional impact. I have to say after watching Advent Children I was far from being disappointed, but it still couldn't come close to compairing to the original. I somehow feel they could have done so much more with this film. It was a lot of awesome looking battles, but they did little to actually advance the story. It was almost a case of look how flashy and exciting we can make this. It work in some places, but fell flat in others. All the characters are back, but honestly it wouldn't have really mattered if they were there or not. Most of the heros of the game just appear out of nowhere when one of the battles starts and after that they are religated to the sidelines as cheerleaders. Only Tifa and Vincent, to a small degree, have any real place as supporting characters to Cloud. The biggest thing I was disappointed in was that I kept waiting for something emotional to happend which never came. They kept referring to the relationship between Aeris and Cloud with little teases where you think you are going to get some big powerful moment, but it never comes. While in his mind, I guess, their situation it resolved at the end, it just left me feeling unfulfilled. I have been very critical about Advent Children because I felt it had alot to live up to. Usually when that is the case it's always a disappointment. I would recommend seeing it because it is nice to see these characters again and due to the fact that where was really no conclusive ending to the game, it was nice to seewhat happened after the game ended. In that sense I liked it. I personally just think that so much more could have been done with Advent Children.
26-04-2006 05:19
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