I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 24-01-2010
Posts: 828
I think God hates me. I really do.
Looks like tonight just added more to the stress I've been having to deal with for the last several months. I have 168 dollars in my bank account, and I just went to Path Mark to get a soda and it wouldn't take my card. I tried to go to the bank itself and see if I could get the cash out, but when I put my card in the card slot which lets you go in and access the ATM machine late at night when the bank is closed, it wouldn't let me in! I guess all my best days are over literally. Because it's just one bad and stressful thing on top of another. Trolls, my costume not having a helmet, police stopping me while walking down the street for such BULLSHIT reasons, etc., and now this. Christ Almighty, what next? Jesus I'm worried I'll turn into an emo from all this crap. And I feel so bad that most of my last few threads have been in this section of the forum, because I want people to see me as a great guy that's fun to hang out with and fun to talk to, but because I have to keep making posts in this section of the forum, I feel like I'm ruining any chance of that.
22-06-2010 06:19
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