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Registration Date: 31-08-2009
Posts: 3156
For the bearded goon, we should check the voice actors. Although a little thing like differing VAs has never stopped a fanfic before.
Any of the resident lunatics want to write an explanation for G4's amazing visor?
Okay, maybe there was some goofy reason for the ceremony in Gatch, but I wonder what was supposed to be going on in the BotP episode? (In my AU, Galactor has 'refuge villages' set up in various parts of the world, for fugitive members. I was inspired by the wierdness of this episode.)
Let's face it, the BotP version does not make much sense. Spectra just conquered Leucadia, but it's already loaded with booby traps and has a mecha (encased in ice)? WTH? Add in that ceremony, and things get even stranger.
Benefits, not features; benefits, not features
19-04-2010 23:28