CSS is a way you can separate the format from the content. Best examples are at www.csszengarden.com .
Basically, the old way is to tell each and every page that it will have a purple background with green text and the first line will be big and red and links will be chartreuse (except for links to Joe's site which will be fuschia -- you have to over-ride the link colour each and every time you link to Joe's).
Then you do up a 100 page site.
Then your bosses change the colour scheme to shades of blue, and you have to change all 100 pages.
With CSS, each page says, "See the .CSS page for formatting rules." So, when your bosses change it once again, you change that one CSS page. CSS is also more powerful than HTML. More options for positioning and sizing, and more. You can even say, "Links are cyan, except the ones to Joe's site, which are magenta."
www.csszengarden.com explains the philosophy, then has hundreds of examples, all with the same HTML code, but with different CSS pages. Truly amazing.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl