Forum God
I am an Owl.
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
Hi all
Not quite Bris- vagas, but a Bean-town girl
Yes I"m a condor woman, but thoughts of owl occasionaly (he's so underestimated, anyone who can handly the phoenix must have dextorous hands, mmmh, something to think about)
BIG thanks for the condor pictures , I needed a fix!!!
Couple years back BOTP came up on a conversation about Shows from childhood, anyway googled it, came across heap of Fanfic.. and wow!!!
great way to unwind after a busy day at work, found out about the movie , frreaked out many a friend with pure exitment and hand waving, but alas my bubble got officaily burst several days ago....sigh!!!
anyway , yet to see gatchaman and AOV other than on youtube, getting conflicting information about if it can be played on DVD in Australia and if it is in english.
but now I'l have to channel my energy in finding out more information and hanging out on ebay for products
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
12-04-2010 10:55
Forum God
I am an Owl.
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
12-04-2010 10:59