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As everybody might already know, my favorite series is definitely Gatch F, together with all episodes in the whole three series which include Ken/Jun's relationship and Ken's doings! I might be also influenced by the fact that this was the series I've watched over and over again during my childhood. Not that I dislike Gatchaman or Gatch II ... far from it! ... I also appreciate a lot the inclusion of an ingenious variety of mechas! I also am learning a lot about BOTP! I only find that the plot of Gatch F is based on a more serious tone other than funny villains, with a heck of a villain for its own! And the storylines of the episodes are more realistic! Although the end part was heartbreaking, that's my favorite one! I don't know if I could ever be understood! I like humor but I'm more of a drama person ... and in Gatch F there's loads of it, especially concerning Ken/Jun and Ken!

On the other hand, I like to see the story as a whole! Every episode in every series or universe has its own interesting parts and attractions! I try to appreciate all of them!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 22-03-2010 09:56 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
Springie Springie is a Female
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Gatchamarie- I have some Gatch F questions...I was watching episode 46 last night (in Japanese) and I have no idea what Jun and Ken are saying to each other.

It looks like Jun is going to commit suicide in this electric wheel mecha...and Joe pushes her aside with his mecha and takes the Galactor mecha down.

Joe is ok at the end...and the team rushes forward to him. looks like Joe is telling Ken what Jun did...Ken smiles at Jun and then Joe walks off and pushes the rest of the team away with him.

That's the same ep where Jun is hovering over Ken as he is dying.

Also, there's a moment where Ken is working on the Gatchaspartan, and Jun walks in...

Also, in that's cute that Joe winks at Jun.


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No new posts 22-03-2010 10:08 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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I'll try to find some time to watch that episode again, Springie, so as not to give you the wrong explanation! But, yes, that's the episode when Ken was really desperate and ill! Jun left his bedside to see what Kamo had to tell them and Ken overheard everything hiding behind the door. When the team was informed that Ken was not found in bed, they found him working on the Gatchaspartan, adamant to fight the last battle. Jun wanted to go near him and Joe thought that she was going to put Ken off from doing so. In fact, Jun just wanted to help Ken continue with his endeavour, that's why Joe gave her a wink! And Ken smiled that gorgeous thank you smile at her!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 22-03-2010 12:54 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
Madilayn Madilayn is a Female
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Oh yeah - that Eagle smile!!! Opens the big blue eyes, smiles tht smile and we all just dive right in!! Animelol


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

No new posts 22-03-2010 14:22 Madilayn is offline Send an Email to Madilayn Homepage of Madilayn Search for Posts by Madilayn Add Madilayn to your Buddy List
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It also looked to me like the team was refusing to combine and let Ken use his sword!

Thanks for the explanation, Marie! I'm looking forward to finding out what was said at the end...and if Jun was going to take her own life for the team!


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No new posts 22-03-2010 20:08 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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You're right, Maddy!

Springie ... I've just took a glimpse at episode 46 of Gatch F as promised. Basically it's just like I've said earlier, with the exception that Joe gave Jun a wink when they, in fact, found Ken as if he wanted to say "Found him!".

I'll try to give you a short summary:

The episode begins with disasters all over the world where the particles of the first satellite of antimatter hit the Earth. After previously destroying this first satellite in space with the hypershoot, Ken's condition had worsened by far and he had been taken to the ISO Space Center's infirmary. Ken's physician and Kamo met Joe, Ryu and Jinpei outside his room to tell them in what condition he was and that if the Eagle used the hypershoot once more, he would have surely died. In fact, the physician also emphasized on the fact that if Ken were a normal person he would have been dead already. Jinpei could not believe his ears and he seemed not to accept the fact that the health condition of his big bro was so grave! Joe stopped Jinpei from entering Ken's room saying that the Eagle needed to rest. Only Jun was inside with him. She kept talking to an unconscious Ken telling him that he had always won battles and that now he had to win this battle that was going on inside of him. Memories of the Eagle saving and protecting her kept coming to her mind with the famous phrase that Ken used to tell her and the others, "If we'll die, we'll die together!". Her thoughts ended with that image of her and Ken running away in birdstyle, hand in hand. Luvu1 At that same time, she took Ken's hand in hers and rested her head on him, sobbing.

In the meantime, Ken was having a rather troubled dream. He was seeing himself struggling against evil forces and almost succombing to them. He then heard Hakase's voice telling him to keep on fighting. Hakase told him that he couldn't help him in any way and that his health, that is Ken's, was deteriorating quickly. Ken asked him, or better, stated that he was dying. Then RI joined in and continued to encourage his son to fight.

Kamo called Jun on her bracelet and requested her presence with the others'. She hesitated at first, telling Kamo that she wanted to stay with Ken, but the Chief Engineer insisted. Jun obeyed and left the room, but Ken was awakened by what was going on without her having noticed.

Kamo lectured the team that another satellite of antimatter was going to hit the Earth in 30 hours time. This second one was even bigger than the first, surrounded by seven other smaller satellites that were computerized to conduct its trail. Upon viewing it on the monitors, Jun pointed out that this must have been the "Apple and the Seven Dwarfs" that Dr. Nambu had mentioned before he died. Kamo told them that it was an impossible task to destroy the satellite and its surrounding components at the same time. A representative of the UN joined them and showed his opinion that the Earth must bow in front of Galactor's supremacy in order to be saved. The team didn't agree absolutely with this statement, saying that even if the Earth did so, Sosai Z would surely continue with his plan of obliterating it.

Ken was hearing all that was being said behind the door, unnoticed. After some time into the discussion, an operator told Kamo that they were informed that Ken had left his room and that he was nowhere to be found. The team immediately left in search of the Eagle after Kamo told them that Ken was not fit enough to be up and about yet. The UN representative (his name is "Mr. Peace" in the Italian translation!) asked Kamo regarding Ken's condition and the Chief Engineer responded by telling him that the Eagle wants to fight and save the Earth at his own health's detriment.

The rest of the team found Ken working on the Gatchaspartan so as he could be able to use the hypershoot once more. Joe winked at Jun when he was the first to see the Eagle. They all watched Ken as he continued with his repairs with fatigue, letting things fall from his hands when he was in pain. Jun was the first to want to go near Ken. At first, Joe stopped her thinking that she was going to stop Ken from doing what he was in the procedure of doing. But the Swan assured the Condor that she only wanted to help Ken ... and so Joe let her go, thinking aloud that he wasn't going to let Ken use the hypershoot once more.

When Jun reached Ken, no words were uttered. She just showed him that she was there and smiled. Ken smiled back at her, his face beaming. When he was ready with the repairs, Ken informed Kamo that the SNT were going to destroy the seven satellites around the "Apple" with missiles. Kamo told Ken that he wasn't healthy enough to go on such a mission but the Eagle answered that even if he were to stay in bed, his condition would not have gotten better, so it was better if he did something with the time that he had left. Jun acknowledged Ken's statement with a concerned look. The Chief Engineer then told the Eagle that they only had three missiles available and that they did not have enough time to wait for the UN to provide them with the others. The Eagle assured him that the SNT would do good with those only three they had.

After having said this, the team was informed that they were being attacked by a mecha. Egobossler did not know who had ordered this mecha to attack, but then he soon realized that it was Sosai Z's idea without firsting consulting him. As the team headed towards the mecha, they realized that it was formed by two huge, rotating wheels that were connected by a high voltage, electric current, and that the only way to destroy it was to cut and interrupt that current. Ken ordered the team to unite and form the Gatchaspartan so as he could take care of the mecha. But the others disobeyed, knowing that he intended to use the hypershoot. With bewilderment, the Eagle asked them what was going on and Jun responded that she was going to take care of the situation herself. Her vehicle left the formation to head right into the electric current but Joe flew after her and superceded her. He told the Swan that she would not have been able to make it and that he had more chances with his G2. Having said this, the Condor threw his vehicle into the current and was electrocuted. With his act, Joe managed to provoke a disequilibrium between the wheels, and after his G2 was literally spit off the current, the mecha exploded. The others landed their vehicles near the G2, which had crashed to the ground. They jumped out and ran to see what had happened to Joe. The Condor's head was seen coming out of his seat. He was okay! Joe grinned saying that he was a bionicle and that that would not have killed him!

After seeing that Joe was alright, Ken showed his disapprovement with the others for having disobeyed his orders. He told them that he was still their Commander, even in his condition, and that he was not happy to let them risk their lives instead of his. Joe was a little amused by Ken's reaction and without any words he motioned Ryu and Jinpei to follow him and let Ken alone. It was hard for the others to behave like that in front of Ken, knowing what kind of turmoil was eating him from within. This notwithstanding, they joined the Condor and left Ken staring at them as they went, with Jun standing behind him. Jun's eyes were filled with compassion as she stayed, speechless, with her beloved (I had to call him like that!).

The episode ended with the frustration of Egobossler who became aware that he had been manipulated by Sosai Z for all that time and that Sosai Z was surely not going to keep his promise of letting him (Egobossler) rule the Earth. The real intention of Sosai Z was to destroy his planet.

P.S. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes ... I'm in a bit of a hurry!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 22-03-2010 21:06 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
Madilayn Madilayn is a Female
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Wow - that really sounds like an incredible episode! I so wish that Gatch II & F had been translated!


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iagree Thanks for a great recap Marie!

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Springie Springie is a Female
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Clap WOW!! Thanks sooo much, Marie! That was awesome!! You really helped me to understand what was going on in the episode!! *swoon*


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No new posts 22-03-2010 21:22 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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For me it is ... those episodes are! I don't know how much tissues I need at hand every time I watch them!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
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That's a great recap, Marie! Would you like to take over the episode discussions once the original series is finished? Wink


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Originally posted by amethyst
iagree Thanks for a great recap Marie!

If'n you want to browse screenshots from the episode... check here

Have fun!

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Thanks Reboekah! I have your site bookmarked and often refer to it when discussions of II of F come up!

Newbies, this is a great way to see images form II or F if you are like me and haven't seen the actual shows. Though I think Veoh has some episodes and there's a link to the Korean Pandora site on another thread.

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Originally posted by amethyst
Thanks Reboekah! I have your site bookmarked and often refer to it when discussions of II of F come up!

Newbies, this is a great way to see images form II or F if you are like me and haven't seen the actual shows. Though I think Veoh has some episodes and there's a link to the Korean Pandora site on another thread.

I know I've consulted Reboekah's screencaps a lot!

There are Gatch II and Fighter eps on youtube too (no English though).

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 22-03-2010 at 23:39.
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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
That's a great recap, Marie! Would you like to take over the episode discussions once the original series is finished? Wink

Yes, your recap here is great, Gatchamarie -feel free to do more!

No new posts 22-03-2010 23:45 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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Wonderful work, Marie!

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gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
That's a great recap, Marie! Would you like to take over the episode discussions once the original series is finished? Wink

Yes, your recap here is great, Gatchamarie -feel free to do more!

Thanks a lot! Sorry for the late response but I had loads to do and yesterday we had a major electricity power cut throughout the whole island and I couldn't join in with you, apart from being thrown back like hours to do certain work and chores!

TJ and LB, I've already thought about this prospect and I would be very happy to do so! I only have a certain amount of episodes of Gatch F available though, and I do not have any of Gatch II (I only remember Gatch II as far as my memory takes me back and with the help of Reboekah's screencaps!). But if it's okay for all of you to have random episode recaps of Gatch F when the time comes, then, as I said, I would be more than happy to do so! Another thing ... I cannot compare my work with that of yours, TJ and LB! ... especially regarding written English, expressions and terms. Apart from my way to write English, there's also the fact that many expressions that have to be translated from the Italian language to English are difficult to match those to which many of you are used. So, when the time comes, please bear with me! And I may also have to ask permission from Reboekah to use some of her screencaps if possible!

Just one last thing (sorry for my being annoying!) ... as some times I can be quite tied up with my work, having a lot of due dates, I might not be able to provide you with recaps in between exact period of times! Do you think that's okay for you?

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 23-03-2010 16:05 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
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Marie, we would be happy with ANY Gatch F recaps!

What you wrote above was just perfect, and more than most of us would ever normally have available to us when we look at a Gatch F episode on Youtube. Anything you can offer will be gladly accepted!!!! Bowdown


No new posts 23-03-2010 19:37 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
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WOW! That would be fabulous, Marie! I'm very curious about the Swan/ Eagle moments in Gatch F! Smooch


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No new posts 24-03-2010 00:12 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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Oh yeah - especially since Gatch II seemed to be all about Swan/Condor!


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

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