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JohngPR JohngPR is a Male
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Does anyone else have internet "friends" that are complete A-holes to you 90% of the time?

There's a group of us that usually have video games in common so we chat on Xbox Live Party chat while we play games. For whatever reason there's this one guy (let's call him Brian because you know that's his real name LOL). That goes from acting one way on the message boards (a complete A-hole) to being civil and fine when we party chat.

He harasses me all the time because I'll play games he doesn't like and acts like I'm an idiot for liking them. This usually doesn't bother me because I can stick up for myself, but last week he went way too far.

I bought Heavy Rain for PS3 and was playing it and the entire time I'd talk about it he'd tell me how shitty the game is and that I'm dumb for wanting to play it.

The weird part is that he complains how bad it is, but he watched someone else play it on youtube. So apparently I should take his opinion about a game he didn't even play.

Anyway, he went as far as to send me and some of my other friends on Twitter (which he picked randomly) spoilers about the game just to be an asshole. I basically told him off and unfollowed him. It's one thing to send me story spoilers, but it was out of line for him to do that to other friends of mine that happened to have been playing the game as well.

Now it seems like one of the other people from the group is taking his place as Mr. "I can't believe you are playing game A when you haven't even played Game B". It's like he's his disciple.

My thing is, I don't see the big deal! Who cares what games I have or haven't played? I can understand giving me a hard time, but these guys are borderline harassing me about it.. LOL

I'm seriously considering severing all ties altogether, but there are other people on the message board that I actually like.

What does suck is that this group always party chats with the guy I told off, so I guess I'm not included in that Party chat anymore. Frown

Not sure if I had a point anywhere in there, just wanted to rant and blow off some steam. LOL

Don't you hate people like that? Geez, I'm a huge gamer, but sometimes people take things too far.

Hang in there, Gatchaman

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by JohngPR on 09-03-2010 at 16:45.
No new posts 09-03-2010 16:44 JohngPR is offline Send an Email to JohngPR Homepage of JohngPR Search for Posts by JohngPR Add JohngPR to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: JohngPR
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You're lucky if you just have those kind of friends online. Next time, just ignore him when he pops up in your chat window.

As far as people having opinions on games they've never played, it is very similar to books. Next time you hear someone complaining that a book should be banned, ask them if they've ever read the book. Most of them haven't.

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If I were being harassed by someone, then I would ignore them and leave or take them off my friend list (If that is possible on X-Box chat.)

Maybe he will get the message and leave you alone if you ignore him. Do others feel the same way as you? Perhaps you all chirping up and saying you don't like it when .... will let him know all of you are not happy.

Best of luck!

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No new posts 09-03-2010 18:29 clouddancer is offline Send an Email to clouddancer Search for Posts by clouddancer Add clouddancer to your Buddy List
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Unfortunately there are people like your "friend" out there ... and not on the internet only but you can also find them in RL. Many boast to know about everything and have their own obstinate idea of what is good and what is bad even if they do not know exactly what they're talking about! Moreover, anyone who might not share their opinion is treated as crap. It's normal to get frustrated when these kind of people challenge you in your own field, even more when they have just only heard rumors about something or when they don't understand a damn thing in what you're really good in! Maybe that's why this guy behaves like this ... he could just not tolerate the fact that someone could be better than him in playing specific games or that someone could have the opportunity to play a particular game before he has the chance to do it. As the others told you, just try to ignore this guy and whoever can join his clan. The more importance you give him the more he'll enjoy harassing you! Don't try to pay him back with his own kind of attitude ... you'll just lower yourself in doing so and you'll be doing him a favor because he'll do anything to make "you" look bad! Since you're not doing anything wrong, just keep on doing what you like most and just acknowledge those that share your same opinion! I hope things will turn out better for you in this regard, John!

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No new posts 09-03-2010 19:23 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
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Any body who calls you a "friend" and then belittles or puts you down is NOT your friend - whether in RL or on the Internet.

Whipe them from your friends - they are petty individuals who are not worthy of your time.


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JohngPR JohngPR is a Male
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Originally posted by clouddancerDo others feel the same way as you?

I think they are taking the "Well at least he's not doing it to me." attitude. Perhaps some of it is my fault because I don't just stand back and take it from them. :p

Thanks for the replies guys. I'm just going to ignore this other guy and hopes he doesn't turn into Brian Jr. If he ends up keeping it up, I'll just cut ties with him. I'm a fairly laid back guy so it throws me for a loop when grown adults act that way.

Hang in there, Gatchaman

No new posts 09-03-2010 21:07 JohngPR is offline Send an Email to JohngPR Homepage of JohngPR Search for Posts by JohngPR Add JohngPR to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: JohngPR
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If this guy bothers you, he's not worth your time. The internet (and other chat arenas) is supposed to be FUN. If you're not enjoying your time spent with this guy, then it's your right to cut him off. I'm sure he can figure out why, if he thinks about it hard enough.

And yeah, it's normal for others to disagree with your opinions anjd what you like/dislike, but harassing you about it is way out of line.


No new posts 10-03-2010 00:11 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
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You know, John ... Look at it this way: Each to their own, man. Just because this fool doesn't like it, it doesn't mean someone else won't. Don't let his continual ranting give you the shits. Ignore him and walk away. So long as you're enjoying it, then alls good, really.

Like, he sounds like one of those vegetarian nutcases who -- just because they don't want to eat meat -- feel like they have to impose their beliefs upon others to force them to make the same "choice" they have.. And being the abolute carnivore that I am, I encounter many of these kinds of people ... to which I simply respond "Do you notice how we meat eaters eat the herbivores? ... go right ahead and eat all the green shit you want, because once I've eaten all the cows and lambs and such, I'm coming after you with a fork!" HAHA!!

But I digress...

This bloke is obviously obsessing about this game if he is so eager to continually speak about it. Perhaps he realized that he just sucks ass at the game and therefore is saying "It sucks ass" rather than admitting "I suck ass more"....

HAHA, I just noticed Gatchmarie said pretty much the same thing ... much more eloquently than I, of course ... LOL!

So I shall scoot, then ... I have nothing more to add as those above me have said it all ... meaning: I agree with all these lovely gals!

Ignore the nastiness, dear, and go at that game!



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No new posts 10-03-2010 01:48 SJ_SwanJun is offline Send an Email to SJ_SwanJun Search for Posts by SJ_SwanJun Add SJ_SwanJun to your Buddy List
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Sounds like everyone has said it all! I agree, the guy isn't worth your time. It's a shame people feel the need to be so petty- and the internet seems to make them act even worse-
We're here to lend a sympathetic ear when you need us, John!


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No new posts 10-03-2010 02:20 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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I look at it this way--if someone who is not involved with my job/school/family is bothering me, I'm most likely not going to waste my time, energy or breath to deal with them. When people fish for attention by acting like an asshole (and they are doing it for attention, because if you ignore them, they stop), I don't take the bait. I always ask myself, "In the scheme of my life, how much will this matter next week, next month, next year, in ten years?" The minute you realize it's only meant to antagonize and ruin your pleasure at that moment, that's when I shut them down. I do what I want, and I don't need anyone's approval to do it. I don't go out of my way to comment on their daily life, so they should stay the hell out of mine. And if they can't, then I'll gladly help them by cutting them off from the drug. I'm not going to help someone make my life miserable. I've better things to do with my time.


No new posts 10-03-2010 02:34 Berg Katse is offline Send an Email to Berg Katse Homepage of Berg Katse Search for Posts by Berg Katse Add Berg Katse to your Buddy List MSN Screenname: Katse (
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Katse ... you have to admit, though, sometimes it is fun to take the bait and screw with their minds a little ..

:grin: Or is that just me?

But of course, you are right... My Mum used to say it best when I was getting picked on at school:

"Just know this. Shit Splatters. When it starts to fly, just walk away ... because those are stains that don't come out easily"

Does it fit in this instance?



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

No new posts 10-03-2010 02:52 SJ_SwanJun is offline Send an Email to SJ_SwanJun Search for Posts by SJ_SwanJun Add SJ_SwanJun to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Katse ... you have to admit, though, sometimes it is fun to take the bait and screw with their minds a little ..

:grin: Or is that just me?


Nope, not just you! Laugh1

John, there are people out there that have to belittle others to make themselves feel good. It's unfortunate that you've run into at least one doing something you enjoy.

Rant away! If we can in anyway help you continue the hobby that brings fun to your life, we will. We might not understand why it brings joy to you, but we don't need to. That's the definition of 'friend' - respecting your tastes even if we don't share them.

It sounds like you know a few people that need to learn that.

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Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
HAHA, I just noticed Gatchmarie said pretty much the same thing ... much more eloquently than I, of course ... LOL!

It's okay, SJ! It's a good thing that someone else added some more color to what I meant! My fingers were itching to type straight forward words but I so try to be careful as to what I'm writing in case I misuse ANY word in any way! If only I were speaking my own language, hee hee!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 10-03-2010 16:35 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
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Thanks for all the kind words and great advice.

I think Katse pretty much hit the nail on the head an his words are the philosophy I've taken with people like that.

It really is as if they want to take away my enjoyment of the game, so I won't give them the pleasure. I've already cut off the first guy I mentioned and the second person is starting to get compared to the first guy by some on those message boards. LOL

Honestly, this is one of the most supportive communities I've ever seen. You guys are awesome! Smile

Hang in there, Gatchaman

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by JohngPR on 11-03-2010 at 04:05.
No new posts 11-03-2010 03:56 JohngPR is offline Send an Email to JohngPR Homepage of JohngPR Search for Posts by JohngPR Add JohngPR to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: JohngPR
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I think I've met a few people like that. The kind of people who really annoy me though are backstabbers. The people who when you first meet them, they're nice to you and you get along great, and you're all buddy buddy and don't have to worry about anything going wrong between you. But then one day for whatever reason, they just decide to turn on you and start making you look bad or something else along those lines.


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