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Becky Rock Becky Rock is a Female


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We're getting pounded here in the Washington, DC area. Woke up to 9 inches and we're now expecting 15-24 inches. My son is thrilled - this is his first big snow. The local news just declared a blizzard warning because the winds are picking up and will be gusting above 35 mph.

My husband isn't impressed. He's from Indianapolis, IN and says this was normal conditions for that area. He has pictures of a snow drift that reached his second story bedroom window. He and his sisters opened the window at one point and took a few sled rides down the drift until getting caught when my mother-in-law investigated why the house was getting so cold.

Hope everyone in the mid-Atlantic region stays warm and safe and it looks like we'll have a White Christmas since the snow will be staying around for a while.

Hopefully, I can get some writing done since I'm home bound.

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No new posts 19-12-2009 14:56 Becky Rock is offline Send an Email to Becky Rock Search for Posts by Becky Rock Add Becky Rock to your Buddy List
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Congratulations on all your snow Becky and enjoy it. Like your husband I remember snow falls with snow so deep we could ski over farm fences and across the fields. I wish we still had weather like that.

Enjoy your snow while it lasts.

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No new posts 19-12-2009 15:14 clouddancer is offline Send an Email to clouddancer Search for Posts by clouddancer Add clouddancer to your Buddy List
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Lucky you, Becky!

I'm going into my third winter living in Indianapolis. Today, we're just getting a dusting of snow, but I do remember one day last year where 18 inches came down in one night -that's the biggest snowfall I've seen yet here.

I like snow, so I'd be thrilled to see drifts as high as the windows!

As a kid in Nova Scotia, I remember the snowplows that cleared the roads would fill the ditches with snow and create giant banks of snow along the sides of the road. We used to make amazing snowforts every winter, tunneling into these snowbanks.

No new posts 19-12-2009 16:23 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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We're probably going to get about an inch here in Eastern Virginia. It's flooding in some places, already though...we've started with wind and rain, changing over to snow tonight. I wish we'd get hammered in with snow just once this winter!

Enjoy the snow, Becky! And stay safe and warm!


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No new posts 19-12-2009 16:41 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
Becky Rock Becky Rock is a Female


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I grew up in West Virginia and we had snow all the time, but in small amounts. I had a college friend from central WV who had a picture of a school bus on a road with snow piled on both sides literally taller than the bus and he said that happened every few years.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, so I hate damp, cold weather. We went out and tried to shovel. I hated dping it, but we figured with 3 of us doing it, it would be easier and faster. Wrong. The snow is light, but there's a layer of ice on the bottom. There are drifts already over 2 feet high. We were only able to get the sidewalk and about a third of the driveway. Within 2 hours, those areas are already covered and piling up again.

Its beautiful to watch and I'm waiting for my son to ask to go sledding. I wish we had a jacuzzi.

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No new posts 19-12-2009 17:48 Becky Rock is offline Send an Email to Becky Rock Search for Posts by Becky Rock Add Becky Rock to your Buddy List
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<sigh> Snow. For Christmas. I love freshly fallen snow, it's so pure and makes everything look magical and sparkly. Turns adults into kids again without any embarrassment or inhibitions. And the air smells so clean after a good snowfall...

Excuse me while I just turn the air-con up. It's a little warm here today. Darn the southern summer...

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I am sure Ebony would agree with you on that Green.

Here where I live, I would love to see some of that snow. If it comes, I just want it to fall AFTER I have finished my holiday travels. Wink

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No new posts 20-12-2009 02:52 clouddancer is offline Send an Email to clouddancer Search for Posts by clouddancer Add clouddancer to your Buddy List
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Better you than me Becky. I've got trick knees and ankles and neither like icy snow very much. But I hope your son enjoys. I know my kids enjoy going up to the mountains to play while I sit in the car and watch or read.

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Gee, am I the only one hoping that this Winter will be snow-free??? I HATE snow... hate it hate it hate it...


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You're all so lucky ... those who can have a white Christmas!! With all its drawbacks, snow makes everything look so magical and fun! It never snowed at Malta and I only saw and touched it only a few times when I went abroad! When it's really cold here, small balls of ice tend to fall heavily with the rain ... I don't know the exact meteorogical term for it in English but it's so different from that fluffy snow ... and hard! Although our winter temperatures are higher than those from other countries, here we have a lot of humidity, thus the cold cuts in straight to the bones and it feels so damp! Those who suffer from arthritis won't like it for sure ... I know because I have it in my back! Today we have a lot of wind! It's been strong for this last fortnight and doesn't want to know about calming a bit down! I hate it so much as it literally tosses all our pots and outside decorations all over the place and I worry about how I should protect my kids from it when we go out! All in all, I wish that someday I can take part in a snowball fight like those I watch in movies!!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 20-12-2009 05:50 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


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I've always loved winter. I'm more inclined to be that person, in the summer, who's whining that it's too hot. In fact, I like it best when it's really, really cold, so that the sky is blue and the sun is bright, the snow glitters, there's no slush to soak your boots, and the air just feels so clean and crisp -I find it makes me feel more awake and energetic.

Granted, winters where I live these days, it never really gets that cold, and tends to be more grey and slushy...

No new posts 20-12-2009 20:18 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
Becky Rock Becky Rock is a Female


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Depending on which drift we measured, we ended up with somewhere between 15 and 36 inches. It was beautiful last night, with the street lights shining off it with little sparkles.

But then came morning and the realization we had to finish digging out. Took the 3 of us 2 hours after starting yesterday while it was still snowing. Some of the piles we created are over 5 feet tall.

My son was supposed to have school Monday and Tuesday, but the county wisely closed and started the school Christmas break early. Alex was thrilled.

He tried to go sled riding but the snow is so fine, he and his plastic disk sled sank down into it so far he couldn't move. I think sledding is best on 4-6 inches.

As long as I can be in a nice, warm house with enough food, I don't care. The Federal government decided to be closed tomorrow in the WDC area to allow more clean-up time, so I get another day off. We're leaving Tuesday for Florida, where its scheduled to be in the 70s. Then I'll be thrilled.

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No new posts 20-12-2009 23:20 Becky Rock is offline Send an Email to Becky Rock Search for Posts by Becky Rock Add Becky Rock to your Buddy List
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I agree the snow was too soft to sled Frown. We got about 20 in. in the Fredericksburg area.

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UnpublishedWriter UnpublishedWriter is a Female


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Gatchamarie, I believe that you have described 'sleet'.

Oh, joy. Sleet. (At least it isn't hail: that destroys things.)

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clouddancer clouddancer is a Female


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Originally posted by lborgia88
I've always loved winter. I'm more inclined to be that person, in the summer, who's whining that it's too hot. In fact, I like it best when it's really, really cold, so that the sky is blue and the sun is bright, the snow glitters, there's no slush to soak your boots, and the air just feels so clean and crisp -I find it makes me feel more awake and energetic.

Granted, winters where I live these days, it never really gets that cold, and tends to be more grey and slushy...

I am right there with you LB.

Winter is my favourite and easiest time of the year clothing wise. All you have to do is layer and you are fine. In summer you can only take off so much before you are in trouble. Happy

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No new posts 21-12-2009 13:13 clouddancer is offline Send an Email to clouddancer Search for Posts by clouddancer Add clouddancer to your Buddy List
lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


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Originally posted by clouddancer

I am right there with you LB.

Alright! We can celebrate the Winter Solstice today.

snowing Wave1

No new posts 21-12-2009 14:33 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
Gatchamarie, I believe that you have described 'sleet'.

Oh, joy. Sleet. (At least it isn't hail: that destroys things.)

You're right, UW! Here it's called "siltch", as pronounciated in the Maltese language, which is rightly written as "silg" with a dot on the letter "g" making it sound like "tch" in English! It is literally translated as "ice" but I knew that there was another term by which it should be called and, I think, you nailed the very word! Thanks, UW!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 21-12-2009 19:50 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
Ebonyswanne Ebonyswanne is a Female


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We have had the oppositehere in NSW Australia! Late night it was a hail and heavy rain thunder storm with bolt lightning. The works!

The last two weeks we've had days when heat of the day has topped 40C or around 108F. Thats early for days that hot and as general rule if we get extremes early I bet you have early snow storms too!!!

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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Ebonyswanne on 21-12-2009 at 21:04.
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clouddancer clouddancer is a Female


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Yes Tonight is the longest night of the year. From here on, the days are going to be staying lighter for longer.

Up here in the Northern part of the world we really notice these short days and "early" nights. I am sure Ebony does in her part of the world as well. Although for her it is the opposite. Long days and short nights.

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Yep, we have snow here!

Im going sledging.

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