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lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


I am a Condor.

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Gatchman Episode 56: “The Bird Missile of Bitterness” Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

[Thank you, Saturn, for the screencaps!]

Gatchman Episode 56: “The Bird Missile of Bitterness”

BOTP Episode: N/A


The episode begins with Jun zooming along a road alone through the countryside on her motorcycle, just as a storm is looming and the skies are dark. There’s no indication of where she’s going, but I could believe that she might like to do this sort of thing purely as a way to de-stress and enjoy herself.


This is one of those rare occasions where a member of the Team is shown wearing something other than their birdstyle or their civvies, though I think that if her birdstyle could convert to a one-piece suit (like what the guys wear), it might look something like this (minus a cape, of course).


Unfortunately this road appears to be popular with motorcyclists and Jun’s solitary zooming is interrupted by a horde of Blackbirds, all laughing jeeringly, who spot her and begin pursuing her on their own motorcycles. Soon, she is surrounded.


One Blackbird seems to be trying to shove her, with his own motorcycle, into the path of an oncoming car. Is this considered a form of flirtation within Galactor circles?


However, she’s the Swan so she simply leaps her motorcycle right over an oncoming car (to the consternation of its driver) and one of the Blackbirds, leaves the road and goes tearing off through a field.


“She went that way!” snarls a Blackbird, “Turn around!”

“Is she trying to make fools of us?” demands another.

They all leave the road too and pursue Jun across the hilly field. She leaps her motorcycle right across a gorge, but they all do it too and continue to chase her.


Perhaps she wasn’t expecting them to still be following her at this point, because the direction she’s taken is now coming to dead end at the bottom of a high cliff and she has nowhere to go.


She’s forced to stop now, turning her bike to face her pursuers, with the cliff at her back, and for the first time, she’s looking a bit nervous about the situation. One of the Blackbirds pulls up right beside her.

“Hey there babe, nice biker moves. Why don’t you come take a ride with us?”

Oh right, what girl can resist an obnoxious thug?

I think I might understand now why all the women in Galactor are Devil Stars and whatnot instead of goons or Blackbirds–to avoid the men. And no wonder they all fall for Joe… Wink1


Jun smacks him hard in the face, sending him and his motorcycle toppling over. The Blackbird immediately leaps to his feet and with an angry cry of “You wench!” he swings his fist at her. However, she quickly leaps in the air, such that his fist connects only with empty space, whips off her helmet and bashes him in the head with it on her way down. That sends the Blackbird sprawling, but now the others get off their motorcycles and close in on her, all in agreement that “she needs to be taught a lesson.”


Just at that moment, another motorcycle appears on the scene -except it’s up above, at the top of the cliff- and it draws everyone’s attention. Its rider is wearing a Blackbird-like helmet, but no Blackbird uniform, and his motorcycle is white instead of dark blue. Lightning flashes, obligingly adding a further touch of drama to his arrival

“Oh no,” complains a Blackbird, “It’s the Captain.”

And the Captain then skillfully takes his motorcycle down the steep cliff. Reaching the bottom, he demands “What are you boneheads doing? You know we don’t have time for you to goof off like this!”

He continues to berate them for their inattentiveness to duty –“We’ve got important things to take care of!”- but he also remembers that the plot requires Jun to be able to see his face, so he lifts the visor on his helmet.


Jun stares at him intensely…

He tells the Blackbirds to “Move it!” and they all get back on their motorcycles and go speeding back towards the road, and the Captain turns to Jun, telling her “Nothing good will come from hanging with guys like them.”

I think she knows that!

But Jun doesn’t care –she’s figured out who he is. “Koji, is that you?” she asks. Now, he realizes that he knows who she is too, saying “Jun? I didn’t recognize you!”

“It is you!” she says excitedly, “Koji Yabane!” and moves towards him.

He thinks that she’s looking well, and he ought to be able to tell –it’s not like her outfit is concealing much!


She notes that she hasn’t seen him in a long time and asks what he’s doing these days.

Well, a bunch of nasty guys who have Galactor logos on their chests are taking orders from him –what do you think he’s doing, Jun?

Koji frowns at this question. He tells her that he’s no longer a Grand Prix racer; now he’s just a stunt racer working for the Prime Minister. It’s starting to rain and he clearly doesn’t want to linger. Jun says “Koji!” and puts her hand over his, but he answers “It’s been a long time, and I’m not the same guy you used to know.”


He adds, “Take care of yourself,” and then he abruptly speeds off on his motorcycle. But Jun quickly gets back on her motorcycle and follows him.

Koji is now leading the pack of Blackbirds through the rain and lightning, but he’s recalling memories of Jun.



She’s wearing her #3 civvies (and bracelet) in his memory, so I take that to mean she was already living at Dr. Nambu’s when Koji knew her, though I don’t think it necessarily means that the Science Ninja Team was active yet. He closes his eyes briefly, thinking “I can’t believe I ran into Jun at a time like this.”

Meanwhile, Jun is still following him, and recalling memories of him.



She’s also wondering why Koji wants to avoid her now, and what “important things did he want his gang to take care of?” It must be assumed, then, she didn’t notice the red Galactor symbols his gang was sporting on their uniforms. Or, she’s in denial regarding their likely significance.

Now we see some place that resembles an airport. “Carved into a mountainside on this country’s outskirts,” explains the narrator “Lies an air base for the National Defense Force. It looks like a landing strip for their primary fighter squadron, but in fact it hides an underground armory for air-to-air missiles.”

Koji and his gang are speeding towards the chain link fence that surrounds it, and soldiers carrying rifles are rushing out to confront them. However, Koji and his gang all leap the fence easily on their motorcycles, knocking the guards down as they land on the other side. Then, they all head into the air base.


More soldiers open fire on them, but they succeed about as well as goons do when they try to shoot the Science Ninjas, so Koji and his gang, still on their motorcycles, are able to get into the underground missile armory. They go tearing down a corridor and a large drill attachment now protrudes from the front of Koji’s motorcycle. They approach a heavily guarded door, but the soldiers here have clearly abandoned all hope of success and don’t even bother to fire on the intruders. So, using the drill, Koji quickly breaks through the door and his gang follows. Koji pushes a button on a wall panel, and a large door slides open to reveal a tough-looking (and probably high ranking) military type, flanked by two machine gun toting soldiers.


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But, it turns out that this guy is in league with Koji and his gang. He says “Good work. Everything is ready on our end, Captain.” Now, the previous soldiers on guard were presenting resistance (albeit ineffectually) to Koji and his gang, so this guy and his two companions appear to be acting as traitors within their country’s military.

Koji doesn’t reply, but he and his Blackbirds now all open compartments in their motorcycles and bring forth devices that resemble bombs with timers.


“Hurry up,” says the military traitor guy, gesturing towards a door behind him, “The nuclear missiles are in there.”

And indeed they are –big ones at that.


Koji and his cohorts now begin placing their devices inside the missiles as military traitor guy watches. “The timers that Koji’s gang are installing,” explains the narrator, “Are rigged to explode from the smallest shock and detonate the base’s missiles to cause a nuclear blast.”

“I’ll finally become this country’s President,” says military traitor guy, laughing. Since he apparently isn’t aware that villains are supposed to explain their evil schemes aloud, in detail, I can only assume that he thinks that blowing up the National Defense Force’s air base in a nuclear disaster will destabilize his country’s current government and enable him, in the ensuing chaos, to get elected President (or, more likely, to head a ruling military junta).

Or could this guy be the country’s Prime Minister? Koji told Jun he was working for the Prime Minister, but such offices aren’t normally occupied by guys in military uniforms.

Koji is taking an unusually long time installing his device in one of the missiles.


And, he is clearly ill at ease.


In fact, he’s thinking about Jun again. He’s finished installing his device, but he’s hesitating to press the red button that will activate it.



Still hesitating, finger at the button, he’s imagining the coming nuclear disaster and Jun herself being destroyed by radiation.



“What’s wrong with you?” demands military traitor guy, “Set the timer!” But Koji pulls his hand away. Even more impatiently now, military traitor guy adds “Come on, why don’t you just press the damned button!” as the Blackbirds just stand around him and stare at Koji.

But Koji cries “Damn it!” and pulls the device out of the missile. Before anyone can stop him, he shoves his way past military traitor guy (knocking him down) and the Blackbirds, and runs off.

Outside the air base’s buildings and back on his motorcycle, Koji instead hurls his device at one of the parked fighter jets on the airfield. Upon impact, it blows up the fighter jet, but that is certainly less damaging than blowing up an arsenal of nuclear missiles.

He could be hoping that this lesser explosion will still enable military traitor guy’s political ambitions, without resorting to nuclear devastation, but I suspect it’s rather a gesture of defiance against the whole scheme.

Meanwhile, Jun has arrived near the air base. Her motorcycle spins out on the muddy grass but she leaps clear of it agilely and lands on her feet in time to see the smoke from the fighter jet’s explosion rising into the air.


“That’s an air force base,” she says to herself, “What on earth is going on?” Well, the fact that Koji suddenly comes speeding away from the base where the explosion has just occurred, on his motorcycle, is a strong hint as to what’s going on. Jun ducks behind a big rock, so Koji doesn’t see her as he goes tearing past, but she recognizes him.

Now we cut to a screen, somewhere else, that’s showing a news broadcast about the explosion at the air base. It shows two fighter jets burning, so it seems that Koji did more damage than it initially seemed. “According to reports,” says the newscaster, “Authorities suspect a large criminal organization is behind this disaster. Local officials have declared that an all-out manhunt will commence at any moment now.”

Now we see that it’s Dr. Nambu and the Team who are watching this broadcast. On screen, a man who appears to be a civilian official of some kind is giving a statement to the press.


This official explains that it’s believed the explosion at the air base was part of a conspiracy aimed at detonating the nuclear missiles there and that all other military bases have been contacted and are on high alert. Now Dr. Nambu’s heard enough and he turns the screen off.

Dr. Nambu is “at a loss,” and is nervous that a nuclear war could be triggered if any wrong steps are made.

“Do you suppose it could have something to do with those strange bikers who attacked Jun?” asks Ken, as Jun stares anxiously at Dr. Nambu.

So, she’s told the others about what happened to her, but has she told them everything?

Dr. Nambu’s uncertain there’s a connection, citing insufficient information to draw any conclusions. So, Ken now looks to Jun and asks her to relate, in detail, everything that happened. Jun doesn’t appear too enthusiastic about this.


“But I’ve already told you everything,” she insists.

“Something I heard recently didn’t sit well with me, Doc,” says Joe, “That rider Koji Yabane has made a comeback as a stunt bike racer.”

Jun reacts nervously to this.

“Isn’t that the childhood friend that Jun was just telling us about?” asks Dr. Nambu.

Joe affirms this, saying that Koji was a “far out biker” who disappeared three years ago.

Hmm, three years ago… If Jun is 16 at the beginning of the series, she’d have to be 17 by episode 56, which means that until this day she hadn’t seen Koji since she was 14 (or younger). If Koji already had a reputation as a “far out” biker three years ago, though, he’s likely at least a few years older than Jun.

Now Jinpei is convinced he’s got it all figured out. “Koji’s the one after the nuclear missiles, I’m sure of it!” “Think!” he tells Ryu, “Galactor must be controlling him and that’s why he’s doing it. It’s got to be it.”

Jun doesn’t want to hear one word of this (no doubt because it’s what she suspects herself but can’t bear to believe).

“Jinpei!” she scolds, “Quit making up stuff about my friend!”

Jinpei insists he’s just trying to help, but now Jun really loses her temper and yells “Shut up!” while brandishing a fist. Jinpei leaps behind Ryu for protection.


Dr. Nambu intervenes, telling them both to stop, but then he orders Jun to investigate Koji. Jun doesn’t want to believe that Koji might be with Galactor but Dr. Nambu insists they can’t rule out the possibility.

“I can’t do it, I won’t,” says Jun, turning away.

Ken puts a kindly hand on her shoulder and asks her what’s the matter.


Joe, less kindly, flanks her other side and demands “Have you forgotten that you’re Science Ninja Team?”

Jun hunches her shoulders and covers her face with her hands.

“Listen to me,” says Ken, even more kindly, “We just need to prove that Koji isn’t part of Galactor; that’s all.”


“I know this is my job,” says Jun quietly, not quite sobbing, “But I hate it. I hate having to be suspicious of everyone I see!”


Joe and Dr. Nambu both close their eyes resignedly, while Ken continues to look at her.

“And to be suspicious of Koji!” she cries, looking at them again, fist clenched, “I just can’t do it!”

With that, she storms out of the room, ignoring Jinpei’s plea of “Wait, Sis!”

“There she goes again, with another fit of hysteria,” sighs Ryu. Aargh, men love to pin that word on women. Nevertheless, while I feel her pain, she’s clearly not at her best here.

Now that Jun is gone, Ken’s eyes narrow with suspicion and he says “I think she may be hiding something about Koji.” I think it’s quite clear that she didn’t tell them everything she witnessed, or they’d all be totally on board with Jinpei’s theory. Dr. Nambu is looking equally suspicious and he instructs Ken to keep an eye on her as he thinks she will probably try to contact Koji, and that Jinpei could be right about him being under Galactor’s control.

Speaking of Galactor, now we cut to an on-screen Berg Katse. “We have resorted to any means necessary in our conquest of Earth,” he says, “And we have given political power to this country’s rebel army in return for its support.” Military traitor guy (possibly Prime Minister?) is standing there, holding a whip, but it seems that Katse’s words are aimed at the guy who’s being held with manacles on his wrists.


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“This will be our springboard towards world domination,” gloats Katse, as we see that the man in the manacles is Koji. I guess he didn’t get too far before Galactor tracked him down.

“We paid you handsomely for your support when you were just a beggar!” growls military traitor guy, propping up Koji’s drooped head with his whip’s handle, “We had so much faith in you we made you Captain of the Blackbirds Squad, and you betrayed us!”


Koji doesn’t answer so he begins whipping him, so hard that it starts shredding his shirt.

“That’s enough, Commander,” intervenes the on-screen Katse. “Commander” looks annoyed that his fun is being stopped but he complies. Koji just sags limply in his manacles, but he opens his eyes at Katse’s next words and looks up.

“I’ll give you one last chance. The President will be attending tomorrow’s motorcycle race. Your orders are to assassinate him! If you fail to do so, then Galactor will execute you! Understand?”

Koji hangs his head again.

Now we cut to Jun, sitting glumly at the Snack J counter all by herself, and staring up at a photo on the wall of herself on her motorcycle.


The photo changes to an actual memory of Jun’s, of her riding her motorcycle as music plays that evokes happier, more carefree times of the past


In this memory, she’s accompanied by Koji, also on a motorcycle.


“Come on, Jun!” he calls out, briefly going airborne as he crests a hill in the road. She laughs and calls “Wait up!” as he laughs too. However, her motorcycle skids off the road and pitches and she falls onto the grass and lies still. He cries out “Jun!” and goes rushing over to her.


“Are you all right?” he asks anxiously, lifting her shoulders. But it turns out she was just faking, and she opens one eye coyly while laughing.


He’s both amused and exasperated.


As she laughs again, gets up and runs off playfully, he chases after her.


Jun’s memory ends with her and Koji lounging by their motorcycles, watching the sun sparkle on the sea.


There are certainly romantic overtones here, but as she must have only been about 14, I’m going to assume this is largely innocent “puppy love” on her part and not the stuff of some torrid affair. The motorcycle she’s riding in this memory looks the same as her G-machine in its civilian mode. In fact, it could very well be her G-machine in its civilian mode. She’s already in her #3 civvies (and bracelet), and even if the Team wasn’t active yet when she was 14, it’s very likely their G-machines had already been developed. It’s likely she was already a motorcyclist (possibly already with a G-machine) when she met Koji, and that this shared pastime was the initial basis of their friendship. I suppose, as he was older and reputed then to be a “far out” biker, she might even have learned some of her motorcycling skills from him.

But, Jun’s memory of a happier and more carefree time in her past fades, leaving her still sitting at the Snack J counter, sadly trailing a finger through a puddle of water on the counter’s surface.

Lost in her nostalgic thoughts, she doesn’t seem to notice when Ken, Joe, Jinpei and Ryu all come walking in.


Jinpei is all ready to cheer her up by playing some music and getting some dancing going but Ryu, more wisely, is aware that now is not the time for that. Yes, it seems that an “intervention” of sorts might be in the works.


Ken gets to begin. He sits down beside Jun, tells her that he and the others are going to go watch the race tomorrow and asks her if she’d like to tag along.


Jun replies that Koji will be competing in that race, “Won’t he?”

“Uh, yeah,” says Ken a bit uncomfortably, as we see Joe over by the door, arms folded and eyes closed.

“I knew it; you’re keeping an eye on me and Koji, huh?” she replies sadly, with perhaps a touch of sullenness, “Did the Doctor order you to?”

“Yeah,” is all Ken says but now it looks like it’s Joe’s turn. He’s moving towards Jun.

“Stop acting like a spoiled brat!” he declares.

Oh, and he also smacks Jun across the face. So hard that her water glass also goes flying along the counter and smashes.


“Joe!” cries Ken. It seems that this wasn’t part of the plan!


Ryu and Jinpei look somewhat appalled too.


“Look, Jun,” says Joe sternly, “Whether or not this Koji guy is your friend, we have to watch out or innocent people could die! The Science Ninja Team has to investigate him because he’s the only clue we’ve got right now –you follow me?”


Jun’s still leaning forward, her face on the counter, but now she lifts her head, touching her face where Joe hit her and looking distressed.

“We believe in Koji as a person too,” adds Ken now (yes, he’s definitely taking the ‘good cop’ role in all of this), “If anything, we just want to help him.”


This seems to have an effect on Jun. “I understand, Ken,” she says, but she also stands up with a grimmer and more focused look on her face.


So, even knowing that the Science Ninjas are all trained, hardened fighters, used to violence, I never enjoy watching them hit each other (unless it’s done totally in fun), especially when Jun’s the recipient. Joe’s anger here can be interpreted as jealousy of Koji, either for himself (though there’s scant canon evidence that he feels that way about Jun) or on Ken’s behalf. I get more of an “over-protective older brother” vibe here, myself. I have an older brother and I can well believe he might have smacked me if he’d ever thought I was covering for some guy he deemed to be bad news. Mostly, I think Joe is representing here, albeit harshly, a valid point of view; namely that their duty as Science Ninjas supersedes their personal lives and feelings, especially when the lives of many innocent people are at stake. It’s a hard pill to swallow; Ken himself grappled painfully with the same dilemma back in the jigokillers episodes. Heck, even Joe himself initially punched out Ken for ultimately being willing to set the field of jigokillers (possibly containing Jun) on fire, before he came around and gave Ken his support. Still, Jun was clearly very upset when Joe and the others walked into the Snack J, and it would have been nice to see a little more regard from Joe for her feelings, even if they’re feelings that she needs to put aside in the name of duty! But then, Ken was there to fill that role –I guess he and Joe really do complement each other well.

Commercial break!

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Now it’s the following day and we’re at the racetrack. Koji and other motorcyclists are out on the track, getting ready for the race.


Koji is also looking up into the stands, where President Zabal –Koji’s designated target- and some other VIP types are watching the race.


Jun and Ken are undercover as civilians, while Joe, Jinpei and Ryu are in birdstyle.



(I think that Jinpei and Ryu ought to be trying to be more inconspicuous, rather than standing in full sight of tons of people!)

We get a close up view of Koji’s face, and then Jun’s face, and then the race begins. The announcer informs us that the competitors will reach dangerous speeds of up to 200 km/hour, and President Zabal is shown viewing the race with the aid of little binoculars.

Not surprisingly, Koji takes the lead in the race and then we see Berg Katse (observing the race from some unknown location) saying “This is your last chance, Koji. Now assassinate the President!” But there are some beads of sweat on Koji’s face and he is, once again, having memories of Jun that trouble his conscience. Abruptly, he slows down and drops from his leading position, causing the announcer to wonder if he’s experiencing mechanical problems. Koji is clearly conflicted about what he’s going to do next, and again we see Berg Katse yelling for him to assassinate the President.

Gritting his teeth and looking determined, Koji suddenly jumps his motorcycle over the fence surrounding the track and heads straight up a flight of stairs in the stands, much to the alarm of the audience members there.


Once again, the large drill bit protrudes from the front of his motorcycle and he heads straight towards President Zabal.


He also pulls out a sharpshooter’s rifle that has a scope for precision targeting and he takes aim. Considering recent events in his country, President Zabal hasn’t taken much in the way of security precautions! Nearly everyone around him just scatters and leaves him behind, and the one man who stays at his side doesn’t seem to be trying to get him out of Koji’s path or trying to get him to hunker down to avoid bullets.

However, Joe takes aim at Koji.


In a surprising show of compassion, Joe doesn’t shoot Koji –rather he shoots the scope on Koji’s rifle, shattering it. Koji jumps his motorcycle straight over the President (who finally has the good sense to get down) while firing at him several times. Now, either Koji’s aim is no good without a scope on his rifle, or he’s not really trying very hard to hit the President, as all his shots miss him (though it’s not clear if he realizes that or not). Leaving the President behind, Koji just keeps going and takes his motorcycle down a set of zigzagging stairs on the outside of the stadium. As soon as he reaches the ground, his squadron of Blackbirds are there waiting for him, on their motorcycles, and they all go speeding off together.


Looking down from the stadium, Joe, Jinpei and Ryu see Koji and his gang getting away. Joe cries “Come on!” and all three of them leap down to the ground far below. It just so happens that Joe’s car and Jinpei’s buggy are conveniently parked right there. I guess the Blackbirds waiting for Koji somehow failed to recognize the Swallow’s and Condor’s G-machines, or you think they’d have tried to vandalize them. Maybe they had only just arrived there when Koji came down the stairs and they didn’t have the time…

At any rate, Joe and Jinpei head off in pursuit of Koji and the Blackbirds (Joe on the ground and Jinpei slightly in the air) but it’s not clear where Ryu goes.

Soon, Koji notices that he’s being pursued.


He gives a signal to his Squad, and all the Blackbirds start firing small missiles out the backs of their motorcycles, aimed at Joe and Jinpei. Joe and Jinpei manage to dodge them, and then begin shooting down the missiles before they can be hit by them.

Seeing that the missiles haven’t done the trick, Koji flips another switch on his motorcycle that causes thick purple smoke to pour out from the back his motorcycle. Soon all the Blackbirds’ motorcycles are likewise emitting this smoke. Joe and Jinpei can’t see a thing in all the smoke. Joe narrowly avoids crashing into a wall of rock alongside the road, as he and Jinpei are both forced to come to a halt. When the smoke clears away, Koji and his Blackbird squadron are nowhere to be seen.

A moment later, the God Phoenix and Ken’s G-1 jet appear overhead and hover.


Ken contacts Joe and Jinpei down below..


They both verify that they’re fine but Joe growls “We lost that bastard!” and Jinpei complains “What are we going to do?”

Ken speculates that Koji is now heading for a secret Galactor base,somewhere, but then Ryu points out that Jun is also nowhere to be seen.


Ken wonders where she could have gone.


It so happens that she alone has managed to stay on Koji’s trail, and she’s followed him all the way to an isolated mansion. She’s concealed behind a tree when Koji and all the Blackbirds pull up in front of the mansion. As if her worst fears have finally been confirmed, she bows her head sadly and thinks “Koji…”


But now the Blackbirds are surrounding Koji on the steps of the mansion and Jun hears one of them say “You failed, Captain, so we’ll have to execute you!” as they lead him inside.

She immediately contacts Ken.


She tells him that Koji is going to be executed, that she’s at the Prime Minister’s mansion and that Galactor must be using it as their secret base. Now we can see that Ken and the others are all on the God Phoenix (and that, for some reason, Joe is in the chair more typically occupied by Ken).


Ken tells her to stay put and not do anything until the rest of them are there too.

Ken, do you really think that’s going to happen?

Naturally, Jun leaves her motorcycle parked behind a tree and sneaks into the mansion.

Soon, she’s on a staircase leading below the mansion, overhearing an on-screen Katse say “How dare you shamelessly face me after another failure?”


“As I’ve promised, your execution awaits,” continues Katse, “But you have one last mission.”


“The Science Ninja Team,” continues Katse, “Has realized our political involvement. Therefore I command you to dispose of every last one of them!”

At this, Koji looks up in alarm. Katse explains that he wants Koji to ram the God Phoenix head on with the mecha he’s been provided with. Katse notes that this will, of course, result in Koji’s death too, but at least Koji will have finished his mission and die like a man.

“Go, save your reputation,” concludes Katse, “Because your life is mine!”

“So he really is being controlled by Galactor,” thinks Jun, but at that moment she hears a gun being cocked behind her.

It’s the Commander (Prime Minister?), and he recognizes her as a Science Ninja.


“Ha ha ha, got you now, Science Ninja Team!” gloats Katse, from the screen. “Who’s that lady?” asks a Blackbird as Koji whips around to see for himself.


“Jun?” he thinks, “No way, that can’t be Jun!”

“Koji,” thinks Jun, “I wanted to see the truth with my own eyes and now there’s no doubt.


Jun might seem to be behaving rather passively, holding her arms in the air, but she’s got her yoyo in one hand. She lets it drop down on its string and the Commander with the gun at her back is temporarily distracted by it, so Jun spins around quickly and clobbers him before dashing back up the stairs.


Reaching the top of the stairs, she easily takes down two soldiers by kicking and hitting them and leaves the mansion.

Meanwhile, Katse orders Koji and the Blackbirds to prepare to attack, as the God Phoenix will soon be there. The Blackbirds and Koji all go running up the stairs now, while outside, Jun is back on her motorcycle and she gets picked up by the God Phoenix.


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“Jun, is everything alright?” Ken asks her as soon as she appears on the bridge.


She doesn’t say anything, but just takes a seat, even as Jinpei tells her that he was worried about her.


Ken announces it’s time to attack the mansion as Joe adds “I sure am ready to shoot those guys some birds.”

Koji and the Blackbirds are in front of the mansion on their motorcycles. Koji sees the God Phoenix approaching and he thinks grimly to himself “I was blinded by money and I lost my way. If being killed by the Science Ninja Team is my only way out, so be it.”

With a last thought of “Please forgive me, Jun,” he lowers his helmet’s visor.

Now Koji and the Blackbirds all link up their motorcycles (with Koji’s in the front) to form a serpent-like mecha that takes to the air to face off against the God Phoenix.


The mecha fires two missiles at the God Phoenix, to no apparent avail, and Ryu mutters “The God Phoenix can’t be destroyed by a little missile, you dimwits.”

“Let’s counterstrike with some bird missiles,” growls Joe, who is very conveniently sitting right beside the shiny red button in this episode. “Wait!” cries Jun, rushing up to him.


“Hey, get off of me!” yells Joe, shoving her back, “You still don’t get it do you? You’re going to get us all killed!”


“That’s not it,” replies Jun, looking very intense, “I want to do it, with my own hand.” And she reaches for the red button. “I want to fire the bird missile myself!”


I think Joe is actually really impressed. She’s just scored big points in his book.


Everyone else looks kind of stunned by this.



“Okay, then,” says Joe, “Just don’t screw up.”

Jun nods, looking very serious, and retracts the glass over the button.

However, the mecha’s ends now link up, making it a circle, and before Ryu has time to evade it, it encircles one of the God Phoenix’s wings, to everyone’s alarm.


The mecha shifts its position more to the body of the God Phoenix as Ken realizes angrily that they can’t shoot any bird missiles at it. Saw blades now protrude from the mecha and it begins cutting into the God Phoenix.


Ken’s not at all happy about this development, but Ryu says he can’t budge the control lever. Ken tells him keep the God Phoenix aimed at the ground, like they are, until they reach maximum velocity, and then pull up hard. Ryu agrees to give it a try.

“That’ll be your only chance to blast them with a bird missile, Jun,” says Joe.


For an instant, an image of Koji flashes in Jun’s memory. Will she be able to do it?


The God Phoenix is still plummeting, nose-down, for the ground as Ryu anxiously counts down their decreasing altitude. On the mecha, Koji is clearly prepared to die, taking down the God Phoenix with him and he thinks “Jun, good bye…”

Now, I don’t think the Blackbirds signed on for a suicide mission –they were supposed to ram the God Phoenix (with Koji and his motorcycle being in the fore)- but I guess no one cares about them. Not Koji or Katse, at any rate. I’m trying to figure out if Koji accepts that Jun is the Science Ninja Team’s G-3 (he seemed to recognize her inside the mansion) or if he’s refusing to believe that’s the case. I don’t think he would be trying to destroy the God Phoenix if he thought that Jun was on it, however much it might redeem his reputation, so I’ll guess that he’s decided that female Ninja wasn’t really Jun.

“Two hundred!” cries Ryu, as they’re all about to crash right into the mansion.


Ken gives Ryu the word to try to pull up hard, and Ryu succeeds before they smash completely into the mansion (but it’s damned close).


But this also causes the mecha to break off from the God Phoenix and fall away, and now Joe tells Jun, “Come on, this is your big chance!”


Inside the mecha, Koji is clutching his helmet and thinking “Juuuuuun!!” as images of her from the past run through his memory. Either the mecha is too damaged to be controlled, or Koji isn’t trying to fly it anymore now; it’s just falling.

Jun is also trembling, thinking “Koji” and recalling her own happy memories of him.


But she pushes the button.


The bird missile pierces right through the mecha just as it’s crashing into the mansion, and they all explode together.

The Commander, standing in front of Katse’s screen, explodes too.


In fact, the entire mansion and its contents goes up in a giant, flaming fireball. On board the God Phoenix, Jun is overcome by what she’s done (and Joe and Ryu seem to be pretending they don’t notice this –maybe they’re hoping Ken will do something).


Ken goes up to her and lifts her hand off the button.


“I’m proud of you, Jun,” he says quietly, taking her hand in his. Awww!


But Jun’s not entirely comforted. “I just killed Koji!” she cries, banging her hands on the console. Yes, it is the “Bird Missile of Bitterness.”


Later, they all gather at the still-burning remains of the mansion.


Jun finds Koji’s (rather charred looking) helmet and sorrowfully picks it up.


One last time, in her memory, she sees him driving away as he calls out her name…

“Koji,” she thinks, staring up at the sky.


But her Teammates are close by.


“Each Team member has been touched by the evil hand of Galactor,” says the narrator, “But the Science Ninja Team will continue to fight to protect mankind from Galactor’s merciless brutality.”

The End.

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You did a terrific job on this episode, LB, and Saturn, you sure picked some great screenshots!

LB, you pretty much captured the way I feel about this episode. Jun is a little too goopy over Koji (possibly they did have a serious connection in the past, which would explain it) and I think she unconsciously blocked obvious evidence from her mind during that first motorcycle encounter. She had to have recognized the Blackbirds (and hey, they have Galactor devil-logos on their chests) and they clearly called Koji their Captain and he gave them orders and told them about their duty. If Jun didn't figure it out, she's dumb. She's not dumb, so that leads me to think that her mind was stretching to figure out any other possible explanation.

In the end, when she does figure it out, she feels intensely betrayed, which is why she's angry enough to want to shoot the Bird Missile herself. Someone she cared for and trusted has dealt her the ultimate betrayal by cooperating with Galactor, and she's angry enough to deal with it the 'Condor way'.

As for Joe hitting Jun...I think he went overboard, but I'd like to think that he was trying to 'smack some sense into her', recognizing that she had too much of an attachment to Koji, and that Joe realized that she was withholding information because of it. That probably would deserve some kind of reprimand/action. Whether that would be a smack... well, I'm not too hbappy with that form of discipline either.

I know Springie loves this episode, so perhaps she can shed more light on this with her views.


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Oh yes...I do love this many ways to interpret so many things! Thanks so much for your hard work on this LB and Saturn! Bowdown 2

Where do I begin? Let's see...

What I like about this ep:

1. Ken seems to be very attentive towards Jun here. Even though I don't love her whiny attitude over Koji, it is the only time we see her like I'm guessing that Ken is concerned because she isn't herself. (I'd love to think he was jealous of her relationship with Koji...but sadly, there's no real evidence of that)

2. We get to see a rare peek at Jun's past. It's enough so that we can speculate that she had a relationship of some kind before the team. I've always wondered if Koji was some sort of mentor to her- maybe teaching her how to ride. And maybe a relationship grew from that...who knows. They do give the slightest inkling that Koji was a little more than just a "friend".

3. Whiny or not, Jun sticks to her convictions. One thing is for sure, she's a loyal friend...almost to a fault. She refuses to believe that Koji could work for Galactor- she's definitely in denial.

4. I believe that Jun decided to shoot the bird missile at the end because she did not want Joe to do it. Yes, she was probably angry and disappointed in Koji, but I think that she knew he *had* to be sacrificed. If you think about it, she would have no one to blame for Koji's death but herself. She wouldn't harbor any negative feelings toward Joe for killing her friend.


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Oops! Forgot to add what I didn't like...

1. The slap! Joe could have gotten his point across in "umpteen" different ways that didn't include violence. I think with a little more talking (or other brand of persuasion ;-)), Ken could have gotten through to her...

2. Ken's reaction to the slap...WTH??? He just gasped and called out Joe's name. He should have reprimanded Joe for being too heavy handed. Joe lost his patience and did what comes natural to the Condor, I guess.

3. I would have liked to have seen Jun talk to Koji once more- maybe she could have saved him from Galactor...there were so many possibilities in this episode!

I know there are more things I could say, but my mind is mushy after working on a grad class project!

One thing I can say, though, is that this ep is special to me because it gave me my first inspiration to write fanfic..."After Koji" Wink1


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Wow, Springie you have really thought on this eps. and have some very interesting insights.

Thank you for sharing them.

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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
In the end, when she does figure it out, she feels intensely betrayed, which is why she's angry enough to want to shoot the Bird Missile herself. Someone she cared for and trusted has dealt her the ultimate betrayal by cooperating with Galactor, and she's angry enough to deal with it the 'Condor way'.

Originally posted by Springie
4. I believe that Jun decided to shoot the bird missile at the end because she did not want Joe to do it. Yes, she was probably angry and disappointed in Koji, but I think that she knew he *had* to be sacrificed. If you think about it, she would have no one to blame for Koji's death but herself. She wouldn't harbor any negative feelings toward Joe for killing her friend.

Me, I was thinking that she wanted to demonstrate that she could, in fact, put her duty as a Science Ninja ahead of her personal feelings, to sort of compensate for the way she acted earlier in the episode and possibly to make a point to Joe in particular, but you two have really good theories. It's interesting how this episode, more than many, can be interpreted in varying ways and has some controversial aspects too -signs of a good story!

The episodes that provide some back story for the characters are often my favourites. In many ways, we know so very little about their lives prior to the first episode, it's a treat to be able to fill in some of the gaps and get clues as to what makes them tick.

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Originally posted by Springie
Oops! Forgot to add what I didn't like...

1. The slap! Joe could have gotten his point across in "umpteen" different ways that didn't include violence. I think with a little more talking (or other brand of persuasion ;-)), Ken could have gotten through to her...

2. Ken's reaction to the slap...WTH??? He just gasped and called out Joe's name. He should have reprimanded Joe for being too heavy handed. Joe lost his patience and did what comes natural to the Condor, I guess.

Since I had so much to say on the topic of the slap at the end of Jigokillers...

Personally, I don't like this episode because of the slap. To me, and yes I am biased, it was out of character for Joe - to a point. It's one thing to be kill-happy when it's the enemy, it's completely another when it's a team mate. Yes, yes, I know he's had a few goes at the Eagle, but generallly in that situation they react as equals in tense circumstances. This was a cold-blooded act in the face of someone's inner turmoil and pain. I guess it could be construed as Joe's way of saying 'suck it up', but I think he would be more likely to slam out of the Snack in a temper than taking physical measures against the Swan.

As for Ken's reaction? Excuse me, but I'm fairly certain he has no grounds to be high and mighty on. Jigokillers is ep 39 and 40. This is 56. If anything, Joe was just acting the way he had been shown. If Ken wasn't up to being the leader, then it would fall to his 2ic to step up and behave the way they would expect from their commander.

I would like to point out quite strongly that I do not condone in any way this slap, nor if Joe was a 'real' person would I defend him. I can almost justify the original one from Ken as I think it was pretty much the same as a mother watching a child run into traffic. But this one? Nope.

As I said, I don't like this episode because of this. It's one saving grace for me is the distinct lack of a doe-eyed Jun mooning at Joe after he's back-handed her.

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Thanks for this great recap, LB and Saturn! I so enjoyed reading through the episode and viewing the awesome pics. As I joined this thread late all that I could say has already been tackled ... what a rich episode, full of events and behaviours that are difficult not to be pointed out! One thing is for sure, all the slaps that occur during the series carry a lot of tension and discussion with them ... though I hate it when people react in that way I surely like the interesting aspect they create when hearing all the pros and cons about them!

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The dubbed narration calls Koji her 'childhood friend' (I'll go back and check the subtitles when I get home). I always wondered how the team could NOT know about him if they had lived together from childhood. (Now that I know 'lived together from childhood' is more assumption and fanon than canon, that changes things.)

That remembered moment when she 'fell' off her bike and teased him by pretending to be hurt seemed more like the 16-17 year old Jun we know (mischievous yet innocent) than a 13-14 year old. I rather got the impression that her 'punishment' when he caught her after the chase was at least a good snogging.

I did have problems with Joe slapping her. We can fill in the sort of tension the team was under. The world had nearly ended a few weeks before, Ken just recently stopped pissing and moaning about losing his father, and Galactor is At It Again. It would be more surprising if Joe did NOT have some sort of outburst.

Koji could have been lying about working for the Prime Minister.

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Originally posted by green
Personally, I don't like this episode because of the slap.

I agree, I didn't like this episode much either when I first watched it. I think teammate-on-teammate violence is really uncalled for.

But I must say that I really enjoyed this summary. It made me think about the other parts of the episode that were more worthwhile - like focusing on a Jun backstory, Ken being somewhat sensitive to her emotions (shock!), and ultimately her having to come to terms with issues such as friendship, loyalty and duty.

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This episode implies that Utoland City is in the country Galactor wants to take over. President Zabal and an unnamed prime minister, and Zabal apparently runs the country (since that military officer wanted to be President).

Darn, it would be good to have a map and names.

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Originally posted by nuni

It made me think about the other parts of the episode that were more worthwhile - like focusing on a Jun backstory, Ken being somewhat sensitive to her emotions (shock!), and ultimately her having to come to terms with issues such as friendship, loyalty and duty.

It occurred to me that one reason Ken might be more understanding was that he was in a somewhat similar situation in episode 52, with his friend Sabu. He initially snapped at Jinpei for questioning whether Sabu could be trusted, but in the end, Sabu betrayed him to Galactor for money (in large part, because Ken was so trusting). However, I think that Koji meant a little more to Jun than Sabu had to Ken, and Sabu survived episode 52!

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Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter

Darn, it would be good to have a map and names.

I agree! I often tend to think of Utoland as being more like a "city-state" akin to Singapore or Monaco, though I'm not really sure why...

Maybe because in episode 85 (the one with Dave the Hippie), Utoland appears to have its own border crossings. But clearly Utoland is very near the country headed by President Zabal (as Jun was riding her motorcycle around in it) and might very well be part of that country. That makes me wonder, then, how much autonomy the ISO in Utoland has vis a vis President Zabal -Dr. Nambu sure seems to do whatever he wants, and never consults anyone except Director Anderson.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 10-12-2009 at 14:25.
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But the ISO is the INTERNATIONAL Science Organization. I think of the ISO as being akin to the UN: acting somewhat autonomously because it has representatives of many different countries (the board with whom Anderson often has meetings).

As for Utoland, I like the idea of it being a City-State. After all, 'Uto' might be short for 'Utopia'. Also, it might be part of a larger country, but the city of Utoland might be close to the border, allowing Jun to motorcycle ride into the neighboring country.


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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
As for Utoland, I like the idea of it being a City-State. After all, 'Uto' might be short for 'Utopia'. Also, it might be part of a larger country, but the city of Utoland might be close to the border, allowing Jun to motorcycle ride into the neighboring country.

In my mind's eye, I've always seen Utoland as an island with the Cresent Coral Base floating about conveniently nearby. But if it has borders with other countries, maybe it's more like a pennisula of land.

Also, I've always imagined it to be in a warm place. Afterall, coral only grows in tropical climates and the base would seem really out of place in cold waters. (Actually, I'm not sure if coral only grows in tropical climates. Anybody know?)

Of course, I was 7 years old when I assumed all of these things. Maybe I was imagining that all this was taking place in Japan.

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From watching Gatch, I deduce that Utoland City is beside the ocean. In the 'whale' episode, Ken is returning from his job when he sees the attack on the bridges and other shore facilities. There's a 'Dream Island' where trash is used to generate power. Then there's 'That's G4!', which shows a border crossing, and a suspension bridge (also at a border). There's no mention of what country it might be in. I sometimes wonder if there's a country called Utoland, and this is the capital.

It seems that it is near Hontwarl (largely because it doesn't take long for Ken and Sabu to get there).

Since Dr. Nambu has a summer home there, I also deduce that it is somewhere in northern Europe (nice and cool in summer), but not Scandinavia. There are mountains, to judge by the terrain around the house, and some of what happens in other episodes.

So, either Utoland City is in the country with President Zabal, or it's close enough that Jun can ride over the (unfortified and unpatrolled) border. Ooh, I smell border incident!

As for the Crescent Coral Base: the island is a cover. But it does look like coral, and I think coral grows mostly in warmer waters. (Which is why Sea Lion Island is probably not at all plausible or possible. Let's all see what Wikipedia says.)

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