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Registration Date: 31-08-2009
Posts: 3156
Spectra would have to be isolated for this to work. No word could get out that they weren't nice people. Anderson would need some sort of evidence that the Spectrans were lying. Otherwise, there could be the risk of G-Force itself causing the war by doing something that would enrage the Spectrans.
Oh, there's an idea, too.
In 'Fastest Gun in the Galaxy', the old gunfighter notes that Spectra had 30,000 years to learn that violence doesn't really pay. Allowing the first 29,000 years to be completely planetbound, with the last 1000 for the development of a spacefaring civilization, that could work.
Of course, while the Federation (or Alliance, or whatever you want to call it) dithers, Zoltar's thinking like this:
Benefits, not features; benefits, not features
02-11-2009 16:28
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