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Stupid Tech! AKA, anybody have an Ipod Touch?
'kay, so, I recently treated myself to one, but find I'm having trouble geting it to either get or play TV shows and videos.
I download and convert them in Itunes, but when I sync up nothing shows on my Ipod. Music, I finally managed to stop it from wanting to sync everything over, but vids are still a problem.
Anybody able to help, perchance?
Oh, that box. You'll dream about that box: it'll never leave you. Big and little at the same time; brand-new and ancient - and the bluest blue, ever.
01-09-2009 19:16
I am an Eagle.
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RE: Stupid Tech! AKA, anybody have an Ipod Touch?
quote: | Originally posted by Askura
'kay, so, I recently treated myself to one, but find I'm having trouble geting it to either get or play TV shows and videos.
I download and convert them in Itunes, but when I sync up nothing shows on my Ipod. Music, I finally managed to stop it from wanting to sync everything over, but vids are still a problem.
Anybody able to help, perchance? |
I love my iPod Touch. I do know what you mean about music. It took a while but I figured it out how to stop the thing syncing everything.
Never did with videos, audiobooks, music, games and apps, yes. It might be eaqsier to buy the stuff from the Apple Store.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
03-09-2009 10:40
Forum Legend
I am a Condor.
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Registration Date: 29-07-2004
Posts: 851
Well, I came up with a solution. Messy, somewhat, but...
First, I let it take whatever it wanted into Itunes to it's little hearts content. Then I deleted everything there.
After that, with a blank playlist, I copied over into the *whomevers'* ipod playlist the stuff I wanted there. Then let it resync.
I finally figured out that any vids, pictures or music or podcasts I wanted in there had to be manually synced using the ipod tab on the left hand menu, just above the dowload/itunes store ones.
Oh, that box. You'll dream about that box: it'll never leave you. Big and little at the same time; brand-new and ancient - and the bluest blue, ever.
03-09-2009 10:58
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