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lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


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Gatchaman Episode 42: “The Great Breakout Trick Operation” Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

[Thank you, Saturn, for the screencaps!]

Gatchaman Episode 42: “The Great Breakout Trick Operation”

BOTP Episode: “Prisoners in Space”


This episode opens with a shot of several men, all wearing identical drab, institutional clothes, and all wearing handcuffs. They’re sitting in a row, in the back compartment of a large van, with two uniformed guards watching them.


The van itself is moving along a road that’s bordered on one side by the sea.

Suddenly Ryu is standing in the road, with his arm extended to flag down the van and he’s calling out “Hey you, in the truck! Stop!”

The van is being driven by another uniformed man, and there’s a similarly dressed man sitting in the front compartment with him. Seeing Ryu, they look at each other and go “Huh?” but the driver does stop the van, and Ryu comes up to the open driver’s side window.


“I’m really sorry about stopping you,” says Ryu, “But I’m wondering if you guys could possibly tell me how to get back to town. I kind of got lost and you guys are the first people to pass by.”

Neither man answers, but then, Ryu isn’t exactly giving them any opportunity –he just keeps talking…

“So it’s pretty out here and I started wandering around and I can’t figure out how to get back. Do you think maybe I could catch a ride back? I’d really appreciate it. I’ve just got a horrible sense of direction, you know what I’m saying?”

(Um, Ryu, you’re the pilot of the God Phoenix –I’d like to think you have a decent sense of direction!)

Finally, the man who’s not driving (and therefore must be more high-ranking) says to the driver, “That’s fine. Go ahead and let him on.” So the driver tells Ryu “Hurry, get in back, okay?” while gesturing to the back compartment. Ryu thanks them happily and promptly heads to the very back of the van, and he opens the door to the back compartment. Seeing what’s inside (a row of mean-looking, handcuffed men), he gasps in surprise “But this is a prison truck!” and looks like he’s seriously reconsidering his request for a lift, but one of the guards inside grabs him and pulls him in with a “Hurry up!” and the van speeds off down the road.


Now we see the van continuing to travel along a very rugged sea coast, and then along a causeway. In the front compartment, the man who isn’t driving looks at his watch (and remember the watch –it’s important later) and tells the other man to drive faster, as the tide is nearly in. Indeed, we can see waves breaking over the causeway now, and water is being sprayed by the tires of the van as it drives along the increasingly wetter causeway. But finally it reaches an entrance in a wall of grey bricks, and drives through a short tunnel with a sturdy security gate that opens to allow the van inside.

The “camera” pulls back now to show us a large, grim high security edifice with churning sea on all sides.


“This building,” the narrator tells us, “Surrounded by the pounding waves of the Pacific, is Jinjin Prison. It’s the final destination for many of the world’s most terrifying criminals. No one has ever left Jinjin alive. Even if prisoners were to escape, they wouldn’t be able to swim across the ocean.” We are now shown views of Jinjin’s dark and forbidding interior, as the narrator continues that “The prisoners here don’t waste time with dreams or hopes, instead they patiently await their date of execution.” On that cheerful note, we’re shown an image of an electric chair.


“What are you doing? Let me go!” yells Ryu, now struggling with two guards.

He pushes one down, and sends the other one flying with a blow from his arm. Now we can see that he’s inside Jinjin and the prisoners who were in the van with him are all standing nearby, still with their handcuffs on. More guards now rush at Ryu, but he’s fighting them off quite effectively.


I guess he figures they’re not going to buy any “I’m just a hitchhiker!” explanations, because he doesn’t seem to be trying to tell them how he ended up in the van.

The man from the front compartment of the van (the one who was wearing a watch) now turns to three other guards standing behind him (the driver plus the two guards who were in the back compartment, I think) and says “Okay, let’s do it!”

Now, all the “prisoners” from the back compartment of the van easily open and remove all their handcuffs themselves, tossing them on the ground.


Two guards who are struggling with Ryu see this and go “huh?” but before they can do anything, a voice growls “Hold it right there.” It’s the guard from the van (the one who wears the watch) and he’s pointing a gun at the guards who were trying to restrain Ryu, along with some other guards –all of whom looked shocked.


“You’d better just play it real cool, boy scouts,” he says.

The guards that he’s got the gun trained on are angry and confused, and one says he’s never seen this “guard” or the other “guards” from the van before. Now, the watch-wearing “guard” tells them his name is Blacky, and that if they want to stay alive, they’d better stay still.

“Oh great, what did I get myself into now?” mutters Ryu, as he observes all this.

Next, we see all the “guards” and “prisoners” from the van running through the prison and locating and opening fire with machine guns on all the legitimate prison guards.


The actual prisoners are clamouring at their cell bars to know what’s going on. One guard, trying to make an urgent phone call to the outside to report what’s going on is gunned down before he can complete it, and a bullet severs the telephone’s cord.

“Alright, everyone out, to the courtyard!” says one of the “guards” as he unlocks the door of a room that’s holding lots of prisoners. All over the prison, the prisoners are being released from cells and holding areas and told to “gather in the courtyard.” The prisoners are all doing just that, running eagerly and quickly through the prison’s corridors.


Now we cut to Ken. He’s sitting in room that looks like it’s probably some part of the Crescent Coral Base. He’s not wearing his bracelet, but it’s close by on a table. Ken’s also reading what appears to be a manual of some kind. I’m wondering why he’s hanging around the Base, reading, when he could be flying his plane or at the Snack J, but I’m not going to find out.


Dr. Nambu contacts Ken on his bracelet, and when Ken picks up his bracelet and responds, Dr. Nambu appears on a screen on the wall.


He informs Ken that there’s been an uprising at Jinjin prison and that “two hundred inmates have escaped from their cells and managed to completely take control of every block.” Ken is surprised to hear this, as he’s always heard that escape from Jinjin is impossible. Dr. Nambu agrees that “It’s all happening too easily,” and he’s sure that “the evil hand of Galactor is pulling the strings.” Ken wonders why Galactor would do this, but Dr. Nambu says he thinks that Galactor might be “trying to recruit new soldiers at the prison.”

“They’re recruiting new soldiers at the prison?” says Ken. Yes, Ken, that’s what he just told you.

Now we cut back to Jinjin itself. Blacky the watch-wearing “guard” is addressing all the prisoners who are now assembled in the open-air courtyard of the prison.


“Galactor is always looking for vicious criminals such as yourselves,” he declares. So, Dr. Nambu’s theory is correct. “We will take you to freedom,” he continues, “if you give your allegiance to us.” One prisoner, with a shaved head and a beard speaks up and demands “Why should we trust you? Nobody’s ever escaped from Jinjin prison. How are you going to get us out of here?”

“Just trust me,” replies Blacky, “And Galactor will break you out of here.”

Now we see that Ryu is also standing in the crowd of assembled prisoners, listening to all this. “Wow, if I play along, I may have a chance to find Galactor’s headquarters,” he thinks to himself.

“You know, maybe he’s right,” says the prisoner with the shaved head and the beard, “We have nothing left to live for in this joint. We’ll gladly join your ranks!”

“Right everyone?” he shouts, and all the prisoners answer “Yeah!” in agreement, and raise their arms in the air and yell enthusiastically.


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“We vow, as soldiers of Galactor,” declares the shaved-head-and-bearded prisoner, “To do all that is evil, without consideration of our own lives, in loyalty to Galactor from this day on. And I’ll lead them, Ally Capone!”

Yup, he’s named “Al Capone.” How original. But, if he really has no consideration for his own life, then he’s a good fit for Galactor -Berg Katse sure as hell has no consideration for the lives of its members either!

Blacky then tells all the prisoners that they will all be leaving Jinjin prison that very night. They rejoice loudly and dance in circles, laughing and shaking hands with one another. “Al Capone” is now over by a brick wall, shadow boxing. “I’ve been itching to use the punch that I’ve practiced in boxing,” he says and with that, he punches the wall so hard that it leaves an imprint of his fist in the bricks’ surface. “You’re amazing, Mr. Capone,” says one prisoner, and another adds “Anyone who takes that punch is a goner!”

Meanwhile, Blacky is talking to Ryu. He’s impressed at how Ryu was fighting off the real prison guards earlier, and he thinks Ryu will do well in Galactor.


Ryu can’t quite believe that he’s just been recruited by Galactor, but Blacky thumps him on the shoulder and wishes him the best of luck. “Man, I wish I had my bracelet,” thinks Ryu, looking worried.

We go now to Dr. Nambu, who is telling Ken that the Team must get the prisoners back into their cells, restore order at Jinjin, and locate Galactor’s base. He prays for their success, and Ken assures him they’ll do the best they can.

Next, Ken is showing diagrams of Jinjin to Joe, Jun and Jinpei. The first diagram shows Jinjin, completely surrounded by water with no causeway in sight. But Ken explains that twice a day (morning and night) the tide is low enough that a path can be used to access the prison.


Joe thinks this is good security, and what he’d expect for a prison filled with death row inmates.

“So the only way for the prisoners to get in or out is this way, right?” says Jun, holding up a diagram that shows the causeway visible at low tide.


Yes, Jun, that’s what he just told you. (Any Gatchaman drinking game should include “If a character, upon being told something, immediately repeats it in the form of a question –drink!)

But, Ken now adds that he’s done some investigating and discovered one other possible way. He puts another diagram down on the table.


“On the back side of the prison, there’s a small island that also appears when the tide recedes. All the prisoners would have to do is make it to that island. Then Galactor could just show up and pick them up there.”

“I see, so there’s a hidden way for them to get out,” says Joe (but he doesn’t phrase it as a question) and Jun then says she thinks the next low tide will “be about 6 PM tonight,” (Yes, 6 PM, when everyone in Japan in 1973 was watching Gatchaman).

Ken says that the tide will only be low for about two hours, so that’s all the time they will have to get the prisoners back to their cells. “There’s an empty space in front of the prison,” says Ken, pointing to one of the diagrams, “Maybe we can utilize it somehow.” He also reminds everyone that they have to find Galactor’s base during that two hours too.

Ken then asks Jun if she’s prepared Katse’s voice orders, and she holds up a device that looks like a cassette tape player. “I’ve analyzed them thoroughly,” she says “And they’re as close to the real thing as possible. The ISO can sure do amazing things!”


Now Ken tells them that he has something to show them. What he wants to show them is merely the God Phoenix, but it’s been disguised and now it’s the Evil God Phoenix!


Joe immediately figures out what the plan must be, although he doesn’t seem impressed with the God Phoenix’s make-over. “I get it. We’re going to act like Galactor freaks and pick up the prisoners ourselves,” he says. Jun wonders if they’ll really be able to fool them, but Joe has no worries. “The guys in Galactor don’t ever communicate with one another. I think the plan will go pretty smoothly.”

It’s asking for trouble, saying that, Joe!

But now I’m wondering what’s wrong with Jinpei. He hasn’t said a single word yet this episode.

“He’s right! Listen to him!” barks a harsh and sinister voice. Jun, Joe and Jinpei are all startled and they turn around quickly to see…

An evil Galactor captain!


The “camera” moves from the feet to the head of this evil Galactor captain, (and he’s got a nice body!) Then he removes his helmet, and it’s Ken. He laughs, pleased with his disguise.

I laugh every time I see this picture. Laugh2


“Whoa, Big Bro, you can totally fool Galactor with that get-up!” says Jinpei (speaking at last!)

Jun playfully raises one shoulder slightly and turns her head bit to the side, smiling, as she says “Wow, Ken, it looks better on you than birdstyle.”

(Actually, I agree with her a bit. The legs and body of Ken’s disguise are almost entirely a deep red colour, which I myself think looks better than the blue and white of his birdstyle. The collar of purple spiky things has got to go, though!)

This needs a gif.


“Okay, Jun, whatever you say,” says Ken, smiling. Maybe he’s thinking “Memo to self: keep this disguise after the mission is over.”

But now Ken’s asking how long Ryu’s supposed to be on vacation, and Jun says that he’s supposed to be back this evening. Ken tells her to contact him and tell him to come back immediately, but Joe then points out that they can’t. “He said he wanted to make sure he had a relaxing vacation, so he left his bracelet behind,” he says, holding up Ryu’s bracelet.


“What a selfish idiot!” thinks Ken. Just two episodes ago, you were the one taking off your bracelet and leaving it behind, Ken! Granted, you only went to the Snack J. Still, it is a careless thing for Ryu to have done (but required by the episode’s plot).

Now, a flock of sea gulls is flying over Jinjin prison. Ryu is watching them, accompanied by one of the Jinjin prisoners. Two tame sea gulls are sitting on this prisoner’s shoulders, eating food out of his hand.


The prisoner, talking to the birds, tells them that’s enough and that they have to go now, and the two gulls fly away.

“Mary, Stella –no fighting, girls!” he calls out to them as they join the flock of gulls hovering around over the prison.

Thank you, Saturn, for pointing out to me that this guy is clearly modeled after the “Birdman” of Alcatraz!

Ryu is impressed at how well he’s trained them, and the prisoner says they’ve been his only company for a long time. Ryu asks how they got their names, and he pulls a photograph of his wife and daughter from his shirt pocket and shows it to Ryu.


Ryu tells him his daughter is cute and his wife is beautiful. His daughter is named Mary, and he’s sure she’ll be a beauty like her mother, Stella. Smiling wistfully, the prisoner tells how his daughter always wore red flowers in her hair. “I can’t wait to see her,” he adds, “I’ve got to get out of here.”

Calling him “Jim,” Ryu then asks if he’s going to join up with Galactor, like all the other prisoners.

“What, are you kidding?” Jim replies with his back to Ryu, “I’m done doing bad stuff. I regret everything I’ve done…” Now he turns, frowning, and says “You should try to straighten up too, my friend!”

I’m chuckling to think that the prisoners, as hard as it is to believe, must be assuming that our kind-hearted Owl is a vicious criminal, to have ended up at Jinjin! It’s a role that Joe could probably pull off more convincingly. Ryu stammers a bit but says “Okay, I’ll try, Jim.”

Meanwhile, Evil Ken has dropped off Joe, Jun and Jinpei (in birdstyle) in what I think is supposed to be the aforementioned empty space in front of the prison. “We’ve got to follow our plan, exactly the way we discussed it,” he says, putting his Evil helmet on, “Let’s get going.” With that, he walks back inside the Evil God Phoenix, ordering them to “Begin the operation!” in his Evil voice, and they respond with a “Roger!”

Now, the engines of the Evil God Phoenix fire up, and it rises up vertically in the air but then pitches, causing Evil Ken, on the bridge, to collide with his console and go “Oof!” before he corrects its ascent.


Watching from the ground, Joe says “He’s even clumsier than I thought he was!” As ever, Jun defends him (though she’s looking nervously at the God Phoenix in the air). “It’s his first time, Joe. Give him a break!”

(I hope she means it’s his first time flying the God Phoenix solo during a mission, and not his first time ever flying it!)

Jinpei has no comment.

“Damn it, where the hell is old Big Mac?” adds Joe, “We could really use him right about now.”

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 29-08-2010 at 15:13.
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Ah, that’s it. When Ryu tried to quit the team in episode 26, everyone criticized Joe’s piloting of the God Phoenix. It must be a sort of rule that whenever Ryu is missing, whoever ends up flying the God Phoenix will do it badly. Jun was able to avoid this fate in episode 12 because Ryu wasn’t missing –he was infiltrating Ibukron with Ken and Joe.

As for where Ryu is, he’s inside Jinjin. He and all the other prisoners have been given Galactor uniforms and they’re putting them on. Ryu is muttering “There’s no way this thing is going to fit me,” as he struggles to get his mask on, and sure enough, his uniform then tears underneath his arms.


“Al Capone” has a uniform that’s a bit different from the usual all-green –his uniform has some yellow on it too. He asks another prisoner, with an all-green uniform, how he looks and is told “You look good.” So psyched is Al Capone to do evil work for Galactor, he starts throwing mock punches at this new goon, who retreats hastily, telling him to calm down.

Now we see Blacky, but he’s ditched his guard uniform for a Galactor uniform that is mostly red. He asks the prisoners, now all in goon uniforms, if they’re ready and gets an enthusiastic response. To remind us all that he is Blacky, he looks at the watch on his wrist and says “It’s time.” It’s 6 PM –low tide.

Now, as we see the ocean waves breaking against the sides of Jinjin, the excited prisoners all follow Blacky out of the prison, some through a door, and others by climbing down ropes from the top of Jinjin’s high walls. I’m guessing that, as it’s low tide at 6 PM, they’re all headed for that island behind Jinjin that’s only exposed at low tide (in the diagram that Ken had, it showed a path to it from Jinjin during low tide).

From a distance, and higher up, Joe, Jun and Jinpei are observing this exodus. “I hope Big Brother can fool them,” says Jinpei. Joe says “It’s time for us to get ready too,” and they all turn and run towards a small building.


I’m guessing that they’re still at the empty space in front of Jinjin. Inside the small building, Joe pulls a lever and cables begin raising sections of a mock city, like might be used on a film set.




Meanwhile, Evil Ken and Blacky are standing at a door to the Evil God Phoenix, watching eager ex-prisoner goons run up some stairs and get on board.


But, the narrator informs us that Ken is nervous because it’s taking too long for all 200 prisoners to board.

Yup, apparently there’s room on the God Phoenix for 200 people.

“Hurry up, don’t waste time!” yells Evil Ken in his evil voice. Heh, he could get hired by a commercial airline, I’m sure.

Meanwhile, a Galactor mecha that looks a bit like an octopus is cruising along underwater.


On board this octopus mecha, a goon informs a Captain-of-the-week type that they’re almost to their destination. “Good. Hurry,” he replies, “Blacky should be waiting for us there.”


Meanwhile, at the door to the Evil God Phoenix, ex-prisoner goons are still streaming on board and Evil Ken is glancing nervously at his watch. Blacky wants to know why he’s in such a hurry.

Well, it’s because… it’s because Lord Katse is waiting at headquarters and he wants to see the new soldiers as soon as possible!” says Evil Ken.

“Headquarters?” replies Blacky, “That’s interesting. I was told we were taking the prisoners to the secret base.”

“The secret base?” says Ken, “Well there’s been a change in plans –we’re taking the new soldiers back to headquarters.”

But now the last ex-prisoner goon comes up the stairs to get on board the Evil God Phoenix and he pauses. It’s Ryu.


“You, hurry up! Come on, what’s taking you so long!” barks Evil Ken, pointing at the door. Neither one recognizes the other.

Seeing that he was the last to board, Evil Ken says “Let’s get out of here!” and starts to go on board himself but suddenly Blacky says “Excuse me, Commander…”

Meanwhile, the octopus mecha is still cruising ever nearer to Jinjin, still underwater.

Blacky now says to Evil Ken, “Just to be on the safe side, why don’t you tell me Galactor’s secret code word?” as Ken (looking rather alarmed) turns to face him.

“The secret code word?” says Evil Ken. Yes, Ken, that’s what he just told you. Ken’s mouth is open in dismay.

Commercial Break!

“Yes, let’s hear the secret Galactor code word, Commander, or don’t you know it?” continues Blacky. Evil Ken is thinking about what to do…

Meanwhile, the octopus mecha is beginning to surface.

“What are you talking about?” demands Evil Ken angrily, “Are you mocking me? There’s no such thing as a secret Galactor code word!”


At that, Blacky stands at attention and salutes, saying “Sorry, it’s the law of Galactor for us to be as careful as possible. Please forgive me.”

Good thinking there, Evil Ken!

So now Blacky says “Let’s get going,” and he runs onto the Evil God Phoenix. Ken sighs in relief and wipes his face.

Now Evil Ken runs to the bridge of the Evil God Phoenix, and it looks completely different –all dark colours, the main viewscreen is circular and there’s only one chair.

So Evil Ken fires up the engines and the Evil God Phoenix runs along the ground, picking up speed, and then plunges into the sea.

Evil Ken is at the helm so, of course, Ryu (sitting in the back with “Birdman” Jim –who has a blue goon uniform) remarks “Come on, man. Who the hell is flying this thing? They’re terrible!” when the Evil God Phoenix hits the sea’s surface and goes underwater.

Poor Ken.


Evil Ken took off, though, without a moment to spare. The instant the Evil God Phoenix is out of sight, underwater, the octopus mecha arrives at the island. Now, its captain is outside of the mecha, along with some goons, and they’re staring at the tracks left behind by the Evil God Phoenix’s tires.

“God damn it, someone must have gotten here before us and taken the prisoners,” mutters the captain. One goon speculates that it could have been the Science Ninja Team, and the captain agrees. Thinking they couldn’t have gotten far, he decides they will hunt for them. So, the octopus mecha takes off again.

Meanwhile, the Evil God Phoenix is landing in the midst of the mock town that Joe, Jun and Jinpei erected (in the empty space in front of Jinjin, I think –that would explain why none of the prisoners saw it when they were exiting Jinjin from the back to go to the island.)

“This is where the great breakout trick operation begins,” the narrator tells us, “And from here on out, the Science Ninja Team can’t afford any mistakes.”

Two large projection screens now slide into place on either side of the Evil God Phoenix and from somewhere (probably the little building she, Joe and Jinpei entered earlier) Jun starts up a film projector device.



On the screens on either side of the Evil God Phoenix, moving film footage of an underwater scene is now being shown.

“Uh,” says “Al Capone,” as the exterior screen on the window he’s sitting beside on board the Evil God Phoenix lifts, “The window’s finally opening.” Other ex-prisoner goons gather around the windows to look out.


On the bridge, Evil Ken picks up a microphone and addresses the prisoners in the back. “Attention! We’re departing for headquarters. We’re travelling underwater to avoid drawing attention. We will arrive around midnight so relax and take it easy until then.”

What? No complimentary beverages and mini bags of pretzels? I guess they are getting a movie, though, whether they realize it or not.

Blacky, also sitting in the back, checks his watch now –it’s 7 PM.

On the octopus mecha, which is searching around underwater, a goon sees a blinking light on a radar screen and says “Commander, I’m getting a strange reading from in front of the prison.” The captain decides they will go and investigate it.

In the back of the Evil God Phoenix, a slightly yellowish gas is being sprayed from little jets.


“Al Capone” yawns and announces that he’s going to take his first nap as a free man, and his seatmate agrees that it’s “as comfy as a cradle in here.” Soon, it seems that every prisoner is sleeping.

Except Ryu. He’s covering his mouth.


“I know that smell,” he thinks, “It’s sleeping gas, but why would they want to knock us out?”

But now the door from the bridge opens (and it’s shaped like the red Galactor symbol –they really have redecorated!) and Evil Ken appears.


He goes up to the sleeping Blacky and sets his watch 5 hours ahead to show that it’s midnight.


Ryu observes this surreptitiously and thinks “That guy sure is acting strange.”

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Now we’re back on the octopus mecha, and everyone’s staring at a screen that’s showing the mock town.


“Commander, there’s something in that town below,” says a goon, and the captain remarks that, according to the charts, there isn’t supposed to be a town. He orders a brigade of armed goons to go check it out, and they leave the mecha in a little mini underwater vessel.

The Evil God Phoenix is bouncing up and down on its wheels to simulate motion, but otherwise it’s not really going anywhere. On board, Blacky and the others are starting to wake up. Blacky looks at his watch and says “This late already? We should be getting to headquarters any second now.”

“Al Capone” is looking out his window, at a “town.” He’s excited, as are the other prisoners. Ryu, however, senses that the Evil God Phoenix isn’t really moving, and that this is some kind of trick. He’s disappointed that he isn’t discovering Galactor’s headquarters. Now “Birdman” Jim starts telling him that he’s going to start over and run away from Galactor during the confusion when they leave the ship, and he wants Ryu to come with him. Ryu is nervously saying “I don’t know about that, Jim,” but Blacky, some distance away, demands to know what they’re whispering about.

“Something strange is going on. This thing’s not running –it some kind of trick,” says Ryu, Blacky angrily demands “What the hell are you talking about?” but just then, the door from the bridge opens and Evil Ken appears.

“Blacky, I need a word with you. Follow me to the front,” he says.

Meanwhile, the mini vessel from the octopus mecha has landed on Jinjin and the armed goons are standing on the outside of the “town” and can clearly tell that it’s fake. They run towards it, guns ready to fire.

On the bridge of the Evil God Phoenix, Evil Ken is verifying that Blacky knows the location of Galactor’s headquarters. “Of course I do, Commander,” Blacky says, “But why are you asking me about that?”

Heh, we know why Evil Ken’s asking about that, but what he replies is that he’s received word that a member of the Science Ninja Team has infiltrated the ship. Blacky doesn’t see what that has to do with the location of headquarters, so Evil Ken adds “If you’re a real member of Galactor, you should be able to tell me where our headquarters is!”

Blacky gets it, and seems amused that Evil Ken is now suspicious of him. “Like you said,” replies Ken, “It’s Galactor law to be as careful as possible.”

Now, Ken’s plan here could have worked nicely, except it’s only episode 42…

Evil Ken sits in his chair, so now he has his back to Blacky, who unfortunately seems to be on to him. Now we can also see that Joe, and Jun are watching Evil Ken and Blacky on a screen inside that little building at the front of Jinjin.


Blacky starts giving “directions” to headquarters, but as he does so, he pulls out his gun and whacks Evil Ken hard on the back of the head.


Evil Ken collapses onto the console and, seeing this, Joe reacts with horror, “They’re on to us!”

“I’m afraid you’re not smart enough to fool me, Science Ninja Team, says Blacky, staring at the unconscious Evil Ken. He reaches down and pulls Ken’s mask off, commenting to himself that he’s the first to see what a member of the Science Ninja Team looks like. “Looks like I might just end up a hero,” he says, smiling, and then he laughs.


Joe looks at Jun, and she knows what he’s thinking and she immediately pushes a button on that cassette tape player of Katse’s voice orders that the ISO made. Inside the bridge of the Evil God Phoenix, Blacky hears Katse’s voice say “This is Lord Katse from headquarters. Do you read me?” and he snaps to attention.


“Katse” informs Blacky that Interpol has learned of the prison break and is now heading for Jinjin, and he instructs Blacky to take everyone to the secret base, immediately.

“But Lord Katse, where is the secret base?” asks Blacky.

Now we cut to the gun-wielding Galactor goons from the octopus mecha. “What’s that strange building over there? Let’s check it out!” says one, and they all rush towards the small building that Joe, Jun and Jinpei are using as their center of operations.

They kick in the door, guns ready, but there’s no one in sight inside the building.



Disappointed that there’s no one to shoot, a goon declares that the place looks suspicious and adds “Let’s trash it!” Before he can do that, though, we hear Joe’s voice say “You know what? I don’t think so!”

Joe, Jun and Jinpei must have heard the goons coming, or have surveillance cameras, because they are in the building –they’re just standing on a high upper level, looking down on the goons.


The big fight scene begins!

Joe, Jun and Jinpei leap down at the goons, who are trying to shoot them, and they begin taking them down with kicks and punches.




Joe uses an interesting maneuver, whereby he leaps on top of one goon’s shoulders (while simultaneously kicking another nearby goon), wraps his legs around the goon’s neck and then flips them both over, sending that goon crashing into three other goons. Demonstrating another novel tactic, we hear a cat-like snarl, and a red-gloved hand (which has to be Jinpei’s) strikes a goon’s face, clawing five gashes into his face. In fact, other than a brief glimpse of Jinpei’s bolas at the beginning of the fight, none of the Ninjas use any of their weapons.

The only goon still standing ends up being put in a stranglehold by Joe, who tells him “Unless you want to die, you’re contacting your Commander for us –you dig?” (I wonder if Joe’s serious about sparing him if he cooperates.)


So, now we see the octopus mecha captain sitting in its control room, looking bored. But, he gets contacted (audio only) by the goon that Joe’s coercing, and he hears “Commander, I just received word from Blacky. He’s in the prison and he wants us to hurry and pick them up!”

“In the prison,” the captain thinks, and we now cut to the Evil God Phoenix.

Blacky is outside now, ordering all the ex-prisoner goons to run down a “street” and into the “secret base” located at its end (and clearly marked by a red Galactor symbol painted over the door, in case anyone is confused!)


Presumably, Blacky is following the instructions he received from “Lord Katse.” So, all the ex-prisoner goons are eagerly streaming in great numbers out of the Evil God Phoenix, and heading into their “secret base.”

But, on the “street,” Jim tells Ryu “This is our chance,” as Ryu nervously says “But we can’t!” Nevertheless, Jim surreptitiously tows a reluctant Ryu through a door in one of the “buildings” on the “street.” Of course, once through the door, they see that it isn’t a real town at all. There’s an unconscious goon lying on the ground, and Joe and Jinpei are there.


“There’s more of them!” says Joe, pulling out his gun as Ryu stares in surprise, thinking “Joe?”

Joe cuts off Ryu’s cry of “No, wait!” by shooting the cable from his gun at him.


Ryu gets struck in the side of the head and falls, but as he hits the ground, his mask falls off. Joe is very surprised to see that the goon is really Ryu! As Joe stares in shock, Jim flees, running back through the door and into the “street” where ex-prisoner goons like himself are still streaming from the Evil God Phoenix into the “secret base.”

Blacky spots Jim standing in the street, and orders him to return to the ranks and enter the “secret base.” Jim is distraught, but knows he can’t run away again now, so he thinks to himself sadly “I’ll just have to wait for another chance…”

Meanwhile Joe is checking to see what damage he did to Ryu (who’s probably very lucky Joe didn’t decide to throw a shuriken at him!) “What the hell are you doing here? Talk to me!” he says, but now Jun is calling for him urgently. Joe, Jinpei and Ryu (who’s back on his feet now) rush into the little building that they’re using as their center of operations, as Jun points to a screen and cries “Look, it’s Ken, and they’ve left him there with a bomb!”


Yes, Blacky has a gun but fortunately for Ken, he decided to place a bomb with an extremely long fuse beside Ken’s head and then leave, instead of simply shooting him (I guess he’s never watched any James Bond films.)

As they all stare at the screen, Joe (who is wearing a watch on his right wrist in this episode) checks the time and mutters that the tide is rising.


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So now, Blacky is still watching the last of the ex-prisoner goons run from the Evil God Phoenix into the “secret base” but now water is beginning to flow onto the “street,” to his puzzlement. “Why does this place look familiar,” he mutters, but then “Katse’s” voice barks from the Evil God Phoenix, “What are you waiting for, Blacky? Move it!”

Blacky starts running, and inside the little building, Jun is making “Katse’s” voice say “Hurry, the Science Ninja Team is coming, you must hurry!” and watching the “street” on a screen. On the bridge of (now empty) Evil God Phoenix, Joe shoots his cable gun at the fuse of the bomb beside the still-unconscious Evil Ken (well, not so evil now as he’s not wearing his mask) and severs it.


Now, we see the captain from the octopus mecha and his remaining goons all filing through Jinjin’s back door, expecting to find Blacky and the prisoners awaiting pick-up there instead of at the island. But as they look around, they see that Jinjin’s courtyard is empty, but before they can react, a security gate slams down in the door they entered through, trapping them all inside Jinjin. Suddenly, flood lights come on, and the captain says “Wait, we’ve been tricked!”


Simultaneously, all the ex-prisoner goons have arrived inside Jinjin too, and thinking that they’re inside a secret Galactor base, they all start cheering and dancing around. Blacky comes up to the octopus mecha captain and starts explaining that he’s brought all the prisoners to the secret base, though he had a hard time getting there, but the captain is just staring past him, stunned and silent. Blacky asks him what’s the matter, and turns to look where he’s looking. He is horrified to realize that he’s back inside Jinjin prison (and you can see bits of the exterior fake façade rising up over Jinjin’s real walls as he stares around. Now all the ex-prisoner goons have stopped cheering and dancing and they (including Jim) are also staring all around, in growing realization that all is not as it should be. They can’t quite believe that they could be back inside Jinjin, but “Al Capone” sees the imprint that he left on the wall when he punched it, much earlier and that convinces him that somehow, he really is back inside Jinjin.


He pulls off his mask and stares, dumbfounded. Another prisoner wants him to explain how this could possibly have happened but he can only yell “Shut up, you idiot! How could I possibly know?”
Then he adds, “I’m kind of wondering the same thing myself. How the hell did we end up back in the joint?”

Now we see “Birdman” Jim, standing by himself elsewhere in the courtyard. He pulls off his mask, and starts walking, as sad music begins to play.


Up on a tower stands Dr. Nambu and two genuine prison guards with machine guns. One of them barks at Jim to stop and return to the ranks, or else. I guess order has officially been restored at Jinjin prison, and all the dead guards replaced with new ones.


But then the two sea gulls, Mary and Stella, fly down to Jim and land on his shoulders and he stops walking.


There’s a sad look of longing and anguish on Jim’s face as he realizes that he’s lost his chance to see his wife and daughter again.

Over by the Evil God Phoenix, Ryu is staring sadly down the “street” that leads to Jinjin.


Over by the ship, No-longer-Evil-or-Unconscious Ken (in his civvies), Joe, Jun and Jinpei are waiting for him. Jinpei calls out to Ryu (maybe he wants to make sure that Ryu will be piloting the God Phoenix), but Ken shushes him, telling him “Let’s leave him alone for a little while. He’s had a tough time, Jinpei.”


With that, Ken and the others enter the still-Evil God Phoenix as Jinpei glances back at Ryu, looking sad for his friend.

As the “Evil” façade begins to fall away in pieces now from the God Phoenix, Ryu continues to gaze sadly at Jinjin as the narrator says he could be feeling regret that he was unable to discover Galactor’s headquarters, or he could be thinking of Jim, who will never now see his family again. The final shot is the flock of sea gulls, flying over Jinjin prison.

The End.

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Thank you LB for the write up. I always enjoy this eps even with all the complaints I have read about Ken and his piloting of the Phoenix.

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Hi all!

This episode does pose a bit of a contradiction with some dialogue in episode #88 of the series. In that episode, Joe asks why the man in the cell wasn't executed for using a machine gun on a bunch of innocent bystanders, and Nambu reminds him that the death penalty had been abolished worldwide 10 years ago. If there's no death penalty, then how can the prisoners of Jinjin Prison be awaiting their executions? I guess they'll be waiting a long, long time...


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Great review, LB! Although this isn't one of my favorite episodes to watch, I really like the idea that Galactor recruits from prisons (and I've used it in a bunch of my fics). It makes sense, as they would need desperate, vicious men to constantly renew their ranks, since so many die in encounters with the KNT!

Just wanted to point out that not only was the Birdman imprisoned at Alcatraz, but so was Al Capone. And Alcatraz is an island. Although, Jinjin is clearly not Alcatraz. No, that honor belongs to a former prison island in the San Frangeles Bay in Gatchaman II episode 3. Wink


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Hahaha...that place sounds oddly familiar...Wink1

LB, that was a great ep review...I agree with TJ...not my favorite episode, but I always loved that Jun compliments Ken when he's wearing the Galactor uniform. And you had me cracking up at your "memo to self" line... Wonder if she has a Galactor Costume fettish? Laugh2

And as always, Saturn, thanks so much for your wonderful screenshots!!


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Originally posted by tatsunokofan

This episode does pose a bit of a contradiction with some dialogue in episode #88 of the series. In that episode, Joe asks why the man in the cell wasn't executed for using a machine gun on a bunch of innocent bystanders, and Nambu reminds him that the death penalty had been abolished worldwide 10 years ago. If there's no death penalty, then how can the prisoners of Jinjin Prison be awaiting their executions?

I would not have remembered that little contradiction -thanks!

Hmm, maybe the abolition, 10 years earlier, didn't apply to anyone who was already on death row, and some inmates at Jinjin have been there more than a decade? Or certain countries' governments didn't ratify the agreement?

Yeah, I know, I'm really stretching here...

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Originally posted by Springie

Wonder if she has a Galactor Costume fettish? Laugh2

Heh, I'd like to think she has no interest in an actual Galactor captain, but I think a darker, edgier look for Ken would be hot, and I could well believe that Jun might enjoy a "slightly wicked" Ken...

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Originally posted by clouddancer
Thank you LB for the write up. I always enjoy this eps even with all the complaints I have read about Ken and his piloting of the Phoenix.

Yes, they really do stick it to Ken in this episode, don't they? Now, in episode 26, I can buy that Joe might not be a great God Phoenix pilot, as race cars are his specialty, but Ken is a skilled pilot! Yes, the God Phoenix is a lot bigger than his G-1, but still...

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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I really like the idea that Galactor recruits from prisons (and I've used it in a bunch of my fics). It makes sense, as they would need desperate, vicious men to constantly renew their ranks, since so many die in encounters with the KNT!

Very true! I also wonder what the desertion rate is among Galactor goons. There's not much to go on, as the only people I can think of right now who tried to leave Galactor were Joe's parents, and his doomed female love-interests. I don't think we ever saw an ordinary goon who wanted to leave. Granted, if any tried, they were probably about as successful as Joe's parents and doomed female love-interests!

Just wanted to point out that not only was the Birdman imprisoned at Alcatraz, but so was Al Capone. And Alcatraz is an island. Although, Jinjin is clearly not Alcatraz. No, that honor belongs to a former prison island in the San Frangeles Bay in Gatchaman II episode 3. Wink

I didn't know that Al Capone had been there. I did see the real Alcatraz once, from a distance, in 2004 (while standing at the top of the Coit Tower) but I didn't visit it.
And in Gatch II's episode 3, Galactor was using convicts as soldiers then too, weren't they?

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Hi all!

I don't think we ever saw an ordinary goon who wanted to leave.

Arthur Kelly in Gatchaman #46, and Kaiser in Gatchaman II #35.

And in Gatch II's episode 3, Galactor was using convicts as soldiers then too, weren't they?

Yes, they did.

Now, in episode 26, I can buy that Joe might not be a great God Phoenix pilot, as race cars are his specialty, but Ken is a skilled pilot! Yes, the God Phoenix is a lot bigger than his G-1, but still...

And that change in size can make quite a difference. Being skilled as a F-15 pilot does not automatically mean that you will be good piloting a C-5 Galaxy transport plane. They are two different beasts that require two different skill sets. The same would be true for piloting the G-1 and the God Phoenix.


This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by tatsunokofan on 28-08-2009 at 09:43.
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Thanks for another great recap LB and Saturn and your comments, LB, kept me chuckling all the way through the episode! I'm a bit late to join in the thread as all my comments regarding this episode seem to have been tackled already by others! I just want to emphasise the fact that Ken surely looked cool in his evil look! No wonder Jun fancied him!

I was fortunate enough to visit Alcatraz in person way back in January 2000. It was a wonderful experience and one that answered lots of questions to its myth!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Arthur Kelly in Gatchaman #46, and Kaiser in Gatchaman II #35.

I'd forgotten all about Arthur Kelly , but I will be refamiliarizing myself with him in a couple weeks.


And that change in size can make quite a difference. Being skilled as a F-15 pilot does not automatically mean that you will be good piloting a C-5 Galaxy transport plane. They are two different beasts that require two different skill sets. The same would be true for piloting the G-1 and the God Phoenix.

True. I guess what I have a hard time believing isn't so much that Ken can't fly the God Phoenix as well as his G-1, but that he's apparently barely ever flown it all -possibly never before (if Jun's "It's his first time," remark is really accurate)! Ken's the leader and a pilot, and it just doesn't seem like him to not bother to ever practice flying the God Phoenix.

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Originally posted by gatchamarie
I just want to emphasise the fact that Ken surely looked cool in his evil look! No wonder Jun fancied him!

She might have liked the mask too. I wish he hadn't had the collar of purple spikes, but then, if there hadn't been some silly aspect to his disguise, no one would have believed he was a real Galactor captain!

I was fortunate enough to visit Alcatraz in person way back in January 2000. It was a wonderful experience and one that answered lots of questions to its myth!

Ah, I guess I missed out then. If I ever get back there, I will check it out. The day that I could have gone there, I opted instead to go to the Muir Woods and look at giant redwood trees.

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Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by tatsunokofan
And that change in size can make quite a difference. Being skilled as a F-15 pilot does not automatically mean that you will be good piloting a C-5 Galaxy transport plane. They are two different beasts that require two different skill sets. The same would be true for piloting the G-1 and the God Phoenix.

True. I guess what I have a hard time believing isn't so much that Ken can't fly the God Phoenix as well as his G-1, but that he's apparently barely ever flown it all -possibly never before (if Jun's "It's his first time," remark is really accurate)! Ken's the leader and a pilot, and it just doesn't seem like him to not bother to ever practice flying the God Phoenix.

What I have always thought, at least for my AU, is that it is not that he has not practiced flying the GP but that this is a new formation for the GP. There has been extra mass added to distort the shape and aerodynamics of the GP. THIS would make it much different for a "single" person to adapt to his first time - a person would need a few "practice" runs to adjust his control, and Ken did not have the time to get in that practice.

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Originally posted by lborgia88
Heh, I'd like to think she has no interest in an actual Galactor captain, but I think a darker, edgier look for Ken would be hot, and I could well believe that Jun might enjoy a "slightly wicked" Ken...

Oh my... now there's a fic idea.... Devil1


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Originally posted by lborgia88
Yes, they really do stick it to Ken in this episode, don't they? Now, in episode 26, I can buy that Joe might not be a great God Phoenix pilot, as race cars are his specialty, but Ken is a skilled pilot! Yes, the God Phoenix is a lot bigger than his G-1, but still...

But it had all of those unwieldy extra pieces on it, which made it difficult to fly. Wink


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