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lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


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Gatchaman Episode 18: "Revenge! The Whale Operation" Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Gatchaman's "Revenge! The Whale Operation"

(BOTP’s "A Whale joins G-Force")

[Thank you for the screencaps, Saturn! I know this is a busy time of year for you, but I look forward to your captions when you have time again.]


City lights and the night stars reflect on the surface of a harbor. On board a ship, two senior members of the crew are at the helm. One notes that the crew is sounding rowdy, but the other is certain they’re just eager to be ashore soon, as they’ve been at sea for a long time. However, numerous sailors are all gathering excitedly along a deck railing, with lots of “What’s that?” and “It’s headed this way!” comments.


There is indeed a disturbance in the water, and it is heading for the ship.


The helmsman yells “Watch out! It’s going to hit us! Ahhh!” as something large and black bashes the ship, capsizing it. A massive whale’s tail briefly breaks the surface of the water, and then it’s gone.



Now we see a long bridge, dense with traffic, spanning a section of the harbor nearer to the city. The whale surfaces beneath the bridge, and with a sweep of its tail, it smashes the bridge in half, sending cars plunging into the water.


But its work is not yet done. Leaving the wrecked bridge behind, the whale charges and collides with an oil tanker docked at a harborside refinery.


A massive explosion obliterates the tanker, and then fire spreads throughout the refinery, causing yet more explosions, and more fire. Now, the whale moves off, sailing past its handiwork –the mangled and wrecked bridge- one last time.


Now we are up in the dark sky’s clouds, and the sound of a small single prop plane looms nearer. It’s Ken!

“After a long day on the job as a test pilot, G1 of the Science Ninja Team, Gatchaman, was on his way home from work,” the narrator tells us. (Yes, earn some $$$, Ken –you have a tab to pay at the Snack J!) Suddenly, Ken sees the massive explosions and fires erupt at the refinery where the whale attacked.


On the ground, the fires are spreading into the city, and panicked, screaming people are fleeing from buildings as a massive wall of flame approaches.


“This is horrible,” says Ken, and exactly at that moment, Dr. Nambu contacts him and tells him that “the suspension bridges over Strait F and the petrochemical complexes along it have been destroyed.” Ken tells Dr. Nambu that he’s flying over it right now, only to be informed by the Doctor that eyewitnesses have reported that the destruction was caused by a giant whale.

“A giant whale?” says Ken, “You mean to tell me Galactor isn’t behind this?”

Dr. Nambu isn’t sure, but he wants Ken to “gather the Team and launch the God Phoenix!” Ken banks his plane 180 degrees (oh, that would make me feel so ill…) and transmutes.
No stock footage of the Team linking up in this episode –the God Phoenix is flying low over the sea, in daylight now, and everyone is on the bridge.

Hey, no exposition from an on-screen Dr. Nambu this time? Jinpei, Ken, Joe and Jun briefly discuss the reported whale attack, and all agree that the whale must have been mechanical, not real, and that Galactor must be behind it. So, they fly on.

Now, we see a pod of whales swimming along in the sea, all keeping the tops of their heads out of the water (I don’t think that’s how whales usually swim). Animal-lover-Jinpei spots the whales first. Everyone goes up to the main viewscreen to take a look.


Jun notes that the whales are real, not mechanical, and Ken notes that they’re all frantically swimming towards something. (They’d get there faster, too, if their heads weren’t sticking up out of the water.)

Ryu suddenly remembers that whales are able to use their heads like radar (Okay, I get it now) and Joe says that the whales must have found something. Ken decides that they should descend the God Phoenix to the water’s surface, and follow the whales.

Now, the narrator tells us that whales are indeed sensitive to certain sounds, “such as very high frequencies,” and that this compensates for their poor eyesight. Is this even true? Considering some of the things this show passes off as “science,” I’m a little dubious.

Nothing wrong with Joe’s eyesight, though. “Hey, look over there! There’s a gigantic whale coming to the surface!” he says. Now Ken realizes that this is what the other whales are all heading towards, and declares they will “proceed with extra caution.”

A periscope briefly protrudes from the back of the gigantic whale, and studies the God Phoenix before retracting. As the God Phoenix flies quite low overhead, the whale fires two missiles at it. Ryu must have damned good reflexes, because the God Phoenix instantly swerves and flies off, and the missiles miss.

Ken wants to get close to this missile-firing whale again, though. We can see that it has almost reached the pod of real whales, and now Jinpei, getting a good look, yells “That’s not a whale, that’s a sub!”



And now comes the part I hate…

The sub brutally bashes all the real whales at high speed, and leaves them all dead, floating belly-up, in the sea as it sails away.



A baby whale, that escaped getting bashed, now swims up to one of the dead adult whales, nuzzling it.


On the bridge of the God Phoenix, Ken says in dismay, “I guess that little one was its child.” Jinpei, however, is teary-eyed and distraught (I’m with you, kid!) and he says “And now he’s become an orphan too.”


Joe, rather callously, remarks “Well sorry, Jinpei. We don’t have time for sympathy.”

“He’s right,” adds Ken, a little more kindly, “We have to go after that whale sub right away.”

“Fine, then I’m going to get revenge for that baby whale!” declares Jinpei, his face twisted grimly.


But, now Jun and Ryu see that a bunch of killer whales have arrived on the scene of carnage.


Jinpei is immediately horrified that they will likely eat the baby whale.

“We have to help!” he wails.


“Don’t be ridiculous!” snaps Joe, “We’re in the middle of a mission here!”

“Don’t you feel sorry for him?” pleads Jinpei, “He survived and now he’s going to die! Please!”

“You idiot,” says Joe, “We have to defeat Galactor first.”

“That’s not fair,” sobs Jinpei, really crying now, “Whales are living creatures too. Joe, you’re a jerk! You don’t understand what it’s like to be an orphan!” With that, he runs off the bridge, ignoring Ken’s “Jinpei, wait!”

When this episode first aired, no one watching would have known about Joe’s background yet, or about what he’s going to do in episode 20; but if you do know… The writers are making some pretty big allusions with this scene.

Jinpei leaves the God Phoenix, flying in his helico buggy.

“That stupid kid, what is he going to do with that bean-sized tank?” demands an aggravated-sounding Joe, but then he says “Kennn?”

Ken nods and says “I can dig it, Joe.” Hee, these two understand each other so well sometimes.

So now, the killer whales are enjoying a feeding frenzy among the dead whales as Jinpei’s helico buggy nears.


The baby whale is swimming for his life, though (with his head sticking out of the water), with killer whales in pursuit.


(more soon)

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A determined-looking Jinpei circles over the pursuing killer whales, and then drops a net from his now-open buggy to ensnare them.



“Now I’ve got ya!” gloats Jinpei, but one killer whale has evaded the net, and it leaps for Jinpei inside his open buggy.


Even as he goes “Aughh!!” a gunshot is heard, and the whale breaks off its lunge abruptly to drop back to the sea. Jinpei looks up then to see the God Phoenix hovering near his buggy, and on the open dome stands Joe, in a nifty hero pose.


He’s looking grim, but Jinpei waves happily to him, “Joe!” and then Joe actually cracks a smile, looking like he’s trying but failing to maintain his stern and callous façade.


You’d better apologize for calling him a jerk, Jinpei! See –he cares, about the baby whale and about you!

Now it’s night again, and the God Phoenix is cruising through a dark sky. Up on the God Phoenix’s dome, it’s half filled with water, and also contains Jinpei, and the baby whale too.


Yup, in one episode he’s gone from a pet beetle to a pet whale. But, the narrator informs us that they’re taking the whale back to the Crescent Coral Base, and that they intend to release it at an underwater farm. Jun is, no doubt, relieved.

“You fools! What’s the meaning of this?” yells Dr. Nambu, at the Base.


Ken, Jinpei and Ryu all look guiltily at the floor, and as the “camera” pans to the side, we can also see a very distressed looking Jun. Joe, however, is defiantly unrepentant.


“Just what do you think is your duty as the Science Ninja Team? How can you lose track of such an important enemy just to save a baby whale? Listen, Science Ninja Team, while you were busy meddling with those killer whales, I have been receiving horrifying information from all over the world.”

Yes, it seems they really screwed up. But, I can’t really blame them. Dr. Nambu, however, sure can.

“I have received numerous reports of giant whales that have been attacking ports and ships around the globe!”

Ken pulls himself together and crisply asks if these whales were also subs. Dr. Nambu suspects they are, but says there’s been no confirmation, and that surveillance photos can’t distinguish between real whales and whale subs, so they’re at a loss.
Again, in a crisp and precise voice, Ken asks if it can be assumed that the subs’ only objective is to attack ships and ports. Again, Dr. Nambu doesn’t know for sure, “because we lost our only lead today, thanks to you guys!” Ken’s, Jinpei’s and Ryu’s heads droop guiltily again.

Dr. Nambu then tells them that he’s taken the baby whale and released it, but that he attached a tracking beacon to the baby whale first.


He hopes to “take advantage of the whale’s natural abilities,” saying “I’m sure he can get us some kind of a lead.” Here, the “camera” pans to the side again and we see Joe turn to glare at Dr. Nambu as he adds “Who knows, he may turn out to be more useful than all of you guys.” Even Ken and Jinpei looked rather ticked at that remark.

Now we see the whale mecha swimming (far below the surface!) through a dark sea, and a ways behind him is the baby whale, following (with a little disk-shaped beacon on the front of his head).

Back at the Base, everyone is gathered around a radar screen, where the baby whale’s location is now detectable. He’s in the mouth of a river, in an area of desolate and unpopulated ice fields. Ken and Dr. Nambu conclude this is a likely area for a Galactor base, and Dr. Nambu points a very long finger and says “Go, Science Ninja Team!”


Oh, and he prays for their success.

The team runs down a corridor to the God Phoenix, enters through its dome, lets the docking bay flood with water and heads on its way to (as the narrator informs us) “an icy region near the Arctic Circle.” The baby whale is shown briefly, swimming at the surface again, and surrounded by chunks of ice in the water.

Commercial break!

As the God Phoenix flies through the sky, the baby whale continues to swim, now deep underwater again.

“How bizarre. That baby whale just keeps circling beneath those ice floes down there,” says Joe, watching a radar screen. On the floes’ surface, there’s nothing to be seen except one small building.


Joe spots it first, and Ken decides that he and Joe will go and investigate it. So the God Phoenix lands and Ken reiterates that Joe’s with him, and everyone else is to stay put until they receive orders.

Jinpei snarks “Man, I hate being left behind!”


Jun, however, tells him “Jinpei, be quiet, and do what Ken says.” “I’m just saying!” replies Jinpei defensively, but we cut quickly to Ken and Joe leaping from the dome.

They run towards the building, and then crouch behind a snow drift to get a better look.


“What a miserable place. It’s so cold,” says Joe. “Shhh, be quiet. Look!” says Ken, “That radar station’s supposed to be abandoned but it’s in use.” Sure enough, the radar antenna on the building’s roof is turning.

“I see,” says Joe, his face hard. “You know, this could get reeeally interesting.” Ken’s ready to go, so they run towards the radar station. However, we now cut to inside the building, where hands in front of the window are loading a gun, as someone sees Ken and Joe coming.

A man, who needs a shave, tucks the gun inside the front of his parka, clearly readying himself for Ken and Joe’s arrival. There’s another man with him.


Outside, Ken and Joe pause as they get close, and exchange a mutual look of “Let’s do this!”

From inside, we see the door open. Ken’s got his hand on the knob and we can see all of him, but Joe’s more tucked around the side of the door, peering in suspiciously.

They immediately see two men in parkas, each holding a hand inside the front of their parkas.


They both jump, as if startled. Ken is startled too, but Joe instantly has his gun out.

“Wait a minute! Please, don’t shoot!” cries the unshaven man, “This is a misunderstanding!” “We’re the forest patrol,” adds the other man, “We got lost in a snowstorm and ended up here. Somehow.” Ken looks about suspiciously at the equipment in the room, and he adds that “We turned on the radio to try to call and get some help, and I guess the radar must have activated.”

“Oh, I see,” says Ken, who seems to be buying this, “We’ll try to go and get you some help, alright?”

Ken says “Come on, Joe” Joe appears to understand something unspoken, and nods “Right,” as he and Ken turn to leave the building.

Now comes a really cool action segment. As Ken and Joe turn, the unshaven man pulls out his gun to shoot them, but Joe isn’t really turning away –he was expecting this. Instantly, before the man can shoot, Joe throws a shuriken that rips the gun from his hand and pins it to the wall behind him. Less than a second later, another of Joe’s shuriken does that exact same thing to the other man’s gun.



Ken turns his head, sees what’s going on, and says “Hey!” but Joe is already on the attack. He punches the unshaven man hard in the stomach while simultaneously kicking the other man into the wall. In fact, that man hits the section of wall that has the two guns pinned to it, and both guns then fire into the man’s back as he screams “Aughh!” As he screams, a green Galactor goon’s mask and a bullet fall from inside the front of his parka as he sinks to the floor.



“You’re too nice, Ken,” says Joe, crouching down to examine them, “You should never trust guys like that, you know.”


Ken looks pretty shaken –there’s sweat on his face.

“You shouldn’t let it get to you, man,” continues Joe, standing to face Ken, “This is the way they work - they have no problem shooting you in the back. That’s how they killed my parents. They’re nothing but garbage! Cowards!” And here, Joe turns his head and spits at one of the men on the floor.


Spitting is, in my opinion, very icky, but as a way to demonstrate just how visceral Joe’s hatred of Galactor is, and how much he must burn to avenge his parents, it’s effective.

Ken doesn’t say anything except “Let’s go.” Joe is about to say something else, but something in the room starts chiming. It’s a telephone. Ken hesitates about answering it, but finally picks it up.


(more soon)

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A voice says “Watchtower, we have yet to receive your scheduled report. Is something wrong?” Ken, attempting to sound like one of the goons, says “Nothing’s wrong,” and hangs up the phone. He sets down the receiver, and stares at Joe, saying “Joe” in a we-gotta-act-now voice. Joe immediately knows what he means -if they trace the origin of the incoming call, they’ll find Galactor’s base.

Now, Ken contacts Jun, and tells her and Jinpei to come join them, and bring a tracer and explosives. Jinpei is very pleased.


“Why do I have to stay?” groans Ryu resignedly.


Bratty Jinpei laughs “Big brother Ken relies on me for help!”

We cut to the baby whale, who has just surfaced inside a docking bay of Galactor’s base.


Three figures are watching several docked “whale” submarines as a voice over a speaker announces that missiles are being loaded into the subs in preparation for them leaving. Little crab tanks are scuttling about, loading missiles. Now, we get a good look at the “Captain of the Week,” who’s flanked by two goons.


Hmm, I’m thinking “skeleton dressed like a Don Cossack, late Imperial Russia.”

A phone chimes, and one of the two goons goes and answers it, “Watchtower, what is it? Report.” Now we see Ken, sticking a tracing gadget onto the phone inside the radar station building. The goon repeats himself, but instead of answering, Ken hangs up the phone. “Now we can trace them without even being connected” he announces.

Back to the goons and Captain Cossack, the Captain wants to know what’s going on. The goon explains that the Watchtower hung up on him without saying anything, but the Captain doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about, and announces he’s going off to report to Lord Katse.

Back at the “Watchtower,” Ken barks “Jun, hurry!” as she replies “I know,” and begins setting up a piece of equipment with a screen that will show the location of the other phone.


Very soon, she is able to tell Joe that the location is directly below him, forty meters down. Joe attaches the drill bit to his gun, and cuts a circular hole in the floor.


Jinpei announces eagerly that “It’s all up to our new weapon, the mole machine!” as he sticks a large drill bit (that rather resembles a missile) into the dirt inside the hole. (Mole machine? Yet more foreshadowing for episode 20?)


Joe notes that the ground beneath them is soft, “So we’ll be done sooner than we thought.”

The mole machine begins to spin and dig, as Joe and Jinpei watch closely, and Jinpei cheers “Dig it, baby, dig it!”


Ken is standing guard at the window. Now, because Jinpei is “comic relief” and Joe is not, the astute mole machine sprays mud only on Jinpei’s head.


But next, we are shown it burrowing deep into the ground. Soon, it ignites, and blasts through the roof of the Galactor base below. Ken peers down the hole, sees that the way is clear now, and says “Let’s go!” They all jump down the hole.


They land inside the docking bay that we saw earlier, but no one is around (except crab tanks).


Meanwhile, Captain Cossack is reporting to an on-screen Berg Katse that the raid is about to commence, and Katse declares that he wants every port around the world destroyed.

Back to Ken and the others, they’re hiding themselves, and watching the crab tanks. Ken tells Jun to give everyone time bombs. She opens a case and gives everyone a handful of time bombs, that resemble hypodermic needles.


Ken tells everyone to plant them where they will do the most damage. Jun points out that they will detonate ten minutes after being planted, so Ken says they then have five minutes to plant them all. (Cutting it a bit close there, Ken!) They all disperse throughout the base, planting the bombs on the “whale” subs, the crab tanks, and various other locations. Joe has suddenly developed disturbingly pointy knees.


Jinpei, hiding beside a console, nearly gets discovered by a goon when he accidently drops one of the time bombs.


But a splash in the docking bay’s water nearby distracts the goon. The goon sees that the splash “Is just a whale!” and he stalks off. Jinpei is very relieved. However, just as Jinpei realizes that it’s the baby whale that’s saved him, the goon turns back –apparently having, upon reflection, realized that whales don’t usually have tracking beacons stuck on the tops of their heads. So, he pulls out a gun to shoot the whale. So, Jinpei shouts and sends his bolas flying, which throttle the goon, who goes “Aughh!” and draws the attention of two other goons, one of whom yells “Who goes there!” So much for the covert bomb-planting operation! Ken, Joe and Jun all react in alarm. So does Captain Cossack, as the on-screen Katse demands “What is happening!”

What is happening is that dozens of armed goons are rushing into the docking bay. Cue the big fight scene! Ken, Jun and Joe begin clobbering goons, as Jinpei tries to tell the baby to leave because it isn’t safe, though he adds “Thanks for the help.” The baby whale (who is sooo cute) just playfully splashes water at Jinpei with one fin, though.


Ken and Joe, are still taking out goons, and taking the phrase “I’ve got your back” very literally.


Ken, however, sees that Jinpei is not helping any in the fight and demands to know what he’s doing. Jinpei declares he can’t leave the whale unprotected.

Joe’s got his “stern and callous” façade going again, and tells him “Don’t be stupid, kid! Forget about the whale!” (Right, Joe. And you’re going to “forget about the puppy” two eps from now?) But, as we see the time bombs ticking down, the fight continues, and Ken, Joe and Jun continue to fly through the air and turn cartwheels as they take down yet more goons.

“The Science Ninja Team has invaded. Your orders, Sire?” says Captain Cossack to Katse. “You imbecile!” replies Katse, “You shouldn’t have to ask me!” Captain Cossack just nods, as Katse adds “What else can you do? Engage the whale subs at once!”

Ken, Joe and Jun are still clobbering goons, but Ken has realized they’re running out of time (I told you 5 minutes was cutting it close, Ken!)

Jinpei insists on remaining with the baby whale, and tells the others to leave without him, “I can make it!” Ken’s having nothing to do with that idea, but Jinpei dives into the water with the baby whale, and as a mass of new goons rush towards Ken, Joe and Jun, he and the baby whale go off, underwater.


Ken is horrified, but orders a retreat. Jun cries “Ken! But Jinpei!” and Ken’s face is wracked with anguish, but he insists on the three of them retreating.

I sure hope Jinpei can hold his breath for a long time here.

Captain Cossack orders the subs to begin leaving the base, and also orders that the God Phoenix be found and destroyed. However, just as a goon spots its location on a screen, the God Phoenix lifts off into the air, and we see that Ken, Joe and Jun are back on board. An extremely worried Jun says “Only one minute till the whole place explodes,” as Ken grimaces anxiously, thinking “Jinpei, get out of there!”


The fleet of subs has surfaced, and are heading for the God Phoenix. Joe insists they have to get the God Phoenix further away, as the massive explosion that’s going to result when the time bombs go off on the subs will also damage the God Phoenix. Ken, however, orders Ryu to take them in closer. Joe demands “Are you out of your mind?” but Ken explains that in order to give Jinpei a chance, they have to lure the subs as far away from the base as they can.

A goon informs Captain Cossack that the God Phoenix is about to attack the subs, and the Captain orders the subs to ram the God Phoenix (assuming that the God Phoenix will, obligingly, fly low?)

So, the God Phoenix is rushing the subs, and the subs are rushing the God Phoenix, and the time bombs are about to detonate. Everyone on the bridge is tense.

But, at the last possible second, Ryu veers the God Phoenix away, high and fast. The subs all explode spectacularly, but the God Phoenix has gotten away in time, though it’s shaken, and debris from the subs is flying around it. Now we see that the Galactor base is also blowing up, and massive chunks of rock are falling from the ceiling inside the docking bay.

The God Phoenix lands on an ice floe, and everyone stands outside mournfully, wondering if Jinpei survived the destruction of the base, and if so, if he can survive in “such a frigid wasteland.”


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 04-06-2009 at 18:26.
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Just at that moment, the baby whale surfaces with Jinpei on his back. Jinpei jumps ashore, and thanks the baby whale for saving him this time. Has Jinpei been underwater this whole time? No one can hold their breath that long! Or, maybe the whale was able to find air pockets under the ice here and there. I guess birdstyle protects against hypothermia too.

“I got revenge for your parents, so now you can go home in peace,” Jinpei tells the baby whale.

He pulls the tracking beacon off the baby whale’s head, and the baby whale briefly rises a bit out of the water and wiggles excitedly at Jinpei, before turning and departing.


Now, as he waves to the whale, calling out “Never give up, even when you’re alone!” he also begins sneezing. (Guess the birdstyles don't offer complete protection against submersion in icy waters.) But, he also contacts the others with his bracelet to let them know he is still alive, and all are very happy and very relieved.



The final shot is of the God Phoenix flying through the sky, and presumably Jinpei has been retrieved and is on board.

The End.

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thank you for the review LB and Saturn for the screen caps. You two make a great team. Keep up the good work. Animeclap

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Great recap, LB! I always remember this episode as the one I use to demonstrate the difference between Gatchaman and BOTP. In the BOTP version, the whale is named 'Nambu' ROFL 2 and pretty much all of Jason's fight scenes are cut out. He doesn't ambush the guys in the shed, they just conveniently run away, dropping the goon mask behind them. And all Jason does in the fight at the base is a couple of gymnastic stunts. I guess the goons ran away at his cartwheeling prowess... Wink

But best of all, in the scene where Nambu is chewing out the KNT, Anderson is talking to G-Force calmly, and not mad at all, despite their ashamed (or in Jason's case, defiant) demeanor.

I can tell that you're really looking forward to the puppy episode next week! I'm glad *you'll* be writing it up, then!


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Thanks, guys!

Laugh2 Yes, I confess I'm looking forward to the infamous puppy episode...

Say, I've noticed that the G-Force GOS version of this episode is on youtube (dubbed in Spanish).

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Dig that backbeat! dancing

From what you say about the BOTP version, it's interesting to see that all of Joe's actions in the radar station are kept in here (in part 2) except for Joe spitting -that's cut out.

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 04-06-2009 at 21:58.
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Great work--thanks for the recaps LB and Saturn!

What I liked about this episode is the team standing behind Jinpei when he saves the whale even though it cost them by losing the sub; it shows that they're human. Nambu I think overreacted (he just an ass in this episode).

Looking forward to the recap of the infamous puppy episode next week too!

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Originally posted by Condorfan

What I liked about this episode is the team standing behind Jinpei when he saves the whale even though it cost them by losing the sub; it shows that they're human. Nambu I think overreacted (he just an ass in this episode).

Good point -No one tried to excuse themselves or foist the blame onto one person. That's a team!

It's interesting that Dr. Nambu seemed to personify exactly what Joe was saying (ie. "We don't have time for sympathy," and "Forget the whale."). Except, of course, when it came down to it, Joe acted differently.

I'd like to think that, had Dr. Nambu actually been there when the sub orphaned the baby whale, he too might have acted differently, or at least felt really bad about leaving the baby whale to his fate.

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Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Condorfan

What I liked about this episode is the team standing behind Jinpei when he saves the whale even though it cost them by losing the sub; it shows that they're human. Nambu I think overreacted (he just an ass in this episode).

Good point -No one tried to excuse themselves or foist the blame onto one person. That's a team!

It's interesting that Dr. Nambu seemed to personify exactly what Joe was saying (ie. "We don't have time for sympathy," and "Forget the whale."). Except, of course, when it came down to it, Joe acted differently.

I'd like to think that, had Dr. Nambu actually been there when the sub orphaned the baby whale, he too might have acted differently, or at least felt really bad about leaving the baby whale to his fate.

What I find interesting is that it is Joe who makes the comment about "forgetting the Whale" and needing to "get on with our job/duty", when we usually say it is Ken who is the Duty Bound one. Ken is the one who defers to Nambu's authority, Joe is the one who disobeys.

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Hmm, that's true. Ken didn't seem to need much convincing to abandon following the sub in favour of saving the baby whale, which is a bit atypical of him. Now, if he'd taken off on his own to track the sub, while the others rescued the baby whale -that might be more what I'd expect.

Granted, he did look guilty later for not following Dr. Nambu's orders, while Joe sure didn't!

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Well, Ken is normally so dutiful... of course he felt guilty! Wink


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Besides which if he wants to stay on Nambu's good side then perhaps he needs to look like he is feeling guilty. Devil2

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This was one episode that I hadn't much cared for, but your review actually makes me want to watch it again.... maybe if my B/H's buddy is the only one to show tonight then I will!

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Originally posted by clouddancer
Besides which if he wants to stay on Nambu's good side then perhaps he needs to look like he is feeling guilty. Devil2

Ooh, you have a devious mind, CD!

That's a very original take on Ken's normally earnest and dutiful demeanor!

No new posts 07-06-2009 03:13 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by clouddancer
Besides which if he wants to stay on Nambu's good side then perhaps he needs to look like he is feeling guilty. Devil2

Ooh, you have a devious mind, CD!

That's a very original take on Ken's normally earnest and dutiful demeanor!

Well, that is filtered through my Mark character in my AU. He tends to use that technique, among others, to get what he needs from Anderson, especially when his usual aggressive style does not work.

Since they are both aggressive/dominate personalities Mark has learned to adapt to get what is best for his team when he needs it, and if that is looking like he is feeling guilty about something then he will use it, to deflect what he is really looking for. Of course Mark is very careful about when he uses such tactics and how often.

Yes it is very devious of me/him.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by clouddancer on 07-06-2009 at 14:03.
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I think the best part of this episode is Joe's scene. Not only is it the first time I remember him using his feather shurikens, but you also get some character development for Condor Joe. You get an inside look at not only his motivation for wanting to bring down Galactor, but at his hatred for them as well.

Hang in there, Gatchaman

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I've always liked this episode, how it sheds light on Joe's motivation for fighting Galactor and reveals his compassionate side that he so often hides (helping Jinpei rescue the baby whale).

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A Whale Joins G-Force
Battle of the Planets, Episode Fifteen
Gatchaman Episode #18, Revenge! The Whale Operation
DVD and Veoh episode #17

Review/Summary: Establishing shot of Center Neptune. Zark VO: “On a calm, peaceful night like this, things can be very pleasant down here, deep beneath the waves, at Center Neptune. Even though we have the responsibility of keeping a watchful eye on our entire galaxy.” [They aren’t that deep. It’s obvious the whole place is just under the surface, to judge by the light from the sun and the fake crescent-shaped island attached to the top of the base.]

Zark descending in his [overlong] tube. “Just when I thought I could take a short oil break, my long-range probes flashed an emergency alert. I should know by now: there’s always something going on out there in space.”

And suddenly, he’s in the control room and wearing his Zarkstyle. A very poor transition. And he’s still talking. “This time, the alert seems to indicate something is heading toward Bay City, right here on Earth.” [Where is Bay City? United States? Canada? Australia?]

He floats over to his favorite panel, below the four-screens-which-can-become-one. “Bay City is the main storage depot for marine fuel, and it’s also in the path of migrating whales.” [Anyone want to explain that? Unless it’s on an island in the ocean, in the middle of migration routes, it’s not in any danger from whales (nor are they in danger from it).] “The Intergalactic Early Warning System has never made a mistake. I’m afraid it isn’t just an ordinary herd of whales my probes are picking up. I’ll switch on the long-range video satellite and take a closer look. With Zoltar always out there somewhere, we can’t be too careful.” [Glad to know that something isn’t fuddled by bugs, dirt, and fog. But why would an ‘intergalactic’ system be trained on Earth?]

Wherever Bay City is, it’s night time. Zark notes that it looks peaceful, and the city’s lights on the water look very romantic, but he’s suspicious.

And he’s right to be. A large shape is visible underwater, and the music’s gotten ominous. Zark realizes that something’s wrong, and alerts Bay City to evacuate. [Can’t traumatize the kiddies. Even though it’s already too late to get anyone out of danger.]

We get a brief glimpse of what looks like a demonic whale-face, then a highly edited attack scene. One explosion, a quick shot of the ‘whale’ leaping, then swimming under a wrecked suspension bridge.

To the skies, where Mark’s plane comes into view. Zark says he’s flying a solo reconnaissance mission. Communications with Bay City have been suddenly cut off. [Gee, I wonder why?] Zark finds a Condition Critical in the harbor.

Another explosion, which gets Mark’s attention. While he’s commenting on the damage, Zark calls and tells him that a giant whale caused the explosions at the refinery. Mark says that whales don’t attack refineries. But Zark confirmed it, and now he orders Mark to join the rest of G-Force.

Transmutation sequence. Hope nobody ever gets a good look at Mark’s plane, or they could figure out G1’s identity.

Looks like they edited the pick-up scene, since we cut right to Keyop exiting his buggy. Jason is picked up, and Mark docks.

Keyop worries about shooting whales. Mark assures him that won’t happen as long as he’s in charge. [And it’s a good thing for you that whales aren’t responsible for the attack, or you’d have to eat those words.] Jason and Princess point out that witnesses saw the whale attack.

The Phoenix flies over the ocean until it comes across a pod of migrating whales. Mark notes they’re on their way to their feeding grounds in the Arctic. They’re migrating from their feeding and calving sanctuary with their new young ones. [Oops, another fact slipped in.]

The whales are acting normally. [I’m not sure of the species, but they look like sperm whales, or a similar species.] Mark has Tiny drop down for a closer look. Jason points out that it’s a big ocean, and Mark says that whales play a vital ecological role in it. [Plot point!]

Now Zark VO, as he hopes that G-Force can exonerate the whales of responsibility for the attack. He continues on with how whales are intelligent, and are actually mammals and capable of feeling.

On the Phoenix viewscreen, a whale mecha twice or thrice the size of any one whale appears on the horizon. As the command ship closes, the mecha fires missiles and flees. G-Force pursues.

The mecha heads right for the whale pod. It rams right through, killing the animals. [Wait: they died? That’s against the rules of 1970s children’s television! Another episode that violates the rules. Oh, how the memos must have flown.]

A whale calf swims to one of the dead whales and nudges it.

The team is ready follow the mecha and take it apart. Just as Mark gives the order to dive, Princess spots a new danger for the calf. Sharks. That bear a striking resemblance to killer whales. [And for some reason, the scriptwriters change the predators from killer whales to sharks. Even though the newcomers are clearly orcas by their body shape and markings.]

Keyop insists they have to do something for the baby whale. Jason tells him they can’t let the monster get away. Keyop persists, and Jason reminds him the whole Earth depends on them. Which answer doesn’t satisfy the boy in the slightest, and he goes out to rescue the orphaned calf.

The calf is hauling ass as the ‘sharks’ close in. Keyop interferes, knocking the ‘sharks’ about and even netting a number of them. In a case of bad vehicle design, he has to open up his buggy so he can hold onto the net. A ‘shark’ jumps for him, and is deflected by a shot from the Phoenix.

Phoenix underwater. Zark in VO, relieved that the whales weren’t responsible for the events in Bay City. (Close-up of the whale calf and Keyop in the ‘bubble’ on top of the Phoenix, with a little water so the calf can float.) Zark tells us that Keyop named the calf ‘Nambu’. [Was that a deliberate Gatchaman joke? Or did the writers want to suggest the famous Shamu of Sea World? Both?] Anderson has summoned them to Center Neptune for a briefing.

Anderson tells the team that every whale in the ocean is threatened with extinction. Spectra is manipulating the sea monsters to interfere with the ocean ecosystem. [They didn’t do so well on their last effort, and they were using poison. When at first you don’t succeed, go to the hard way?] Zark communicated with Nambu on the interspecies translator, and the little whale has volunteered to help them. [Is Nambu even old enough to make that sort of decision? He’s a baby.]

Mark points out that Nambu is just a baby, but Anderson assures him that the calf understands what’s happening, and that other whales are depending on him. Nambu’s been fitted with a tracking device, and is already following one of the sea monsters.

Mark is worried. What chance does such a youngster have in the ocean, let alone against a monster? Anderson reminds him that what happened to Nambu’s parents could happen to other whales. Keyop, of course, is ready to help the little guy. And that, Anderson says, is what they’re going to do.

The mecha and Nambu are heading for the Arctic, according to the homing device.

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G-Force heads out. They arrive in the Arctic not long afterwards.

Commercial break.

And – Zark. He’s been tracking Nambu, and now the signal seems to have stopped moving on his monitor. Yes, he wipes off a monitor, and says that the motionless signal was just a blob of dust. [Face palm. Repeat as needed.]

He hopes he can get a fix on Nambu. Then he continues on about how similar whales are to humans, as they live in families, play together, and take care of each other.

Oh, dear. Nambu’s heading into an icy strait. If he gets trapped beneath the ice, he won’t be able to surface for air.

Back to the Phoenix in flight. The team are just as worried. Nambu is circling, as if he’s looking for an opening in the ice. Or found the Spectra base.

Jason says he has something on his sonar. [Sonar? Why not radar?]

They come upon a small, isolated building. Mark orders Tiny to land. He and Jason will check things out.

Mark and Jason make their way to the ice-coated building. It looks abandoned, but a radar dish turns on the roof. Figuring Zoltar’s men are inside, the pair rush the door. [Now would be a good time to call and find out about the place. You know, confirm that it shouldn’t be there, or occupied, or whatever.]

Inside wait two armed men.

Mark and Jason enter. The Spectra agents draw their weapons, but not quickly enough. A couple of feather darts disarm them. A Spectra mask, with a hole between the eyes, and a spent cartridge, hits the floor. [Bit of editing here, to avoid admitting that someone was just killed.] Jason comments that the two agents left quickly once they lost their guns. This is just a tracking station, not the main base. [Bad move, letting them get away. They could alert the other Spectrans to G-Force’s arrival.]

Mark calls the Phoenix and reports what just happened. For some reason, this is the cue for Princess and Keyop to join him. Tiny resigns himself to sitting and waiting.

Meanwhile, Nambu has followed the mecha to the actual base, and surfaced in the docking bay. Whale mecha are lined up, waiting to be loaded.

A Spectra captain orders the robot crabs to load atomic torpedoes into the whale mechas.

Another prize-winner in the Spectra fashion division, is this fellow. He wears a long purple coat, brown, shako-type headgear (with a feather), and a green mask with a Joker grin that would give anyone bad dreams.

Back to the radar station. Princess crouches in the foreground with a box-shaped device. Mark asks if it will work.

She opens the device, revealing a reticulated screen. A quick adjustment of some controls, and she reports that they’re right over Nambu. [Okay, that puts a large building directly on top of sea ice. Not a good idea. Unless you want to argue that Nambu swam through some sort of flooded tunnel to a cavern.]

Jason cuts a section out of the floor, and Keyop holds up what looks like a cross between a bomb and a drill, chirruping, “Dig a hole.” He sticks it into the hole Jason drilled, as G3 warns him to stand back. The ‘rocket drill’ kicks up a lot of dirt. [Which means Nambu had to have found an underwater tunnel.]

Which it does. Right onto Keyop’s head.

Then it breaks through, apparently without alerting anyone in the base. G-Force drop down to pay a visit.

Skulldoon (sp?) is the Spectra captain’s name. He reports that the subs are loaded and ready to attack migrating whales. Zoltar says that there will soon be no more whales in Earth’s oceans. [So, Spectra has been attacking whales all along?]

Mark asks Princess for the ‘electronic darts.’ She passes them out.

To fill up time in the Gatch footage, Mark tells them to do this for Nambu and all the whales of the ocean. Then they set to work.

The members of G-Force sneak and rush through the docking area, setting the darts everywhere. I think we can presume they’re more than darts.

Keyop sets one in a console near a soldier. As the man turns to attend to another task, Keyop takes cover, but a dart falls out of his hand and rolls into view. Just as the soldier bends to pick up the dart, Nambu splashes in the water.

The soldier, pistol drawn, goes to the edge of the docking area. When he sees Nambu, he sneers, “Just a dumb whale.” As he turns away, an angry Keyop brips that Nambu isn’t dumb. He turns back, and spots the tracking device on the whale calf’s forehead. Before he can shoot, Keyop throws his bolos. The goon’s shots go wild.

Mark and the others hear. So do Skulldoon and Zoltar. Guards come running.

Keyop tries to get Nambu to leave. It’s too dangerous to stay. The whale isn’t listening.

Edited fight scene. Mark asks Keyop for a little help, but the boy insists on trying to save Nambu. Jason says none of them will get out unless they get a move on.

Significant close-ups of the darts they’ve planted.

Skulldoon doesn’t know how G-Force found the base, but they can’t stop what’s planned. Zoltar orders him to start the ‘Great Whale Hunt’ immediately. When the captain says it shall be done, Zoltar tells him that it had better be, or he’ll be wearing a real skeleton face. [Lines like that are a lot scarier than some of the original concepts the Standards and Practices people cut. Really.]

The clocks are ticking. Keyop won’t leave Nambu, and finally dives into the water. The rest of the team face Spectra soldiers.

Reluctantly, Mark orders a retreat to the Phoenix. [What else can he do at this point? Really? Follow Keyop?]

Skulldoon thinks G-Force has been beaten, and orders the attack to begin. Soon, Earth’s oceans will be theirs.

At the surface, the Phoenix takes off. No sign of Keyop or Nambu. Princess says they can’t leave either one behind.

The whale mechas are on the move.

Jason wants to find Keyop and Nambu. Mark says they’re attacking the sea monsters. [Under the circumstances, the right decision. Their duty is to protect the Earth. They can’t ignore that, no matter how they feel.]

For some reason, the Phoenix’s approach leads Skulldoon to order everyone to abandon their mechas. Not so much as a spitball is fired.

The mechas dive, then explode. [Now we know why the scriptwriters made Skulldoon chicken out.] The darts finally went off. Those pencil-sized bombs destroy the Spectran machines.

And the scriptwriters felt obliged to have Zark fretting about Keyop and Nambu in voice-over. Did they think the audience had forgotten?

Besides, G-Force expresses the same concerns in the next minute.

Nambu and Keyop surface not far away. Once he reaches the shore, Keyop removes the tracking device from the whale. Nambu accidentally splashes Keyop while swimming away. Keyop calls G-Force, to their delight.

And more Zark voice-over, this time praising G-Force and saying that even robots can take pleasure in a job well done.

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