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Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


I am a Swan.

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Gatchaman Episode 15 - The Fearsome Jellyfish Lens Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Gatchaman Episode 15 - The Fearsome Jellyfish Lens


There is a Ghost City, ruined ten years ago by its own pollution. The sky above is filled with noxious chemicals and smog. All living things within the city have died.

Within this dark sea of death, a strange new life form is preparing to be born.

A helicopter by the name of 'Mantle 1' reports to Dr. Nambu. The team aboard the helicopter is beginning ‘Operation Sweep and Search’, and is transmitting real-time data to the Doctor.


Back at the Crescent Base, Dr. Nambu and Director Anderson are analyzing the results. It seems that the pollution concentrations are still too high to return to the Ghost City. As the counts increase, Nambu orders Mantle 1 to return.


But the leader of the Mantle 1 team wants to continue, despite Nambu's protests. The helicopter heads for Green Plaza in the center of the city.


Nambu orders the leader to abort, but he refuses. Mantle 1 sees something running through the city, and Nambu suddenly forgets about the team’s safety, and demands to know what this thing is.


But the only response is a scream.

We cut to a laughing Berg Katse, who is holding a pair of headphones underneath one cat-like ear.


Katse appears to find something very amusing.


He puts down the headphones, and goes to report to Sosai X.


Katse reports that he got rid of Nambu's team. X replies that it is well he did. Katse's orders are to let 'not even a grasshopper' into the Ghost City.

We cut to shots of the dead Mantle 1 Team.

Cut from BOTP:


A Galactor goon watches over the burning wreckage.

Nearby, the head of an old statue falls to the ground and smashes to pieces.

Elsewhere, the God Phoenix is being covered with a special golden coating, to help it resist the pollution.


Ooh, shiny!


Nambu tells the Team that it is a coating made of fine particles, blasted at high pressure. It will protect the interior of the God Phoenix from noxious gasses. Nambu wants the Science Ninja Team to uncover the answer to the mystery of the Ghost City.


Ken contemplates the mission...


Then accepts it, agreeing to be careful.


He tells the Team to get going!


And they're eager to go!


And we cut to the stock footage of the Team transforming. Yep, the same footage they use a million times in BOTP.

The new, golden God Phoenix launches from the Crescent Coral Base.


The Science Ninja Team flies to Ghost City.


But they are shocked once they see it.


Ken thinks it's awful. Jun can't believe that any place on Earth is this disfigured. Jinpei says that if the ISO had been founded sooner, this wouldn't have happened. Joe states that this happened because 'they created pollution without ever thinking what it would do to the planet'.

A PSA from your friendly neighborhood Condor.


The Team surveys Ghost City from close up.


Their mission is to look for Mantle 1. Ryu is an expert at manning the controls of the God Phoenix.


The God Phoenix lands at the Green Plaza, searching for the Mantle 1's wreckage. As they are searching, Ken notices that the head of one of the statues looks new. As they pass by another statue, something gleams in the head. It's a gun!

In fact, guns are pointed out of old manholes, wrecked cars, and other places!

"Look out!" We're being targeted!" Ken warns Ryu.


Ken sees that it is Galactor manning the guns.


No one seems to wonder how the Galactor goons are in the city without any protection from the environmental hazards.

The guns begin shooting at the golden God Phoenix.


The shots tear off some of the golden coating, and send the Team scrambling.


The God Phoenix gets awfully close to a stone tower. Jinpei shouts that everyone should look out!


The ship almost misses the tower, but manages to knock off the top of it. Strangely, although the tower is made of stone, it explodes as it crumbles.

"Lucky that building is in shambles, or we'd be barbecue!" Ryu notes.

Jun notices that the wing of the God Phoenix is going to come apart.


"No biggie! The protective coating just melted a little." Ken says.


"No worries here, as long as we don't end up melting a little too." Joe smirks.


Ken deduces that the Ghost City is really a secret base for Galactor. Jinpei wants to 'give them some paybakc, but Ken has a better idea.


The Eagle reminds Jinpei that their job is to find Galactor's secret bases, and that's all. Anything else will be left to the UN Security Forces and their Bomb Squad.

Well that's awfully disappointing.

The UN sends in their Security Forces, and they destroy Ghost City.

More 'cut from BOTP': a goon goes flying as the UN bombs Ghost City.


Meanwhile, X is telling Katse that it's not a problem that the city is being destroyed. The Jellyfish Lens has fully developed. Until now, they could let no one close. Clearly that has changed. X tells Katse to let the Jellyfish Lens surface from the 'underwater base'.

Katse accepts his orders.


"Time for the world to witness the horror of the being that Galactor has created." X announces.

In the waters of the polluted sea, X has created a new and terrible life form. It is unlike anything humans could imagine.

The Jellyfish Lens is created.


In the underwater base, goons launch the Jellyfish Lens.


The Jellyfish Lens turns out to be a blob of goo with glowing lights all over it. The lights turn different colors.

Cool! It's a pollution-based disco ball!


One of the balls of light opens to reveal an eye.


Meanwhile, the UN Security Forces are flying over Ghost City. They think it's dead again, now.

But of course, just as they express this thought, the ocean begins bubbling and something emerges. It is the Jellyfish Lens!

The UN pilots approach the Jellyfish Lens.


The Lens' eye opens up, shooting a green beam at the planes. The planes disintegrate and explode.

Back in a conference with Nambu, Ken doesn't know what to make of the reports of a Jellyfish Lens. Wow! How did they know what it's called?


Oh, Galactor has already talked to Nambu about this. They claim that with the Jellyfish Lens, they will rule the world.


Nambu starts a high-tech projection slide show.

Ken and Ryu watch the slideshow.


Ooh, it even has the 'countdown' on the beginning of the filmstrip! How seventies!


Apparently after the Jellyfish Lens emerged, it attacked Green City. Everyone watches civilian video of the incident.

Nambu tells the Science Ninja Team that when the Jellyfish Lens is exposed to sunlight, it multiplies the light to hundreds of times its energy, creating rays of 'burning light that surpass their most dreadful imaginings'.


Ken and Jun are horrified by the filmstrip.


The rays crumble concrete, melt steel like wax, and turn human beings into dry fossils!

And on that cheery note, it's time for the commercial break!

When we return, Nambu is still talking about the Jellyfish Lens. He has been studying infrared images of it. When he zooms up, we see a crystalline structure, and Jun says that it looks 'just like a diamond'.

Nambu says that the Lens is 'no mere lens'. It is both crystalline, and organic.


Everyone watches Nambu's infrared scans.


Nambu calls the Jellyfish Lens a 'new organic phenomenon'. He tells the Team that after attacking, the Jellyfish Lens returned to Ghost City. He thinks it will rest there until the next attack.

The Doctor is most frightened because Galactor has complete control of this monster.

Ken repeats that Galactor can completely manipulate the Jellyfish Lens. Good to know that he was listening!


Nambu thinks that Galactor is stimulating the Lens' brain to do this.


Jinpei cries that they 'can't hesitate on this'. Ken agrees that they need to destroy the Jellyfish Lens. Destroying new life? What would the Prime Directive suggest? Oops, wrong show.

Ken thinks they should strike now, while it's resting.


Nambu agrees, and tells them to launch the God Phoenix!

Still golden, the God Phoenix goes off the face the Jellyfish Lens.

Overhead Ghost City, Ken admits that not investigating underwater on their previous visit was a mistake. So now, the God Phoenix goes under the waves.

Jinpei want sto know if it's safe to diev into a sea that polluted.

"Don't sweat it, Jinpei!" Ken reassures him. "The groovy new paint job Dr. Nambu gave us will protect us underwater."

Ryu grimly dives the ship.


The God Phoenix travels through the polluted ocean.


Jinpei says that this ocean is so nasty, he's afraid the God Phoenix will dissolve.

"Jinpei, you just have to learn to trust the power of science!" Jun lectures.


Jinpei counters that it was science that made this mess. Ken adds that with Galactor's scientific know-how, it's not surprising that they were able to create a life form in a 'hellish place like this'.

Ryu has a reading, and Ken is excited to meet the Jellyfish Lens at last.

The God Phoenix settles down, hoping not to be noticed.


Their 'super telephoto lens' finds the Jellyfish Lens!


"Ken, what is that thing?" Jun screams. Um, Jun, it's the Jellyfish Lens. Remember those great home movies Dr. Nambu showed you? Or were you too busy making out with Ken to notice?


But then Jinpei notices another one. And Joe sees two more. And two more!


It turns out the main Lens is asexually reproducing, splitting like a disco-ball-amoeba.

Ken deduces that if this keeps up, there will be dozens... hundreds, even!

Jun screams for Ken in horror.

Meanwhile, Katse is reporting to X that the Jellyfish Lenses are multiplying.


"Multiply! Multiply! Grow bigger! Grow stronger and spread throughout the entire world!" X encourages his fledgling life form.

The God Phoenix is completely surrounded by multiplying Jellyfish Lenses!


Joe isn't happy about this turn of events.


Ken says that even if they contact the Security Forces, they won't get here in time. Like they were so useful against the Jellyfish Lens last time?

"But the Jellyfish Lenses are still underwater, so now's our big chance!" Jun points out.


"Let's jam some Bird Missiles into that Jelly!" Ryu suggests.


But surprisingly, it's Joe who shoots this one down. At this depth, the added hull pressure would destroy the God Phoenix too.


Never say that the Condor doesn't know his armaments!

Jun asks Ken what they should do.

Joe proposes that they fire the missiles, but then surface right away.


Ken agrees. The God Phoenix comes around, and Joe aims the missiles.

"We'll blow away everything for five kilometers!" Jun exclaims.


The God Phoenix dives to attack the Jellyfish Lenses.


Ken is literally sweating this one out!


Joe shoots, and the God Phoenix flies out of there. There is a massive explosion that destroys Galactor's underwater base. Galactor goons blow through the polluted water.


It's a rough ride on the God Phoenix.



But the Jellyfish Lenses are moving faster than the God Phoenix! They surface with the Science Ninja Team!


They begin attaching to the God Phoenix, eating away the golden coating.

"Red alert!" shouts Joe, as a siren inside the Bridge goes off.


Ken gasps in horror as he sees what the Jellyfish Lenses are doing to the God Phoenix.


The blue hull of the God Phoenix is exposed, and it begins cracking!

Ken orders Ryu to increase speed, to shake them off. Their upward speed is so great that the Science Ninja Team are pressed back into their seats!


It works, and the Jellyfish Lenses fall off as the God Phoenix breaks through to the surface.

Ken congratulates Ryu on his great piloting.


Ryu is still panting in shock.


Even Joe is smiling!


But Ken points out that it's too soon to celebrate. Sure enough, the Jellyfish Lenses are shooting out of the water!

"These fricking things never give up!" Joe exclaims.

Ken shouts as the Jellyfish Lenses merge to form a huge Lens.


But the sun is coming out, and Ken reminds everyone that when stuck by sunlight, the Jellyfish Lens emits powerful light beams.

Sure enough, the Lens' eyes start opening.


The Jellyfish Lens shoots light beams at the God Phoenix!


"What are you going to do now, you stinking jelly mold?" Joe asks.

In response, the Jellyfish Lens emits a strange gas. Ken orders Ryu to increase altitude. The God Phoenix's protective coating is peeling off, and if tehy pass through the cloud, it will dissolve.

Joe wants to (surprise) blast another Bird Missile at it.


Ken says no, because that will only cause it to multiply. Intersting that there has been no discussion here of getting Nambu's permission.

As if he knows I'm thinking about him, Nambu appears on the communications screen with a timely message. He tells everyone that the jellyfish Lens breathes noxious gasses, and the amount of these gasses is finite. If they get rid of all of the gas, it will suffocate and die.

The Doctor says that Red Impulse is coming and will be there soon.

"What's he got to do with this?" Ken wants to know.


Well, the Red Impulse jets are towing a massive canister of highly pressurized oxygen. They will drop it on the Jellyfish Lenses, and after that it's all up to the God Phoenix.

Ken acknowledges this, and announces that they're going to do the Firebird.

Joe, Jun and Jinpei are surprised by this.

"It's not funny, Ken." Ryu tells the Eagle. He doesn't think they can use the Firebird when the God Phoenix is in this bad a shape.


And Joe points out that if they plunge into pure oxygen they'll be burnt to a crisp.


But Ken says that there's no other way. Hmmm... how many options have you analyzed here, Ken?

Jun notices that the Jellyfish Lens is changing colors again, which Ken says means that it's going to fire rays of light.

"Like we'd let you use that one on us again, Eye Booger!" Jinpei shouts.


But just as the Jellyfish Lens prepares to fire, the Red Impulse Team approaches with their oxygen canister and drops it.



The God Phoenix goes Firebird.


The oxygen breaks over the Jellyfish Lens, and the Firebird attacks.


The Firebird cuts through the Jellyfish Lens.


This is really tough on the ninjas.


But the Firebird emerges and the Jellyfish Lens explodes. The pieces get smaller and disappear.

Ken wakes up from the Firebird.


“We beat the Jellyfish Lens! Burnt to ashes!" Ken announces as the other congratulate him.


As they celebrate, Ken and Jun hold hands.


Then the others join in.


Red Impulse tells Ken that he 'did well', before flying off.


Even Nambu (on the communications monitor) tells them that it is a 'resounding success'. Then he tells the Team that the ISO has decided to turn the Ghost City inot a 'green city', no matter how long it takes.

The Science Ninja Team, is pleased to hear this.


Ken suggests that they fly a final lap around the Ghost City as a final farewell to 'old Jellyface'.


"But Ken, don't you think the God Phoenix is a little banged up?" Jun asks.

"A little scrape like that isn't enough to stop the great God Phoenix from soaring!" replies Ken.


Amazingly, as they fly their lap, the God Phoenix doesn't look damaged at all.


And as they leave Ghost City, a small flower blooms on the hillside; a precursor of the Green City to come.

BOTP Episode 7 - The Thing With 1,000 Eyes

Zark tells us that deep beneath the sea at Center Neptune, he monitors all alerts and forwards them to G-Force, that Team of 'incredible young people'.


Zark's job is lonely. He's never even seen any of the G-Force people in person. Oh no, why do I get the sinking feeling that before the episode is out, we'll have some horrifically flat Sandy Frank Team animation? Bleargh...

But Zark feels close to the G-Force Team, despite never having met them. They're his family, and his responsibility. Zark hopes that one of these days, when he gets his 'new overhaul', he'll be equipped to meet them, and maybe even to work with them!

Yes, it's coming, Zark. You're going to be overhauled to become Pimer, so you can fly the GatchaRooster. Just you wait!

Zark goes back to his job searching out the Galaxy for any trouble spot in need of assistance.

Oops, he's getting a red alert!

We are shown scenes of a devastated city. It is the capital city of Riga, which is 'millions of miles away, but similar to Earth'. It's a member of the Intergalactic Federation, and badly in need of help. Recently, re-habilitation efforts have been disrupted, and Zark has sensed an alien presence. He has convinced Chief Anderson to send a recon mission to investigate.

A helicopter flies over the city. The Leader of the mission says that the city empty of people gives him the creeps. Say, he sounds just like Mark! Maybe he's a relative from Riga... Wink

The recon team can't find a sign of anyone, not even the Federation workforce that was sent there a week ago.

But suddenly, the team gets readings on the 'Diotherm Scanner'. The scanner indicates that there are people hiding in the city.

The recon leader gets a message from Anderson. The Chief warns the leader that he's 'an investigative team, not a fighting unit'. The leader reassures the Chief that at the first sign of trouble they will head 'back to the mothership and blast off for Earth'.

The recon team goes in for a closer look, and their diotherm readings get stronger. And then...

Cut to Zoltar laughing his head off and slamming down a set of headphones for no apparent reason. Suddenly he's reporting to the Luminious one, telling the Great Spirit that the 'creature of a thousand eyes' is ready.

The Great Spirit reminds Zoltar that Riga has always been their main outpost for raw materials. He wants the keep it that way. Zoltar must be prepared for the Federation to resist.

We cut to scenes of the Phoenix being covered in gold. Chief Anderson tells the G-Force Team that their ship has just been refitted with warp power. The golden hue is a protective coating of anti-matter. It will protect them against any deadly gasses they might encounter on Riga.

Anderson goes on to say that the investigating scene that was sent up was captured. Aha! So the recon team was captured! I see their game now... In any case, the Chief knows 'it wasn't the friendly Rigans'. He wants G-Force to 'telecomm' all reports immediately as they investigate the city.

"Anybody for outer space?" Mark asks.

"G-Force!" everyone cries, throwing their fists into the air.

And now we have the lovely stock footage of transmutation for everyone. The Phoenix launches from the water, and then we get a badly drawn picture of the Earth, with a tiny white dot circling and 'sling-shoting' around it. The Earth gets smaller, and soon all we see of the Phoenix is a slightly bigger white blur moving through space. Zark's voice cuts in to tell us that it was a 'perfect liftoff and launching'. With the Phoenix's new 'time bypass converter', they can make a 'space shot' like this in about an hour.

We cut to the Phoenix flying through blue sky and clouds, and Zark reminds us that 'they're flying over another world now', to give us that 'alien planet' feel.

"Welcome to beautiful Riga, a real paradise!" Mark says sarcastically, looking at the scarred landscape.

Princess remarks that 'at least it isn't crowded with campers'. Keyop calls it a 'dead valley'. Jason says that he saw microfilms of Riga, and that it used to be 'great'. Gosh, if he saw microfilms, that must have been a reeeeeeeally long time ago.

The golden Phoenix flies over the Rigan capital city. Princess thinks it's too quiet, like a spiderweb waiting for somebody to light on it. Mark says that he can't see the spider, but he knows it's there someplace.

The Phoenix heads for the point where Anderson lost contact with the recon team. But G-Force doesn't see a gun sticking out of a nearby statue.

Mark activates the teleprobe for a closer look.

"It's a weird scene. Creep city!" Mark comments.

Suddenly, the Phoenix's monitors pick up weapons sticking out of all kinds of places in the city. Mark gasps that they're surrounded, and tells Tiny to blast off.

But it's too late! Spectran good are shooting at them, tearing off a bit of the Phoenix's golden coating and causing them to crash over a small tower. Keyop bvurbles, but Tiny tells him it was 'just a wing scratch' and isnt' anything to worry about. Still, Princess suggests that they not do it again.

"It's the Happiness Boys from Spectra again!" Jason smirks. "Let's get 'em!"

But Mark refuses, because their mission was to find out what happened to the survey team.

"Gone!" broops Keyop, while menacingly twirling his bolas. Somehow, the visuals don't match up here... Mark reassuringly pats Keyop on the shoulder as he agrees with the boy's assessment of the situation.

The city is not destroyed.

The Luminous One is lecturing Zoltar, because his men should not have revealed themselves. He wants Zoltar to instruct them 'never to do it again'. Wow, what a beneficent leader! I thought the Great Spirit was going to send them to bed without any supper, but instead he just tells them not to do it again...

The Great Spirit comments that the base had lost its usefulness anyway, but the 'underwater breeding tanks were not harmed'. Wait a minute... The Luminous One is talking like the 'base' was destroyed, but we didn't see any destruction. I'm confused...

The Great Spirit instructs Zoltar to release the creature of a thousand eyes. It is indestructible, and Riga's own Air Defences will be unable to stop it, not to mention G-Force. Once Spectra has conquered Riga, Earth will be next!

A couple of goons are manning the underwater breeding tanks, and they begin the 'synthesis' process. The Jello disco ball blinks its way into existence and opens its eyes.

Meanwhile, Rigan Air Defense is flying over the area. They show real people in the planes, who spot something over the water. Uh oh... BOTP's on touchy ground here. Can these people flying the planes survive? They're clearly not robot planes.

The Rigan planes fire on the creature with 1,000 eyes as it comes out of the water. And...

We cut to Zark. He says that the thing is destroying the planet Riga, and the people there are being terrorized. But no word of what happened to the Rigan Air Defence. Could it be...?

Zark has lost contact with G-Force, who is in the middle of this mess. His attenuator is turned up full strength, but he hears nothing!

But Zark 'isn't really worried, because he's sure Mark will bring them all through safely'. Funny, his antennae are drooping... does that mean he's lying through his robotic teeth?


In any case, it bothers him to always have to 'standy by down here and just wait'.

We come back from a commercial break, and Zark is pacing.


It's been a whole hour, and he hasn't heard anything. He calls Riga, clearing all channels, trying to get through to G-Force.

Mark answers, mercifully without a visual onscreen.

Oh shoot, I spoke too soon.


Mark tells Zark about the thing with 1,000 eyes, but says that they can't locate it. But Zark has the answer! His probe indicated that it was incubated in the Sea of Riga. Does this mean that there's only one Sea on Riga? Strange...

Zark is certain that's where the thing's base is, anyhow.

To remind us of what just happens, Tiny asks why the thing would go to the ocean, and Mark repeats that Zark thinks it has a base nearby. So off they go, underwater. Keyop and Mark comment on the high pollution levels of the sea.

Princess reminds Keyop to keep watching closely on his scanner, and Mark adds a similar warning. But it's Tiny who spots something. It's the base!

Outside of the base the thing is glowing, it's disco lights... uh... eyes.... flashing. Princess calls it 'a big plum pudding with a thousand eyes'. Guess they don't have Jello in the 'future'.

Jason says he'll 'pass the dessert', even as the thing multiplies. Mark thinks it's trying to 'divide and conquer'.

Tiny reports that the air screen is clogging up.

Jason suggests that a couple of them could 'slip outside and finish them off with their protein lasers'. Princess wants to suit up, and Jason tells Mark, "Let's snorkel!"

But Mark says it's too risky. He orders Tiny to surface. Then he tells Jason to ready the TBX Missiles.

Jason replies that they'll be in the middle of 'terrific hydraulic pressure', but Princess reminds him that the blobs will be too.

Mark sweats as they fire. The blast destroys the underwater base (only one brief shot), but the blobs surface with the Phoenix, eating off their golden coating.

Mark orders 'retro jet blast off', using all auxiliary power units. It works!

"I always said you were a real ace, Tiny!" Mark congratulates the pilot.

Tiny wants to know if he gets a medal.

"Tin." smirks Jason nastily.

Mark adds that Tiny might have to wait for his medal, as the blobs come flying out of the Sea of Riga. They join up to make one massive blob.

Instantly, the Commander surmises that 'once it's out of the water, that thing must operate on solar energy'. I'm not sure why he thinks this, but we all know that if Mark thinks this is true, it's got to be!

The Phoenix flies off, the massive blob following it. It opens its eyes and they start to shimmer...

Hey, wait a minute! I think we've been gypped! I'm looking at this thing, and it's got maybe 200 eyes, tops! Nowhere near a thousand! Grumble...

But two hundred might be enough as the resulting light flash is enough to make the Phoenix shake briefly. It comes around for another pass.

"Now what neat new trick is it going to try?" Jason asks.

The blob emits a strange gas, which Mark informs everyone is designed to 'break down the Phoenix's defense coating'. Again, I'm not sure how he knew this, but clearly he's got to be right. Wink

"That thing must have Zoltar's brain!" Mark exclaims.

Again, I'm not sure how... well, I guess Mark has insights the rest of us will never know. But now I'm picturing Zoltar walking around mindless, like a zombie, while his blob-brain reports to the Luminous One...

Jason wants to blast it with missile again, but Mark says that would only cause it to separate.

And Zark chooses this moment to interrupt with an emergency call, showing up on the Phoenix's monitors.


He has a chemical analysis on the thing with 1,000 eyes. It was synthesized out of pollution in the Sea of Riga. It thrives on pollution and can't be destroyed underwater. It's onyl vulnerable in the air, but conversely, it's also more powerful there. Zark confirms Mark's hypothesis that the blob draws power from the sun, which it re-transmits through its crystalline eyes.

Mark asks how to destroy it, and Zark says that they have to inject 'an enormous amount of high pressure oxygen' into its system. Then they have to use a 'tremendous charge' to set it off.

Mark is shocked when Zark tells him to fly the Phoenix into the thing, but Zark tells him to use the Fiery Phoenix first. Mark grimaces, clearly not too pleased with this plan. But then we cut back to the happy Sandy Frank footage of Zark in his Ready Room talking to the Commander on his monitors, and Mark agrees to Zark's plan.

Zark tells Mark that Rigan pilots are standing by with ta 'high pressure oxygen bomb'. G-Force must time their entry with the bomb drop.

Oh look, it's the Red Rangers! Although they arent' introduced as such. The Rangers drop their bomb, the Fiery Phoenix blasts through the blob, and it is destroyed. In fact, the remaining pieces just dissipate into nothing.

"The Phoenix pulled us through again, and a thousand evil eyes are closed forever!" Mark says heroically.

Everyone does a hand pileup and calls out 'G-Force!'

The Red Rangers fly off.

The Chief contacts the Team, telling them that a full day of celebration is planned for G-Force,thanks to the great job they did. Rigan officials are invited, and all Federation flags will be flying in their honor.

Mark wants to know about Zark, because 'he did the brainwork'. Gag.

The Chief replies that Zark will be at the head of the parade, through the center of the city. Wait a minute... Zark gets to leave his Ready Room? Leave Center Neptune? This is a first!

"Well, Tiny, it looks like you're finally going to meet Zark." Mark says. "The one who tells you how to fly this ship." Excuse me while I run to the bathroom...

We see reverse shots of a badly-drawn Earth getting bigger, to indicate that the Team is returning home.

Zark doesn't know if his 'trigotron' can take all of the excitement of heading up the big parade. He reminds us that he's never met any of G-Force before. He wonders if he should shake hands with Princess and kiss Keyop. That sounds like a plan to me!

Blessedly, the episode ends without any shots of the parade, or Zark meeting the G-Force Team. Phew!


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This was another fun recap, TJ! Thanks for including the screencap of Mark on Zark's screen -the non-Tatsunoko animation always makes me laugh (and cringe a bit too, but mostly laugh!)

After ep. 14, which was mostly Ken and Jun infiltrating a base, this one has the whole team together, mostly staying in the God Phoenix -it's good that the writers were always changing the episode structures around. Thiis is the second episode in a row, though, without a crazily dressed captain-of-the-week. Coming up with the long-eared bunny captain must have exhausted everyone's imaginations at Tatsunoko for awhile.

I wonder if we'll ever see a situation where Ryu suggests using bird missiles and everyone agrees with him. Probably not...

I like that image of Joe smiling -that's a rare thing!

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Thank you TJ for the recap and screencaps. Animegiggle

You had me laughing and "gagging" all through the BOTP recap right along side you and ..... haven't you realized yet that the Eagle is all seeing and all knowing? Wink3

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


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LB, I think after the Jello Disco Ball with Eyes they didn't know what else they could do for a mecha captain costume! But there are definitely more coming up!

For the BOTP recaps I like to put in the Sandy Frank screenshots. But it's amazing how terrible they look nbext to the Tatsunoko shots!!!!

I'm shuddering thinking about what happens when we get Mark and Princess visiting Zark in the Ready Room. Those shots are awful!

CD, I didn't realize that Mark was quite so all-knowing, until I saw this episode. I guess he wants to be like Zark! ROFL 2


No new posts 25-05-2009 14:59 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
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LB, there are actually TWO shots of Joe smiling in this ep!


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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
CD, I didn't realize that Mark was quite so all-knowing, until I saw this episode. I guess he wants to be like Zark! ROFL 2

LOL , Now I think I am gagging again. It is a good thing I checked here BEFORE I ate lunch rather than after.

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Another great job of recaps TJ--thanks!

I know we didn't have a commander of the week but those guys in the Mantle 1 helicopter made up for it. Their uniforms look like something out of an old B movie.

Nice to see Joe smiling and holding back on firing missiles? The Condor is showing restraint!

Maybe it was just me but when Red Impulse is saying goodbye it looks likes he's flipping the bird?

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

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Originally posted by Condorfan
Maybe it was just me but when Red Impulse is saying goodbye it looks likes he's flipping the bird?

I thought the same thing, but wondered if it was just my warped POV.... Wink


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I had wondered the same thing when I saw that image.
So I guess you are not the only one.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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Originally posted by Condorfan

Maybe it was just me but when Red Impulse is saying goodbye it looks likes he's flipping the bird?

Laugh1 Considering some of the things he's done to Ken, it wouldn't completely astound me if that's exactly what he was doing.

Actually, the RI team did a good job in this episode -they helped out without stealing the limelight, and Ken got to keep all his dignity.

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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
LB, there are actually TWO shots of Joe smiling in this ep!

That is true, though a smirk isn't quite the same thing as a genuine, happy smile. Then again, Joe looks very good when he's smirking. Actually, you've put a lot of really good screencaps of Joe in this recap. I was just scrolling through them all, and in so many I pause, and stare...

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RE: Gatchaman Episode 15 - The Fearsome Jellyfish Lens Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

We cut to shots of the dead Mantle 1 Team.

Cut from BOTP:


I was just looking at this screencap again, and I'm laughing and shaking my head at what they could get away with putting on children's TV in Japan, compared to North America -I mean, that's pretty damned grim for any place or time. I just noticed that the poor guy has a big piece of shrapnel stuck through his chest, right where his heart would be!

Except, of course, he's not bleeding.

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The shrapnel caught my eye too, which is why I had to include this shot. ANd the metal is colored red, probably tro make up for the lack of blood...

Hey, maybe Galactor is made up of vampires! They suck out all of the blood from the dead civilians....


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Another great recap, TJ! The BOTP recap is always fun to read, Big Grin


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Originally posted by saturn
Another great recap, TJ! The BOTP recap is always fun to read, Big Grin

I'm glad your'e enjoying it! Aren't you happy to have had real Gatchaman to watch as a child, instead of BOTP? Wink


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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Yes, it's coming, Zark. You're going to be overhauled to become Pimer, so you can fly the GatchaRooster. Just you wait!.

OMG this made me laugh so hard! An amazing insight.

There are few problems that a swift kick to the head by a highly trained ninja can't solve.

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Animegiggle Oh geez, I loved reading this! I especially loved that you captured Jun and Ken holding hands...*swoon*

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Originally posted by gogirl212
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Yes, it's coming, Zark. You're going to be overhauled to become Pimer, so you can fly the GatchaRooster. Just you wait!.

OMG this made me laugh so hard! An amazing insight.

You know, if only Sandy Frank had sought rights to use Gatch II to make further BOTP episodes... Wink1

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Hi all!

You know, if only Sandy Frank had sought rights to use Gatch II to make further BOTP episodes...

Tatsunoko had representatives at the San Diego Comic Con back in 1980, and they mentioned then that Sandy Frank had approached the studio about buying the rights for Gatchaman II, but that they had been unable to work out any agreement.

Tatsunoko's reps didn't provide any details, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sandy Frank, flush from the initial success BotP was having the the marketplace, decided to keep his options for continuing the series open by looking into Gatchaman II as potential source material (As well as having Jameson Brewer craft the story for the unproduced "Episode #106" that is mentioned in the BotP book, "G-Force Animated"). When BotP's ratings began to falter and the series was dropped from more and more stations, Mr. Frank probably decided it wasn't worth the expense to pursue a continuation, and the notion got dropped. Admittedly, this is speculation on my part, but it seems a likely scenario.


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So many lost opportunities there, Sandy Frank!

He could have turned Pimer into Zark Version 2.0 (living his dream of flying missions with G-Force), or said that Pimer was really Susan (on reassignment from Pluto) or, God forbid, the robot child of Zark and Susan!

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