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Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


I am a Swan.

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Registration Date: 04-04-2007
Posts: 20978

Gatchaman Episode 7 - Galactor's Giant Air Show Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Gatchaman Episode 7  Galactor's Giant Air Show


Aviation has progressed far in the future. But Dr. Nambu has single-handedly caused it to progress further by inventing a non-polluting airplane. Today, the plane will be tested. At this very moment, the plane is taking off for its first flight.

The airport is full of people waiting for this momentous flight. Seems overly-confident of Nambu to not test out the plane first, before showing it to all of these people. Wouldn't he want to fly it at least once?

But never fear, our test pilot is none other than Eagle Ken himself!


Ken and Nambu hold hands for a long time, looking into each others' eyes as they have their conversation. Okay, it's not quite like it sounds, but they are shaking hands, and they hold them still for a reeeeeeally long time. It's a little strange, but I guess the animators were taking a coffee break or something.

"I'm counting on you!" Nambu tells Ken.


"You betcha, Doctor! I'll give it everything I've got!" Ken exclaims.

Is it just me or does he look like the Speed Racer guy here?


Dr. Nambu's pollution-free plane.


Ken requests clearance for takeoff.


Once told he's clear for takeoff, Ken winks at the men in the control tower.


Okay, I'm not into yaoi or anything, but seriously, there's a lot of fodder in this episode, and we're not even three minutes in!

Ken starts the plane, heads down the runway, retracts the landing gear, and takes off. Dr. Nambu, Jinpei and Jun are watching from the airport.

"He's outta sight!" Jinpei exclaims while watching Ken.

"He sure is." Jun adds dreamily.


"This is Ken in the test plane." Ken says.

Wait a minute. When did he become 'Ken-in-the-test-plane'? This is reminding me of the first Harry Potter book, when the Hogwarts acceptance letters are trying to reach him. Harry Potter-in-the-closet-under-the-stairs...

But I digress. Ken reports his altitude to the control tower. He's at 10,000 feet. Wait... I thought in the future they used the metric system?

But Ken gasps when he sees another airplane in the distance.


The airplane approaches Ken, and it looks like they are going to have a head-on collision.

"Watch out Ken!" Nambu cries, as if the Eagle could hear him.

"Oh, Big Brother, get out of there!" Jinpei shouts.

Do these guys actually think Ken can hear them?

Joe and Ryu have suddenly appeared, and they watch this imminent disaster in shock.


The other plane is shaped like an old-fashioned biplane, except the wings look like bat wings. Just like an old-time stuntman, the pilot is standing on the wings, behind the propeller. He's dressed like Thursten Howell III (from Gilligan's Island) but has a strange cow-skull face. Big horns protrude from his head. To top it all off, he's got blonde hair and sunglasses. He looks like a Mr. Howell cadaver wanting to be a surfer dude.


Um... the look doesn't do it for me. JMHO.

"I am Katzenberg, the Steel Demon!" the Mr. Howell Surfer Cadaver announces in a familiar villainous voice using a bad Germanic accent.

"Who is this Katzenberg?" Ken whispers in shock.


Gee, Ken, I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count!

Metallic whips grow out of the biplane, and they last out at Ken's jet as the two aircraft pass each other.


Ken's plane is damaged, and he finds himself plummeting from the sky.

Katzenberg looks on as his plane moves away.


Ken appears to be unable to do anything to save the plane, as he sits in the cockpit, frozen in fear.


Eventually, the plane crashes into the ocean.


Dr. Nambu is horrified when he witnesses this.


The others appear more angry than worried.


"What did they do to my Big Bro?" Jinpei shouts angrily.

"Ken..." whimpers Jun.

But above the ocean wreckage, no one has noticed a parachute coming down from the sky. Ken is safe!


But this isn't it for Katzenberg. He is moving on toward the airport, his plane's metal whips lashing out at any aircraft they can reach. People run and scream in fear as he approaches.


"Doctor!" Jinpei cries, pulling at Nambu's arm, "this is dangerous! We've got to get out of here, quick!"

Notice that Jun's pants have turned orange. They must be reflecting all of the flames from the exploding planes.


Everyone runs as a metal whip lashes the balcony they were standing on, destroying it.

The same group of spectators runs from the flames as Katzenberg pursues them.


More aircraft are destroyed. Katzenberg is having fun!

"I love this!" he cackles.

Meanwhile, Ken is floating calmly in the ocean.


He gets a frantic message from Nambu, asking if he's all right.


"Yeah." Ken replies casually. He goes on to tell Nambu the bad guy's name, and asks the Doctor if he knows who Katzenberg is.


Nambu is stumped. I thought this guy was supposed to be smart! The other Science Ninjas appear stumped as well.


But never fear! It turns out the Condor is the smartest of all! He easily deduces that Katzenberg must be none other than... dun dun dun... Berg Katse!

Oh, the shocker! Bet you didn't see that one coming, did you?

"Yeah, it has to be him!" Jun agrees. "He's the only person who would do something so horrible!"

Notice that Jun's number three is hollowed out in this shot.


Nambu agrees. Obviously only Katse would want to destroy the powerful new plane the Doctor took such pains to build.

"Galactor!" Ken exclaims, still bobbing in the water. "Those guys again? When will they every stop?"

Um, in about 97 more episodes, Ken. And then they come back again a couple of years later.


But Ken isn't pondering these truths as he sits in the water. He insists that Nambu allow them to launch the God Phoenix as soon as possible. I guess they're going to drop him a lifesaver ring enroute?

Nambu agrees, and tells the others to launch the God Phoenix.

Meanwhile, a rocket is preparing for liftoff. It launches for space. but Katzenberg and his biplane arrive, using its whips to cut off the rocket's nose, destroying it.

"Auf wiedersehen!" cackles Katzenberg in his bad Germanic accent.


Even as this is happening, the G-1 is docking with the God Phoenix. I guess Ken had time to be rescued from the ocean, return to his Cessna and take off.

Cue standard docking footage.

The God Phoenix quickly catches up with Katzenberg's biplane.

"There he is! Galactor bastard!" Ryu exclaims.

Can anyone tell me if this is a blooper or not? Is Ryu supposed to have a line of bare skin between his helmet and his cowl?


"Do you think you can win against the scientific power of Galactor?" Katzenberg laughs as he turns to meet the God Phoenix head on.

This only angers Ryu, who starts calling Katzenberg names.


The two planes pass by, and the whips lash out at the God Phoenix.


Okay, maybe this is just me, but why aren't they just shooting a Bird Missile at this guy? Don't get close to the plane, just destroy it from afar! Seems like the best plan. Instead they're doing some kind of old West showdown. Sigh...

"I can't take it!" Joe exclaims, rushing for the Bird Missile launcher. The Condor really is showing his intelligence today.

Joe doesn't even ask for permission to fire the Bird Missile! Oh, be still my beating heart...


"Nein!" shouts Katzenberg, as he covers himself with a glass dome to protect himself from the missile coming his way.


Well, it seems as if that plan was no good. The missile hits dead on, but there's no damage to the plane.

"The Bird Missiles don't faze it!" Ken exclaims in horror. Hey, shouldn't that be Joes line?


The whips last out, cutting off a corner of the God Phoenix's tail wing. It is inconceivable that he has damaged the God Phoenix.

"What the hell is that whip made of?" Ken wants to know.


Seeing as he is winning the fight, Katzenberg leaves.

Yep, I'm not kidding. He just decides to go home for the day. Now I'm not an evil villain, but this seems like it would be the perfect time for him to keep lashing about at the God Phoenix. Just saying...

But no, Katzenberg is off with one last 'auf wiedersehen'.

The whips retract inside of the plane, the bat wings fold up, and the landing gear is pulled inside. Even the propeller goes away, replaced by a nose cone, as the plane is turned into a rocket. The God Phoenix chases the rocket, but it proves to be much too fast for them to keep up.

"Damn it!" screams Ken.


Jun suggests that they all go back and talk to Dr. Nambu.


Back at Nambu's villa, the Doctor is examining pieces of metal with a giant microscope. It's so big that he has to sit on a special platform, high above the floor.


He's examining pieces of the God Phoenix that were damaged in the encounter with Katzenberg.

"This is... interesting." he says in an unexcited tone.

Ken crows that he just knew this wasnt a normal metal alloy.


Nambu agrees. Galactor has come across something incredible: this is a unique supermetal named Whisker.

Jinpei thinks the Doctor said 'whiskey', but Jun corrects him.


Ryu asks calmly what Whisker is.


Whisker is the strongest metal; even stronger than steel. It's a thousand times stronger than any other metal. Ken makes the astounding leap of intuition to suggest that the biplane and the whips were made of Whisker.


"So that's why the Bird Missiles didn't work on it!" Ryu exclaims angrily.


Nambu had no idea that Galactor would be capable of this scientific development. He goes so far to say that there is no way they can win if this weapon is used against them.

Notice how all of the belt buckles are backward here.


Ken suggests that they make weapons out of Whisker too.

"Dynomite!" yells Jinpei. ADV seventies dialogue strikes again...


Nambu bursts their bubble. The ISO has been researching Whisker for many years, but they haven't made it yet. Galactor's science is far more advanced that theirs.

Ryu and Joe are upset at the thought that Galactor will just keep on 'clobbering' them.


Nambu declares that they must find Galactors Whisker-making factory and destroy it. So off goes the God Phoenix again, in search of this factory.

The Science Ninja Team immediately begins searching all of the world mines. They are now on their third day. Good thing Katzenberg didn't come back during all of that time!

The Team looks tired of searching.


Suddenly, the instruments light up! Ryu reports that 'the magnetic force is huge'. Ken looks at his map, guessing where a large mine might be. He orders Ryu to get closer to investigate.


But as they descend, rocks on the ground move aside, revealing a metal plate with spikes.

"No way! We've found it!" Ken is apparently shocked by their success.


The spikes turn out to be missiles, which shoot up at the God Phoenix.

Ryu avoids the missiles, but to do so he has to go down toward the ground. Ken tells Ryu to pretend they've been shot, and then they can infiltrate the secret factory.


Ryu quickly realizes that this means that he has to stay all by himself on the God Phoenix again.

"Keep on truckin'!" is Ken's pithy seventies response.


Ryu allows the God Phoenix to get close to two missiles which impact each other, making it look like they are hit. He purposely vents black smoke to make it look like they're hit.


Everyone except Ryu leaps out as the Owl fakes a crash-landing. Strangely, Jun's cowl has turned pink for this mission.


Joe's cowl has turned brown, but somehow my screenshot of that didn't come out.

"Wunderbar!" shouts Katzenberg, as he sees the God Phoenix smoking from inside the base.


The Science Ninja Team run up the hills, racing to get inside the base before the rock door closes.


Night falls, and the Team drop down from their place of concealment on the ceiling.


Ken is impressed by the factory, while Jinpei wants to plant explosives and blow them to bits.


Joe points out that if the furnace collapses, the melted Whisker will spill on them, and they'll be dead.


"Oh, Ken!" Jun asks in her best damsel-in-distress voice. "What should we do, then?"

Good thing Ken talked to Nambu before they left! The Eagle says that the Doctor told them to destroy the master computer.


They hear a noise, and everyone hides. A strange vehicle rolls in, and Ken and Jun smirk. Jun and Jinpei pull out their weapons, while Ken just steps out in front of the vehicle.


A confused guard emerges from the vehicle, just in time for Jun's Yo-Yo Strike!




Not to be deterred, another goon pops his head up, only to be taken out by Jinpei's bolas.


Joe leaps down from the ceiling to attack another goon.



Ken says that he and Jun will go find the computer, while Jinpei and Joe look for the nuclear reactor.


Jinpei salutes, suggesting that Jun is happy to be going off with Ken.


He gets a smack and a 'Spaz!' for his trouble.


Joe jumps into the now-empty vehicle.

Ken and Jun sneak through the base.


The computer turns out to be at the bottom of a long cylindrical hole. Jun thinks it's kind of creepy, but of course, they don't let that stop Ken from going down. He orders Jun to wait at the top.


Unfortunately, on the ladder, Ken doesn't see the guns aimed at his back. Jun is horrified.


She calls out a warning, and Ken is able to duck before his helmet gets melted.


Ken falls upside down on the ladder avoiding another blast. He pulls out his boomerang and throws it at the guns, slicing off the barrels.


He glides to the bottom of the cylinder, catching his weapon.


Ken twirls his boomerang around a few times in a showy manner before re-holstering it, then waves cockily at Jun.

"Yeah..." he says smugly.


Jun giggles and descends the ladder too.

Ken contacts Joe and Jinpei. They're at the reactor, ready to get started.


But not so fast!

"Actung!" cries a familiar bad German accent. Katzenberg has Joe and Jinpei surrounded! High above them, a ring of goons point their guns at the two ninjas.


Katzenberg demands that Joe and Jinpei drop their weapons.


"Don't make us hurt you!" Jinpei scowls and chatters in a creepy, horror movie kind of way. This reminds me a lot of those little pygmies from the jungles in Diablo II.

But strangely, Joe and Jinpei give in. What's going on? How can the Condor do this?

Oh wait, Joe's being smart today. He must have a plan up his sleeve.

Jinpei doesn't look too confident.


Back at the main computer, Ken and Jun are studying the device.


Ken says that if they disable the computer, the entire factory will be paralyzed.


Jun works on the computer, while Ken urges her to work faster.


He's so busy nagging her that he barely escapes a giant claw coming at him.


Ken and Jun are surrounded by weird grasshopper/claw mini-mecha!


The grasshopper strikes with its claws!


Despite how it looks for poor Jun, they avoid the swipes, and Ken moves protectively in front of Jun. Then they hold hands.


Okay, they're not really holding hands. Ken's helping Jun on his back to perform a mini Tornado Fighter!



The Tornado lifts them out of there, and the grasshopper mini-mecha end up destroying the computer with their own claw hits.

Ken and Jun get the heck out of there, just before everything explodes.


Katzenberg sees the explosions on his monitor, and gets angry.

"The computer is kaput!" he cries.


Jinpei cheers. Wait a minute. Are Joe and Jinpei still just standing there? Why hasn't Joe done anything yet?

Jinpei says that Ken is always a success. Joe tells him that 'this is no time to worship Ken'. Jinpei says that Joe is just jealous.


This spurs Joe into action. He leaps into the air, followed by Jinpei. Dodging gunfire and flipping in midair, Joe turns and lands on the upper deck of the room, socking goons left and right! It's a short and ugly Condor fight scene.



Jinpei follows Joe's lead. He throws his bolas at two goons, then lands on their heads.


Wait a minute... I thought Jinpei surrendered his bolas to Katzengberg?

Then he pushes them to the floor and bashes their heads together.


Meanwhile, Joe is taking out the last goons, and turns to face Katzenberg.


Of course, since Katzenberg is really Katse he... turns and runs away.

Joe pulls out his cablegun and fires. Guess he got his weapon back too.


Unfortunately, Katzenberg pulls a goon in front of him, and it is the goon who gets strangled by the gun's crescent-shaped blade.


Katzenberg gets away.

Meanwhile, Ken and Jun are climbing the big ladder out of the cylinder where the computer was located. Ken urges Jun to climb faster by holding her hand. Awwww...


But Katzenberg appears at the top of the ladder! He's mad that they destroyed his computer, and lashes his whip at the ladder.


Ken and Jun are barely hanging on!


Katzenberg lashes the other side of the ladder, and now it is completely gone!


Ken is holding onto what's left of the ladder with one hand, and Jun with the other.


They're trying to make this look precarious, but really, couldn't Ken and Jun just glide to the bottom floor again?

Jun pulls out her yo-yo and throws it at the upper railing. It latches on just as Ken is forced to let go of the ladder.


Ken and Jun fly up to the top, pulled up by the yo-yo. Ken gets a good view of Jun's panchira.


They are now facing Katzenberg down on equal footing. Undeterred, Katzenberg lashes his whip, but Ken and Jun are ready.


Meanwhile, Joe and Jinpei have picked up some discarded goon weapons and are having a good old time.


They shoot at the reactor, causing it to explode. As it starts to blow, they get the heck out of there.


An alarm sounds, causing Katzenberg to lower his whip in shock.

Ken takes advantage of this opportunity and leaps at Katzenberg, chopping Katzenberg's hand, which causes him to drop the whip.


But when Ken grabs for Katzenberg, he just ends up with an empty Thurston Howell III costume.


Ken moves to run after Katzenberg, but Jun calls him back, reminding him that the mission is over. She suggests that they just get out of there. Ken reluctantly agrees.


Ken calls for Ryu to pick them up.

Jinpei and Joe are still feeling from the reactor. They reach the hangar where they entered the base, and Joe pulls the lever to open the doors.


The God Phoenix lands on top of the open door, and a hatch in the bottom of the warship opens up. Joe and Jinpei leap up to the God Phoenix.

Inside the hatch, Ryu wonders where Ken and Jun are.


But then the Owl spots his missing teammates.


Ken begins to throw Katzenberg's Whisker Whip up to the ship.


But as he does this, a massive container of molten Whisker tips over. Molten metal spills across the floor.

Ken pulls Jun up to safety.


I'm not sure why they can't leap up like Joe and Jinpei did?

Joe worries that his teammates won't make it. If the molten metals reach the missiles, they might detonate!


Ken pulls Jun to the top of the missile-launching platform.


Then lashes out with the whip, grabbing the God Phoenix. Ken and Jun are pulled up to safety.


Back on the God Phoenix, Ken orders Ryu to get the heck out of there.


But Ryu seems to be having trouble getting the God Phoenix to go.


The magnetism is pulling them down, and those missiles are about to detonate!

But just as the missiles are about to explode, Ryu fires the jets, and the God Phoenix escapes.


As they leave, Katzenberg (dressed in another Mr. Howell Beach Cadaver costume... how many does he have, anyhow?) vows that he will get Gatchaman back.


But the Science Ninja Team don't hear him as they head home to the sounds of happy flute music.


Ken inexplicably drops the whip into the ocean on the way.


Couldn't the ISO have used it or something? This doesn't seem too bright to me.

The narrator bids Gatchaman to 'Go, for the sake of World Peace!'. And as they God Phoenix flies off in the moonlight, I guess that's just what they are doing.


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Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


I am a Swan.

40 fics uploaded

Registration Date: 04-04-2007
Posts: 20978

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BOTP Episode 54  Ace From Outer Space

Zark tells us the Center Neptune has been a 'beehive of activity' for some time. Despite this, he's giving himself a ten second oil break.


Notice how his dartboard seems to be mysteriously gone today.

Zark says that he has been burning the midnight oil faster than they can supply it. He wonders if they make 'midday oil', because he could use it. Groan...


He's been working round the clock supervision the construction of a new starship in time for the big airshow.

Zark's reverie about how much he enjoys building spaceships is interrupted by a call from Susan. Mysteriously, the oil can he left on the counter has disappeared.


Zark is so excited to hear from Susan that his antennae pop and he slides off of his bed.


That Susan is soooo hot!


Oh, wait, I forgot. That's not Susan, just the machine that plays her voice, coming all the way from Planet Pluto. She's excited about Zark's spaceship design. It turns her on. He has the most wonderful imagination.

Zark giggles girlishly.


He tells Susan that she should only wonder how he imagines her. Gag...

Susan replies that he's making her turn 'rusty red'.

But before I can vomit, she gets down to business. She has spotted a spaceship coming from the hostile planet Urgos. It is an old-fashioned biplane.

Despite coming from a hostile planet, Zark assumes that the plane is just on its way to the airshow. Susan suggests that he keep an eye on it anyway, but Zark ignores her, instead telling us how she 'charges his accelerators'.

He shuffles as quickly as he can to get to his monitor, because the big air show is about to start.


Of all of the pilots in the Intergalactic Federation, Mark has been selected to fly the new XF-97 Patrol Scout.

Mark flies the plane into the sky and encounters the strange biplane Susan told us about.

"You have a new toy, Earthling! Come, let us play!" says the Mr. Howell Beach Cadaver. His voice sounds strangely like Zoltar's. No surprise, since this guy is really Katse... uh... Zoltar, right?

Mark's plane is hit by the whips and crashes into the ocean.

Everyone is shocked to see this, but we get a quick shot of Mark landing in the ocean in his parachute.

The destruction of the airshow is similar to Gatch, but without the fleeing people. We don't even get to see Anderson and the Team running away.

While floating in the water, Mark tells the Chief that they have a new enemy to deal with.

"It's Captain Doom." Anderson replies.

What? Captain Doom? WTH? It's not Zoltar? He sure sounds like Zoltar!

But no, it's not Zoltar. Really. It's a new villain (here for one episode only) called Captain Doom.

Jason identifies Doom as a space pirate from Planet Urgos.

Anderson orders the team to pick up Mark and get going.

They face down with Doom, and he sounds even more like Zoltar.

Jason fires a missile, and it does nothing, despite the rocking disco beat in the background. Mark surmises that this is because he has a force field.

The whip slices off part of the Phoenix's rudder, and Doom leaves, under the assumption that the Phoenix is crashing to the ground. At least he's got a good reason for going, unlike Katzenberg!

Tiny remarks that Doom's rocket is doing Mach 8 as it escapes them.

Meanwhile, Princess declares her faith in Tiny to land them without a rudder.

And of course, she's right. Tiny lands safely and the Team goes to see Anderson at Camp Parker. The Chief is studying the damaged rudder.

The scientists have pulled a sample of metal from the rudder. The Chief doesn't know what it is, but it's indestructible. Anderson thinks it comes from an asteroid that wandered into their galaxy and was captured by Planet Urgos.

Mark declares that they have to find the asteroid. Tiny thinks finding the asteroid will be impossible. Um, if its been captured by the Urgosians, wouldnt it be on Urgos?

Apparently not. Zark spotted an unidentified object two hundred million miles beyond Venus. But Anderson doesn't want the G-Force Team to go. They would be defenseless against the most powerful weapon they've ever seen. The Chief can't ask them to go when there is so little chance of survival.

"You don't have to ask. We volunteer! And we'll survive!" declares Tiny.

While shaking his fist angrily, Anderson tells the Team that if they want to go, they have his blessing. Hmmm... visuals don't quite fit the audio here...

So the Phoenix launches from Earth and hands over the controls to Zark, who puts them in Time Warp.

Cut to scenes from some other Gatchaman episode, which are apparently supposed to represent the Team going through Time Warp.



Zark says finding the asteroid will be like looking for a needle in a haystack, but he suggests the Team start at Urgos. Isn't that what I already said? Does this mean that I think lke Zark? Ewww...

Mark looks at the viewscreen as the Phoenix approaches Urgos.


Funny how it looks like the moon! (Probably because in the episode of Gatchaman from which this shot was taken, the God Phoenix was actually approaching the moon.)

Cut to scenes of the Team looking shocked.

"They may have it right there!" Zark tells them.

More scenes of the Team looking shocked. I want to know which Gatchaman episode these are from.

Keyop decides to do a strange dance at the prospect of finding the asteroid on Urgos.


Strange, Urgos looks just like Earth!

The Team turn on the Phoenix's infrascanners, and search for the asteroid. When Tiny picks up something, Mark checks his 'laser printout'. Yep, G-Force is high tech all right! They use laser printers!

They discover the underground base as missiles start coming their way. Tiny evades the missiles.

"That's Urgos. Let's take them out!" Tiny suggests.

Uh, I think the entire planet is Urgos. Are you suggesting that G-Force blow up the entire planet, Tiny?

Mark stops him, but saying that he doesn't think their missiles will make it through the Urgosian force fields. Instead, Mark orders Tiny to 'go into his wounded bird act'.

"Bummer! I've got to play chauffeur while you guys live it up big!" Tiny complains.

The wounded bird act works, and the others fly out of the 'damaged' Phoenix. Inside the base, Captain Doom sees the Phoenix go down.

"We're going to be the conquerors of Earth, instead of Planet Spectra!" he declares.

The G-Force Team slips into the base as the rock cover closes.

We cut to a commercial break, and when we come back, Zark is pacing. Yes, he's worried for the Team's safety. He doesn't want to just be a 'stay-at-home-coodinator', he wants to be 'out there, battling alongside them'!


Then he wouldn't have to stay alone at Center Neptune, all worried. And he does worry, because they're like his family. What, did they take their implant circuitry from Zark's body?

Oh no... now I have visions of the G-Force Team carrying around little bits of Zark in their heads... ewwww...

Zark says that robots aren't supposed to have emotions. But when his Linear Transducer gets worked up, 'it's a real feeling'. Riiight.


Zark tries to get through to G-Force.

Inside the base, the G-Force Team drops down from the ceiling. Keyop wants to know what they're going to do now, but Jason suggests to Mark that Keyop and Princess be sent back to the Phoenix. After all, this mission is 'dangerous'.

Okay, I think I'm ready to slug Jason now.

"Maybe we should send you back, Jason!" Princess retorts. Okay, not quite the aggressive response I was hoping for, but poor Princess is limited by the Tatsunoko animation for this scene, which makes her appear not to be pissed off.

"Knock it off, both of you! We've got a job to do!" Mark reminds them.

"Ready or not, here we come!" Keyop burbles.

The scene of the vehicle entering the hangar is cut, and suddenly Mark and Princess are off sneaking the halls together, Jason and Keyop are nowhere in sight.

"There's only one guard." Mark thinks to himself as he sees someone at the end of a corridor. "We'll put him out for an hour."

So... let me get this straight. You're not going to kill him, you're just 'knocking him out'. Does this mean that you plan on carrying him out of the base once you blow it up, too?

Strangely, the Urgosian guard seems to be wearing a Spectran uniform. I guess Spectra and Urgos get their guard uniforms from the same place. Is there an evil inter-planetary Walmart or something?

We don't see Mark take out the guard, but he is conveniently slumped over the railing when Princess arrives.

The two look down the long, cylindrical hole, and Mark declares that he wants to get a better look at the equipment down there. Princess points out that it's sure to be well-protected, and he orders her to cover him.

Princess calls out a warning when the guns appear, and Mark takes them out with his boomerang. He lands, reholsters and waves cheesily at Princess...

And then suddenly hes calling Jason for an update. For some reason they cut Princess descending the ladder. I know, they didnt have enough time in this episode to show it! They needed more seconds for Zark. Yuck...

Jason reports that he and Keyop have found some kind of generator.

"We're about to put it out of business!" he tells Mark. "Stand by! You'll hear the noise!"

Jason and Keyop are of course interrupted by Doom, who tells them that their presence was detected the moment they arrived on Urgos.

Doom demands that Jason and Keyop throw down their weapons, and they do.

"Be ready to move, fast!" Jason instructs Keyop.

"All packed!" Keyop replies, but his face shows that he's not too confident in Jason's leadership. Given Jason's comment earlier, I'm not surprised!

Mark and Princess are staring at a giant computer. Mark asks Princess to figure out what it does... in a hurry.

Unlike Ken, Mark is a little gentler with his nagging, simply saying, "I hate to push, Princess..."

The mini-grasshopper mecha show up, and Mark leaps away. The mecha attack, and Mark and Princess get away by performing a small Whirlwind Pyramid.

Now it switches to the two of them climbing the ladder to get out. Poor Jason and Keyop didn't get their hero scene, where they overpowered the guards!

Princess spots Captain Doom at the top of the ladder. Doom lashes at the ladder and Mark and Princess are barely hanging on. But Princess manages to use her yo-yo to save them.

Now we finally see what happened to Keyop and Jason. They're firing guns at the reactor. Jason refers to them as 'weapons we found'. I guess they never picked up their own weapons that they dropped? And there's no explanation as to how they got away after they had to surrender to Doom.

The reactor explodes, but we dont get to see Jason and Keyop leaving the room, because that would also involve showing scenes of dead goons.

An alarm sounds next to Doom's position, and he announces that the 'main Electron Generator' is about to blow. Mark uses the distraction to chop Dooms hand and make him drop his whip. Doom vanishes, leaving his clothes behind. Mark runs after him, but Princess suggests that they get out before the place blows up. Mark reluctantly nods, then calls Jason and Keyop and tells them to rendezvous.

Jason and Keyop run into the hangar, pull the lever, and leap up into the waiting Phoenix. Tiny sees Mark and Princess coming, but their escape is hampered by the arrival of a flood of molten metal. Mark pulls up Princess, who utters girl-in-distress cries of 'I'm slipping!'

Should I mention that they never went back to get the guard that Mark knocked out 'for an hour'?

Jason's worried that they won't make it in time, before the molten metal rises to their position.

But they make it, and Mark uses the whip to effect their escape. He orders Tiny to leave, but apparently the 'heat must have jammed the lift system'. Uh... isn't this the ship that can endure the Fiery Phoenix?

But Tiny makes it work, and the Phoenix escapes.

"Do not think you have seen the last of Captain Doom, Earthlings!" Doom states as they leave. "You will yet feel the lash of my vengeance! One day Planet Urgos will conquer all!"

Funny, I thought this was Captain Doom's one and only appearance on BOTP. So much for vengeance!

Zark tells us that this has been a dangerous mission, and he feels like a human mother, now that G-Force is coming home safe and sound. Wait a minute... Zark is their mother? Ewwwwww...

Mark tosses Doom's whip out into the Urgosian oceans. Zark opens a fresh can of oil to celebrate G-Force's return home.

Cut back to Zark at Center Neptune with 1-Rover-1. Now that Doom is defeated, Zark assumes there will be plans for another big air show.


Too bad the beautiful new starship Zark invented and designed was destroyed. Rover stands up and soothingly pats Zark on the back, to comfort him in his distress.


"Thanks, 1-Rover-1, I needed that." Zark sighs.

Suddenly, a horribly flat and ugly Princess appears!


Zark is honored and pleased to see her there. Princess tells Zark that 'they want you to rebuild your starship for the next airshow'. Zark is happy. He thought he 'had something there, before Captain Doom whipped it to pieces'.

Princess tells Zark that it was a beautiful design, and that Zark is a genius. I think I'm going to be ill.

Princess leans over and kisses Zark, who turns pink and giggles.


"I feel all tingly inside." he says.

Okay, now I really am going to be sick. Good thing the episode is over, because Im off to the nearest bathroom... Puke3


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RE: Gatchaman Episode 7 - Galactor's Giant Air Show Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Another great recap -I'm still laughing here!

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

Okay, I'm not into yaoi or anything, but seriously, there's a lot of fodder in this episode, and we're not even three minutes in!


"This is Ken in the test plane." Ken says.

Wait a minute. When did he become 'Ken-in-the-test-plane'? This is reminding me of the first Harry Potter book, when the Hogwarts acceptance letters are trying to reach him. Harry Potter-in-the-closet-under-the-stairs...

Perhaps he's finally figured out it isn't a good idea to announce himself as "Ken the Eagle" but hasn't had time to come up with anything else?

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Originally posted by Transmute Jun

Inside the base, the G-Force Team drops down from the ceiling. Keyop wants to know what they're going to do now, but Jason suggests to Mark that Keyop and Princess be sent back to the Phoenix. After all, this mission is 'dangerous'.

Okay, I think I'm ready to slug Jason now.

Eek, is there any chance here that he's just considering numbers out of pure practicality -why risk four if two will suffice (and with rank comes responsibility)?


Princess leans over and kisses Zark, who turns pink and giggles.

"I feel all tingly inside." he says.

Okay, now I really am going to be sick. Good thing the episode is over, because Im off to the nearest bathroom... Puke3

Between Zark and the way they've drawn Princess here -I don't blame you!

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Awesome recaps, TJ.

For some reason I always thought that this was the episode (Gatch) that Jun got hurt during the fight and that was why Ken held her hand and helped her up onto the Phoenix. (she got clipped on the ankle and fell)...

It must've been a different eppy, and now I want to know which one it was...

There was a lit of animation flubs in that one - especially with Princess/Jun. The visor shape, her dress no longer being sleeveless, and the hollow three (I'm ignoring the Zark picture because that's just horrid.... although it appears that her legs are as long as mine)

Awesome job, though, girl!! Thanks



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I am really enjoying these recaps and finding them so hilarious at times. Thank you all for doing them!

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Ok, this was fabulous, baybee! You gave me several new bloopers to add to the fan page...and your comments were hilarious! I especially loved "Thurston Howell the surfer dude cadaver" ! pound

I'll be back later to add the link to my fan page...I gotta get to school quickly and do sub plans this morning...


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Yeah, I caught the wrong visor shape as well.


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This was great, I had a great laugh this morning with all your comments.

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Originally posted by lborgia88
Eek, is there any chance here that he's just considering numbers out of pure practicality -why risk four if two will suffice (and with rank comes responsibility)?

I think it's just a bad line. Don't worry. Joe has a few. There's an especially bad/comedic one in episode 11. Wink (2 weeks from now I'll be posting that writeup) In that episode Jason's translation is better, although not by a lot.

Between Zark and the way they've drawn Princess here -I don't blame you!

I know! If you look at it the wrong way, it seems like she is deep-throating his antenna. Ugh.


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Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
For some reason I always thought that this was the episode (Gatch) that Jun got hurt during the fight and that was why Ken held her hand and helped her up onto the Phoenix. (she got clipped on the ankle and fell)...

I think that was episode 6 (last Thursday) where she fell and Ken was asking her if she was okay and standing protectively in front of her.

But you're right that she seems rather weak in the last part of this episode, leading to a bunch of protective/shippy moments from Ken. I think if she had been injured by that claw slice, then that would have made a lot more sense of all of this.

There was a lit of animation flubs in that one - especially with Princess/Jun. The visor shape, her dress no longer being sleeveless, and the hollow three

Don't forget the orange pants! I loved that one!


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Transmute Jun on 27-04-2009 at 13:53.
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Originally posted by veritas
Yeah, I caught the wrong visor shape as well.


She does look more Condorish there, with that visor shape!


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Originally posted by Transmute Jun

I think it's just a bad line. Don't worry. Joe has a few. There's an especially bad/comedic one in episode 11. Wink (2 weeks from now I'll be posting that writeup) In that episode Jason's translation is better, although not by a lot.

True. Laugh1 I think I might know which line you mean...

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There is another episode where Joe seems totally out of character for a's really weird...


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Ok, it's Fan Page time...and this time I already added the extra bloopers you guys found!

Fan Page #7


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Ken does look a lot like Speed here


Love the review and comments TJ! thumbsup2

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


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Thanks for the recaps TJ! I was ROFL 2

You pointed out one of the main gripes I have about BOTP is that the scenes didn't make sense like Jason and Keyop surrendering to Doom and then later they are blasting the goons. Inconsistencies like that drive me crazy!

Ken DOES look a lot like Speed Racer in this episode.

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Thanks for the picture of Speed Racer, Shamrokchick! I guess I wasn't totally imagining things!

Originally posted by Condorfan
You pointed out one of the main gripes I have about BOTP is that the scenes didn't make sense like Jason and Keyop surrendering to Doom and then later they are blasting the goons. Inconsistencies like that drive me crazy!

iagree When I was a kid I noticed some of this stuff, but now, as an adult, watching the Gatchaman and BOTP eps back to back, it's really eye opening!!!!


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What a great recap, TJ! Really enjoy reading it, Bowdown


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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Thanks for the picture of Speed Racer, Shamrokchick! I guess I wasn't totally imagining things!

No problem Wink... I knew you weren't imagining things!

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


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