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SJ_SwanJun SJ_SwanJun is a Female
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Gatchaman Episode 4 - Revenge of the Iron Beast Mechadegon Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Here's the BotP summary of the Episode they call. "The Space Serpent:..

The Space Serpent.

We begin with Zark and his usual opening remarks as to who they are. He lets us know that there has been reports of a disturbance in outer space so he has set his photon probes and time bypass scanners to see what it is. Out beyond the stars there is a force big enough to affect he orbits of the stars and planets that it passes... whatever it is, it appears to he headed straight towards us!!

It has to be Spectra!

Zark needs to get a better look at it and thus must wipe his monitors. He hopes he is not becoming nearsighted, but things have been kind of blurry lately he needs his photo electric eye cells checked to make sure. It may just be a weak compassitor you know, a stigmatism.

He needs to alert security, he can see it.

It might seem quiet, but his seizmgraphic readings say otherwise ... uh-oh. The intruder is attacking the oil refineries!!

Cue the destruction!!!

The mysterious intruder has been identified. This Space Serpent has a large appetite for oil!

More destruction on an oil tanker.

The Commander of the Week (CotW) is a Robot. His programming is complete ...

Zoltar!! He insists that Spectra take all the oil and create havock with seixmic disturbances.

Mark runs into a communications room to see the Chief. "What's is it, Chief?"

Anderson tells Mark to slow down and he'll tell him. He then goes on to say that he called for Mark because he knows that Mark is an old and close friend of Dr. Harlon (?) and the (?) institute..

This doctor is a famous seizmologist. Anderson has a feeling that the doctor must have something very imortant to speak with Mark about. MArk thinks it will be good to see him again... and away he goes. Mark says that the doctor was like a father to him and so he's honoured that he wants to see him.

Dr. Harlem and Mark meet. The Doctor comments that he cannot believe that Mark is the leader of G-Force. Mark humbly explains that officially he is the leader, but they (G_Force) are a team - each with their own special skills.

And I bet he knows all of Princess' special skills.. heh hehe

The Doctor lights a cigarette GASP! and explains that he's discussed the seizmological (I know, I spelled it wrong) disturbances are occuring all over the world and are not in the usual areas for such disturbances. HE believes it has something to do with the alien invader and thinks he can locate the source..

But, before he can tell Mark... and Earthquake strikes!! Dun dun dunnnnn

Mark says he thinks that they're in for a big one so they must get out... and they do. The Doctor is pleased that everyone managed to get out.

They run and the ground opens up beneath them. They both fall into the chasm and Mark is forced to transmute.

They really need to work on the transmutation thing, I think. Mark was forced to let go as he transformed to Eagle, thereby wasting precious time... If he had continued to hold on, then he may have saved the good doctor... but that's just my opinion...

The Doctor is swallowed by the hole and there is nothing Mark can do but call out to him and then get hmself clear.

Mark is at the Doctor's grave and sets the watch that slipped off the doctor's wrist during the attempted rescue on the gravestone.

A feisty little girl who sounds eerily like a certain Swan attacks him with a karate chop and a kick. Mark backs off as she asks how he could have the nerve to visit the grave.

Mark tries to explain to her that he had nothing to do with her father's death and she fires back that he has superpowers and he could have saved her father.

Mark pleads that he tried to do everything he could to help him -- but she whines that it was all his fault -- ALL his fault. Then she lunges at him again. Finally she collapses against him and he promises again that he did everything he could. He looked up to her father.

He then carries her off into the sunset.

Flash to Mark in his plane.

Zark tells us that Mark left Debbie with Princess so she could take care of her while he searches for the Space Serpent that was responsible for the death of Debbie's father.

Mark finds nothing, and so decides to use an infra scanner (?) for a look underground... HE finds nothing.

He asks himself where the thing could be hiding. Suddenly!! The scanner blips and Mark reports to Zark that he might be on to something. Gasp! Lo and behold ... there it is! He exclaims that it is the serpent and he's going to need some help.

Help identifying the creature, perhaps. It behaves and looks like a centipede ... to me anyway, and I'm from the outback so I know what those evil little bastards look like!

Off to the CotW and his robot goons ... somehow he just knows that the plane belongs to the G-Force commander. I'm not sure how he knows for sure, perhaps it is the ID nuber on the plane -- oh wait, Mark's plane doesn't have that... The CotW deems it necessary to destroy Mark. Out of the ground they burst..

Ooooh crotch shot!!

Mark is stunned, but evasive ... Until his plane gets hit at the tail!!!

If my years of watching Mayday has taught me anything, the tail of an aircraft is it's most vital piece. If you lose the tail, you lose the plane (yeah, okay, the wings too) ... Most of the pitch and left/right control is controlled by the rudders in the tail section. I could draw you a diagram of the tail, but I won't... And anyhow, Mark is an Ace Pilot ...He'll find a way out of it.

MArk transmutes to Eagle. He's happy that he finally "smoked" them out and got them in the air -- An Eagle's favourite playground.

Mark invites the serpent to play tag ... But the serpent gives up too easy.

Flash to Zark... pacing ... wondering... What to do. Oh what to do?

He's concerned because Mark went out on his own to fight the serpent. This is surprising as Jason is usually the headstrong one -- But Mark is taking Dr. Harlon's accident very hard and very personally.

Zark is tracking the serpent. It is 3000 metres underground and is moving very fast. The FOSDIC splutters and sparks., which is apparently a warning that the seprent is heading toward another oil refinery.

He must contact G-Force and get them to back up Mark at once!


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

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Mark is back in civvy mode and is thinking ... hearing the cried for help and the accusation from Debbie.

Princess calls through the transbonder band and is ... really panicked ... She sounds like she is borderline teary as she tells Mark that they're standing by at the power plant and the serpent is going to attack at any minute.

Mark snaps out of his funk and responds that he'll be right there.

Standing by. Yes. Defending anything. No.

The serpent attacks and G-Force is nowhere to be seen!! Why are they not swooping in if they can see it?

The serpent breaks apart and the security people order to send in the robot fighters, who inevitably get beaten.

The Sonic Jet filters into view, and we flash to the command deck of the serpent and hear Zoltar chastise the CotW for not staying underground until evening. The CotW responds with "Does not compute."

Zoltar asks if he is being questioned and the CotW responds that he is not programmed to question - however Zoltar feel free to reprogram him.

G-Force is behind them ... so regroup and ATTACK!!

Mark links up with the Phoenix... and GASP!!! Debbie is on board because Princess asked her to come along. Mark is totally cool with that ... totally, because he wants her to see the monster.

She says she hates it and he promises to make sure it doesn't hurt anybody ever again.

Tiny remarks that the serpent is like a 7-headed dragon - chop it up and it goes back together again.

Jase thinks there's only one thing to do ... hit it with a TBX nuclear missile ... A nuke, Jason? Like, really. A Nuke? That's a little overkill isn't it?

As usual, his attempts to press the red button are thwarted by Mark. Princess thinks they risk hitting the city - Mark wants to decoy it away.

Jason wants "just one quick blast."

Mark denies him again ... he calls Debbie over and tell her to "Come here."

Princess is stunned that Mark is thinking of asking Debbie to press the button.

He isn't thinking about it ... he outright does it!!

"Debbie just press that button and you'll destroy the thing that killed your father."

Behind them, Jason looks pissed off.

Mark wants her to do it, but she can't ... Mark tells her it's her last chance for revenge.

she says no and he says "Good. Revenge never solves anything."

But something has already happened to the mecha that I'm not sure G-Force are aware of. CotW reports that there has been a systems failure and now everyone needs to abandon ship!

Tiny tells Marks they have 20 seconds.

"Steady as she goes," Mark replies before he gives Jason the green light to press the red button. HE assures Debbie that's it's all right and to hang on. Tiny counts down and Jason fires the missile.

The team marksman hits the target and the head explodes. Tiny follows through by ramming the Phoenix through the body.

Keyop celebrates .. yaaaaay.

Wow Debbie is short, eh? In this shot it realy appears that Keyop is taller than she is. Either the kid has started hormone therapy to grow up a little, or this Debbie is just a little girl...

Debbie collapses in front of Mark and he dutifully tells her that it's all over now... Her father would be proud of her today. She smiles, all tears gone, and says she is so grateful to G-Force.

I can't totally make out Mark's response, even though I've listened to it about fifty times now... sorry.

In this episode they really made the Eagle look good. He's been a handsome young man when in birdstyle today ... and that voice ... sighhhh.

Back to the cemetary.

Mark and Debbie are at the gravestone. HE walks away and we notice the team are standing at a respectful distance behind him.

Anderson softly calls his name. Mark turns and admits that he did not act like much of a Commander today. HE let his personal feelings get in the way, and so he will resign.

But no. Anderson feels as though Mark is unneedlessly punishing himself. We all make mistakes. Sure he feels as though he could have saved the doctor, he knows how much it cost Mark, but he'll bounce back.

Mark is stunned. Anderson still wants him as commander of G-Force??!!

Debbie gives Mark back the com link. HE taught her that seeking revenge for what happened to her father only hurts her.

That eases his mind and he takes the comlink back.

They all rush him, Princess welcomes him back. He is happy and tells the "gang, let's go". They all run into the sunset.

Back to 7-Zark-7.

Thank goodness it's all over. The serpent was destroyed and Debbie forgave Mark for not saving her father. Most important, Mark has forgiven himself. Everyone learned a lesson -- except Zoltar.

AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH MY EYES. MY EYES... Zark is having a nice cold oil shower!! No need to torture you guys to see a screen cap on this one ... although there is something in the background, a sign, that says "Star Race" that might make interesting conversation fodder...

Susan calls through and zark tells her she just caught him in the shower. She has long range telephoto vision, so is she perving? Nope. It's only good for eight million miles. She's on planet Pluto, over three million miles away...


That's within range.

But zark is cool with that. She's been promoted to early warning... She can now warn him when he's in danger. OF course he was in more danger when she called.

Oh Squick.

~end eppy~


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

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And now the Gatchaman version.

(First, Thank you to Shamrokchick and Saturn for the screencaps!)

The episode begins at what appears to be a refinery, complete with a smokestack belching filth into the sky (How is that Mantle Project coming along, Dr. Nambu?).


All seems peaceful, but suddenly the ground begins to shake, and the music turns sinister. Huge cracks begin to appear in the ground and the air begins to swirl over one especially large fissure, while a cluster of workers all go "ohhh!" and stare, aghast -as well they should, since any nameless and ordinary people shown at the beginning of a Gatchaman episode are DOOMED.

Something is rising from the fissure, rotating rapidly and creating a windstorm, but it's possible to make out its centipede-like shape. Again, the workers go "ohhhh!" Now fully out of the ground, the giant centipede-like mecha promptly heads for two large fuel tanks and sucks the fuel out of them with two large hoses that extend from its head.


Presumably filled, the centipede mecha retracts the hoses and then proceeds to smash a nearby fuel truck (that instantly bursts into flames) as well as the two large fuel tanks (which also ignite immediately) and soon there are flames everywhere.


The centipede mecha begins to burrow again, by rotating at high speed, and soon it disappears into the ground.

Next, we see a large tanker ship sailing through a peaceful sea at night. The centipede mecha rises from the sea, rotating fast and spraying water.


Crewmen on board the ship all go "ahhhh!" and stare, possibly in realization of their impending DOOM. Just as it had at the refinery, the centipede mecha sucks fuel from the tanker with its two hoses. Once finished, it retracts the hoses and with a massive swipe of its body, smashes the tanker.


As the tanker capsizes and bursts into flames, the centipede mecha goes underwater and burrows into the sea floor, rotating fast.

Now, the narrator informs us that we have been watching "the iron beast Mechadegon, the next agent of evil sent by Galactor, which is trying to take over the world."

Inside the centipede mecha itself, its Commander is seated and facing away from us so we can't see him, but we can see Berg Katse's face on a large screen. "We have extracted all the Earth's oil," the Commander tells Katse. Berg Katse gloats that Galactor will "soon possess all the Earth's underground resources," and he indulges in a peal of classic evil laughter.

We cut now to Ken, in his civvies. He's running down a corridor to meet Dr. Nambu, who's sitting in a room filled with computers and screens.


Dr. Nambu explains to Ken that underground resources in a specific region have all been mysteriously disappearing ("mysteriously" I assume, because all the witnesses are dead) and that the disappearances have all coincided with earthquakes. Dr. Nambu is certain that Galactor is involved. Ken declares that he'll investigate, and that he'll find Galactor's headquarters this time. Sigh... I wonder how Ken would react here if he were told just how many more episodes
that's going to take. However, so keen is Ken now, he's on his way out the door before Dr. Nambu is even finished with him. As Dr. Nambu asks where he's going, Ken calls back that he's going to talk to the Director of the Earthquake Center.

Next, we see a man in a suit and tie entering an office area. He greets Ken, who introduces himself as "Ken the Eagle" (yet again!), and he introduces himself as Nakahara, the Director. They exchange polite bows and then sit facing each other over a coffee table. It amuses me to no end that the Director then blithely pulls out a cigarette and lights up.


Things were different in the 70s... Still, he doesn't offer one to Ken. Ken asks him if he knows what's been causing all the earthquakes. The Director says they're investigating, but haven't made much progress as, shortly before each earthquake, their seismograph always seems to be mysteriously broken. But, he does think that the earthquakes aren't natural but rather are being caused by some "physical being." Before Ken can get him to elaborate, the building begins to shake. A vase on a stand topples over and smashes, and small bits of debris rain from the ceiling.


"Run for it!" yells Ken, and he and the Director dash out of the room just as the light fixture falls from the ceiling and smashes on the coffee table.

Next, we are outside the Earthquake Center, where numerous employees all in white uniforms with big red triangles on their chests, are fleeing the building as the ground continues to shake. Ken and Director Nakahara emerge too, and the Director tells everyone to run for the forest (Do tree roots keep ground more stable during earthquakes? I must look into this... ) as the building begins to crack apart and collapse. Ken and Director Nakahara are running together.


But a chasm opens up in the ground beneath them and they fall in. Ken is able to transmute to birdstyle as he's falling, and he dives after the Director who is falling still deeper into the chasm. Ken manages to grab his arm.


And, Ken sees two bright lights in the depths of the chasm.


But, the Director slips from Ken's hands, leaving only his watch in Ken's hand. The chasm is now closing rapidly, and Ken is forced to leap up and out of it to avoid being crushed. Ken looks on in horror as the chasm now snaps completely shut. He calls out "Director Nakahara!" but there's nothing Ken can do, although he does try to pull the chasm apart with his hands.


Now, the ground is still again. Ken is furious, and he yells that he knew it was Galactor as he clutches Director Nakahara's watch in his hand.

We cut to Ken, back in his civvies, in a cemetery, laying the watch on a gravestone as the sun sets behind him. We can hear Ken's thoughts -he's filled with guilt that he was unable to save the Director, that he failed. Suddenly we see the legs of someone coming up behind Ken, and then an arm that's about to strike him from behind. But, Ken turns and evades the blow. A leg snaps out to kick him, but he leaps away and then looks to see just who is attacking him. It's a young girl, maybe ten years old or so (she's about the same size as Jinpei).


"Galactor!" she yells, "You killed my father!" Dr. Nambu must be doing good PR - just a few episodes ago, no one had heard of Galactor. Ken denies that he's with Galactor, but the girl demands to know how Ken has her father's watch. She doesn't wait for him to reply, but launches herself at Ken again, "I know you're the one who killed Papa!" Ken is forced to leap about, avoiding her attempts to hit him and insisting that he's not her enemy. "I don't believe you, you liar!" is her response. Ken has clearly had enough of this, as he grabs his fist with one hand, cracking his knuckles in preparation...

As she lunges for Ken yet again, he punches her in the stomach and she collapses into his arms.


Oookay, this girl does seem to have had some martial arts training and it sure didn't look like she was going to stop trying to attack Ken any time soon, but there's no getting around the fact that Ken just punched out a grief-stricken kid much smaller and more defenseless than himself.

Um, anyway, Ken now thinks "the Director left his cute little daughter behind." Yes, we have yet another fatherless child for Ken to identify with in this episode (though I'd have rather seen him punch Makoto, in the previous episode, than this girl). So, Ken leaves the cemetery, still carrying her limp form in his arms, and he looks back, vowing that he won't let Director Nakahara's death be in vain, as the fading sun glints briefly on the watch lying on the gravestone.

Now, we see a bedroom, and the girl is sleeping in a bed as Ken and Jun look on. Ken tells Jun that it's his fault that the girl's father is dead. Jun disagrees, but says she understands why Ken is upset. Ken goes on that he wants the girl to have the chance to avenge her father.

"Could you take her in until then, Jun?" asks Ken, indicating that the bedroom we're seeing is at Jun's place. I guess we have to assume that that this girl has no mother, siblings, or any other relatives who might be wondering where the heck she is.


Jun says she'll do it, "for your sake," but Ken then immediately announces "I'll call you soon," and hightails it out of there. (Jun, when you daydream about a happy future life with Ken, you should probably assume you will be doing all the childcare-related work.)

Jun was probably hoping that Ken would be staying at her place much longer than this. "Oh, he doesn't understand how a woman feels!" says Jun in frustration as she stares out the door he has just departed from, hands on her hips. "Oh, Ken!"

(more coming soon)

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But Gatchaman has important things to do, like fly his plane. We see Ken doing just that, in civilian mode. The narrator informs us that Ken is searching, on Dr. Nambu's orders, for the thing with two bright lights that he saw in the chasm at the Earthquake Center, and that he is using infrared rays to see underground. Ken is in contact with Dr. Nambu, who is in a lab somewhere, looking at a map on a screen. Ken pushes a button that causes a large beam of infrared light to shine on the ground below his plane.


Dr. Nambu can track Ken's progress on the map he's watching, and Ken informs him that he's not getting any readings. Dr. Nambu suggests that he fly closer to the mountains.

Soon, Ken's infrared beam detects something, and we see an image of the centipede mecha moving underground, and Ken realizes that he's seeing what caused all the earthquakes.


We cut to the interior of the centipede mecha, where a Galactor goon is telling his Commander (of whom only one shoulder is visible, from behind) that an airplane is observing them from the sky. At last the Commander turns and we get a look at him. His helmet resembles nothing so much as the cow skull that my boyfriend has hanging over the fireplace in the den.


"Such impudence!" the Commander declares, and he orders the goon to fire a rocket at the plane. The goon does just that, as we see Ken narrowly avoid the rocket by turning his plane sharply and quickly. He avoids two more rockets and is pleased that he's "got the enemy's attention," but then a fourth rocket strikes and damages the underside of his plane, and its controls cease working. As Dr. Nambu asks "What's wrong?" and Ken yells "auughh," the centipede mecha rises from out of the ground and lunges at Ken's plane.

Damn, it's a big mecha! Ken's plane is like a little fly compared to it.


The centipede mecha begins to fire laser beams from its eyes, trying to hit Ken. Ken has had enough of this, and he transmutes. Now in his G-1 jet, Ken dives and swoops, and soon the centipede mecha is flying in pursuit of Ken.


Ken dives and pulls up just before hitting the ground, but the centipede mecha begins its rapid-rotating burrowing and goes back underground where Ken can't follow. Ken clenches his fist and tells Dr. Nambu that he's sorry he let the mecha escape. "You'd better run, Galactor scum," he thinks.


Commercial Break!!

Now we see Ken and Dr. Nambu (yes, we've got another Ken-centric episode here) looking at infrared images of the mecha.


Dr. Nambu is certain that this mecha has been stealing the Earth's resources and taking them to Galactor. He shows Ken a map where the sites of all the mecha's attacks are marked, and he and Ken conclude that a science laboratory (where ions are stored underground) in the same general region, is likely the next place that the mecha will attack. Dr. Nambu says he will have peacekeeping forces and mobile troops sent to defend the laboratory, and he tells Ken to go there too, with the Team (at last!). Ken cracks his knuckles again, and declares he'll get the centipede mecha this time. But Dr. Nambu says "Wait!" He's heard from Jun (hmm, she ratted Ken out) and he knows about the situation with Naomi (we finally learn the girl's name).

"The Science Ninja Team must not be swayed by anyone's heart," says Dr. Nambe gravely, "Remember this: when that happens, you will cease to be a Ninja."

[Saturn: "Before Ken leaves, Dr. Nambu reminds Ken again that a Ninja should never be 'swayed' (ooh, how I love this word. Dr. Nambu makes it sound so romantic, Big Grin) by anyone's heart. Well nothing to worry about, Hakase. Jun has told the audience in the first part of this episode that Ken does not understand a woman's feelings at all."]

We see Ken flying again, in civilian mode, and Dr. Nambu words are echoing in his thoughts, but so are Naomi's sobs of "killed my father, killed my father..."

Jun now contacts Ken, wanting to know what to do with Naomi. Ken is torn, and doesn't answer her right away. Jun points out that if they take Naomi with them on the God Phoenix, that will expose the identities of the Science Ninja Team. Ken snaps "Just bring her, I'll take the responsibility!"

[Saturn: "But of course, like with every Ninja, rules are made to be broken."]

At the laboratory, the centipede mecha arrives to attack, just as expected. With its laser beam eyes, it destroys the tanks that are defending the laboratory and spreads flames everywhere.


Missiles are fired at the mecha's head, but it merely detaches and remains in the air as the rest of the mecha falls to the ground. The body of the mecha on the ground then separates into numerous, four-legged segments that all begin to attack the laboratory with little laser beams of their own, and more havoc is wreaked. A fleet of fighter planes attacks next.

[Saturn: "(Wonder if Tatsunoko paid for the license for using the U.N.'s name, hehe.)"]

The fighter planes are all blasted with the laser beam eyes of the mecha's head, and are destroyed. But then, we see the reflection of Ken's G-1 jet in the mecha head's eye...

Berg Katse on-screen inside the mecha's head, is angrily denouncing the cow skull-head Commander for being discovered by the Science Ninja Team, and orders him to destroy the God Phoenix (and naturally, reminds him that his life is forfeit if he fails).

[Saturn: "A very poorly drawn Katse..."]

As Ken docks his jet with the God Phoenix, all the mecha segments and its head reassemble into the centipede again.


Ken enters the bridge of the God Phoenix, and Naomi is there. She apologizes, saying "I had no idea you were Gatchaman!"

[Saturn: "Naomi apologizes to Ken for not knowing that he is Gatchaman (as if she should have known about this). I wish that Ken would apologize for punching her in the stomach before, sigh."]

Ken directs Naomi's attention to the centipede mecha on the viewscreen, telling her that it's what killed her father. "Poor Papa," she sobs.

[Saturn: "The Team takes some time to relate to Naomi's grief (wait, I thought that Ninjas should not be 'swayed' by anything at all, and guys, there is a crazy mecha in full destruction mode, oh well...)"]

They try, twice, to destroy the centipede mecha by bashing it apart with the God Phoenix but each time, the segments all just reassemble again.

Joe scowling, declares "I can't take it! I'm blasting a bird missile at that centipede's head!" Jinpei is shocked and grabs onto Joe, and Jun pleads for Ken to stop Joe. (They really take the "no missiles without permission" rule seriously in these early episodes!)

Ken grabs Joe, as Jinpei still hangs on as well.

[Saturn: "A very rational Joe wants to take the machine out once and for all with the bird missile."]

They narrowly avoid being hit with the centipede mecha's eye laser beams, and as the God Phoenix veers, they all go tumbling to the floor. Joe gets up and he's going for the button again. Ken latches onto him again, as Joe demands "Are you going to lecture me again?"

[Saturn: "Only to be stopped by a very irrational Eagle (yaoi fans will have a field day with this particular shot, Big Grin)"]

"No," says Ken, "It's just that pushing that button..." and he turns to Naomi, "Is this girl's job!"

Everyone gasps in shock.

[Saturn: "Ken announces (with a very dramatic sound effect) that Naomi is now the 'Commander' of the God Phoenix and has full authority over the bird missiles, well, sort of. Big Grin"]

(more soon!)

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Ken contacts Dr. Nambu, who appears on-screen, and Ken informs him, rather dramatically, "We're going to fire a bird missile!" Dr. Nambu is quite angry to hear this, and he goes on that "You only use bird missiles in an emergency!" (This isn't an emergency?) "Stay on mission. You're the leader of the Science Ninja Team and I won't allow you to break the rules for no good reason!"

[Saturn: "Dr. Nambu reprimands Ken for wanting to use the bird missiles for this 'apparently' non-emergency situation."]

Ken abruptly cuts him off, and the screen goes blank.

[Saturn: "Like any other good Commander, Ken turns the monitor off, much to the horror of his teammates. Well, I was more horrified by the fact that he seems to turn off two different buttons, hehe."]

Ken still wants Naomi to push the button to fire a bird missile, but having heard Dr. Nambu, she's frightened and trembling.

[Saturn: "Ken points to the new Commander, ahem, Naomi, the button to fire the bird missiles."]

She keeps hesitating as the centipede mecha fires on the God Phoenix again. Ryu swerves and brings the God Phoenix around again, bearing down on the centipede mecha.

"Hurry up!" Ken says to Naomi. "But you'll be in trouble!" she cries.

[Saturn: "Ken sure does know how to persuade a frightened little girl. A threatening gesture will always do the job."]

It comes down to a game of chicken between the God Phoenix and the centipede mecha, as they are heading straight at each other. The centipede mecha is preparing to fire its laser beams at close range...

Meanwhile, Ken is having no luck getting Naomi to push the button. "Come on! Now!" he shouts, and then smacks her face.

[Saturn: "Ken uses his most favourite disciplinary technique, oh dear. The screen literally blacks out when he does this."]

As motivational techniques go, this one is lacking. Ryu is counting down their approach to the centipede mecha, "400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters..." and everyone is tense, and Jinpei is groaning anxiously. Finally, Ken just gives up all attempts at persuasion and drags Naomi over to the button and makes her hand push it.

[Saturn: "which has magically changed its shape form circle to square."]

Just as the mecha Commander is about to fire the laser beams, the mecha is hit by the bird missile, and then is bashed again by the God Phoenix for good measure. This time, the mecha is destroyed.


The Team is excited by their victory.


But, Naomi is overcome, and covers her face.

[Saturn: "But it is a little bit overwhelming for Naomi (I mean, this girl has been punched, shouted at, slapped, and dragged, throughout this episode. I am shocked that she can still survive until now, Big Grin )"]

Ken, much more kindly now, tells her "There, I bet your Papa's proud of you, Naomi." As she looks up at Ken, he even gently touches her face.

[Saturn: "But no worries, a little rub from the Eagle is all it takes for her to regain consciousness (animated for better effect, hehe)"]

She thanks Ken, and he smiles but then closes his eyes and looks down with sad resignation.

Next, we're back at the cemetery again (and again, just in time for sunset).

[Saturn: "Ken and Naomi are in the cemetery (well, at least in this scene, it appears there are only two of them there)."]

Ken is watching Naomi lay flowers on her father's gravestone, but as he starts walking away he hears his name called. He turns, and sees that all the Team and Dr. Nambu are standing there.

[Saturn: "Which is strange because in a later scene, Dr. Nambu and the rest of the Team are apparently standing just nearby to them, and even worse, Joe and Jun are switching their t-shirt's numbers. Wonder what Ken will say about that?"]

[Saturn: "Naomi laid some flowers on her father's grave. Pay attention to the next three screencaps because the flowers seem to change position in every scene."]

Ken says that as he has compromised the secret identities of the Team (though I don't think he's including going around telling people he's "Ken the Eagle"), disobeyed orders and allowed a bird missile to be fired, he's no longer qualified to be a member of the Science Ninja Team. "But," he says, "I just couldn't live with myself unless I did those things. So, as Gatchaman, who lives for justice..." He takes off his bracelet and lays it on the ground.


He walks away, and I give him credit here for being fully prepared to accept the consequences of his actions.

But, Dr. Nambu calls out "Hold it, Ken! It's not just I who need you; everyone on Earth who wishes for peace needs you as well, and that is something I never want you to forget." We see Ken's surprised face, but he still has his back to all the others. He turns then, to look at Dr. Nambu, who looks steadily back at Ken. Ken realizes that he has not, after all, lost his place on the Team. Tears fill his eyes.

[Saturn: "Only to cry in relief later after Nambu forgives him for all his mistakes (wonder if it includes torturing an innocent little girl? Smile )"]

We see Naomi pick up his bracelet and hand it back to Ken. She vows that she will never reveal any of their identities. As Ken puts his bracelet back on, the rest of the Team gather around him, and they all run off together into the sunset.

[Saturn: "A very happy Ken then joins his teammates who are running towards the sunset (which judging from these two screencaps, has magically changed position. The sun does rotate EXTREMELY quickly in Utoland)"]

Naomi is left behind with Dr. Nambu who, presumably has either found some relative of Naomi's that she can live with, or he is planning to drop her off at an orphanage shortly.


This post has been edited 6 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 16-04-2009 at 22:03.
No new posts 16-04-2009 14:43 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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I love all the screen caps expecially the animated one!

and lol at some of your comments Saturn

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Fabulous work, girls! I really enjoy reading your takes on both the BOTP and the Gatch version! I can't believe I never noticed that the red button changed from round to square!


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No new posts 16-04-2009 20:02 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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Oh yeah, and a link to Fan Page #4...they will get better as the series progresses...and Katse's Closet will fill up!

Fan Page #4


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No new posts 16-04-2009 20:03 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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Once again you girls did a great job between you.

I love all your comments and especially Saturn pointing out the bloopers and funnies. Keep it up.

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Shamrockchick, LB and you mind if I add the bloopers you found to my fan page? (with credits, of course) I have to admit, I was so busy doing stats and quotes, that I'm sure I missed tons of bloopers!

And, I guess I'll ask it of it ok to use any bloopers you find as we go? I think it will make the fan pages tons better!


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No new posts 16-04-2009 20:14 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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This episode showed how emotional Ken can get. It really showed that he will follow his feelings enough and disobey orders when he feels it is justified. I surprised at his violence toward Naomi with punching her and slapping her--the girl just lost her father, was it necessary to do that?

Thanks to all who worked on these summaries. (Love your comments Saturn!) I enjoyed the bloopers too!

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No new posts 16-04-2009 21:25 Condorfan is offline Send an Email to Condorfan Search for Posts by Condorfan Add Condorfan to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Fallonminx
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Originally posted by Springie
Shamrockchick, LB and you mind if I add the bloopers you found to my fan page? (with credits, of course) I have to admit, I was so busy doing stats and quotes, that I'm sure I missed tons of bloopers!

And, I guess I'll ask it of it ok to use any bloopers you find as we go? I think it will make the fan pages tons better!

The bloopers aren't my finds (I'm not that observant), but I think it would be great if you add them to your fan pages!

I did just notice now, thought, that in Shamokchick's screencap of Ken and Jun watching Naomi sleep, the number 1 on Ken's shirt is awfully wide, and missing its interior cut-out.

No new posts 16-04-2009 22:07 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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I got that one...I planned on adding it in...thanks, LB! Wink1


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No new posts 16-04-2009 22:23 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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Springie ..... I love these pages of yours.

You forgot to add the number mix up on Joe's and Jun's shirts ... Juni is wearing #2, and Joe is wearing the #3...

That's a brilliant flub!!



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This was great, LB! I really love your descriptions!

I have to say that I never noticed how poorly Katse was drawn in that shot. I think that's about at *my* level of artistic ability! Eek2

I agree that Naomi gets a raw deal in this episode. Imagine how the whole thing would have looked if she were about 5 years older in this episode. Then there would really be some romantic tension going on when he brings her to Jun's!!!!


No new posts 17-04-2009 01:05 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Springie
Shamrockchick, LB and you mind if I add the bloopers you found to my fan page? (with credits, of course) I have to admit, I was so busy doing stats and quotes, that I'm sure I missed tons of bloopers!

And, I guess I'll ask it of it ok to use any bloopers you find as we go? I think it will make the fan pages tons better!

The bloopers aren't my finds (I'm not that observant), but I think it would be great if you add them to your fan pages!

I did just notice now, thought, that in Shamokchick's screencap of Ken and Jun watching Naomi sleep, the number 1 on Ken's shirt is awfully wide, and missing its interior cut-out.

Lol I was wondering if anyone else was going to pick up on that.

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No new posts 17-04-2009 03:39 shamrokchick is offline Send an Email to shamrokchick Search for Posts by shamrokchick Add shamrokchick to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: shamrokchick
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Originally posted by Condorfan
This episode showed how emotional Ken can get. It really showed that he will follow his feelings enough and disobey orders when he feels it is justified. I surprised at his violence toward Naomi with punching her and slapping her--the girl just lost her father, was it necessary to do that?

Thanks to all who worked on these summaries. (Love your comments Saturn!) I enjoyed the bloopers too!

CF - That is a great observation about Ken and his emotions. Joe is so much seen as the hothead, and yet Ken is just as capable of being impulsive when he is really moved. Maybe Joe has a fuse that is quicker to ignite, but Ken's lapses, when they do come, seem pretty dramatic - including his need to hit women and children. I so don't get that. Is he just so bad at showing love that it comes out as anger?

The summaries and screen caps are great! Thanks for all of the hard work.

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No new posts 17-04-2009 04:47 gogirl212 is offline Send an Email to gogirl212 Search for Posts by gogirl212 Add gogirl212 to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: terrihasacat
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Originally posted by Springie
Shamrockchick, LB and you mind if I add the bloopers you found to my fan page? (with credits, of course) I have to admit, I was so busy doing stats and quotes, that I'm sure I missed tons of bloopers!

And, I guess I'll ask it of it ok to use any bloopers you find as we go? I think it will make the fan pages tons better!

Springie, of course you can always use any bloopers that I found, and I don't really need any credits. it will be better if you credit Tatsunoko for giving me all the fun of pausing and rewinding my Gatch DVD again and again.(my DVD player seemed to enjoy it too, judging from the weird sound emanated from the machine, Big Grin )

Thanks for your comments, guys. Glad that you all enjoy it. I guess being really sick at the time I made the screenscaps really helped me to find all the goofs.Throbbing head, ringing in the ears, sore eyes were really what I needed to be extremely observant. I guess that explains why a lot of people found great inspirations while they got high, oh well....

For something extra (courtesy to my crankiness because I am still very sick right now), I just want to add that Naomi actually reminds me of ..........




No new posts 17-04-2009 08:21 saturn is offline Send an Email to saturn Search for Posts by saturn Add saturn to your Buddy List
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Yes, she does! She totally looks like Betty Boop! Another great observation, Saturn!


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No new posts 17-04-2009 12:53 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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LOL, you're right! Amazing similarity!!!!! Roll

Hope you are feeling better, Saturn! Huggles


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