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05-10-2008 21:12
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quote: | Originally posted by lborgia88
A lawnsweeper operates solely on human energy -you push it and it has brushes that rotate as the wheels turn and sweeps up stuff (it's best at leaves) into a bag behind.
I would leave the acorns on the ground if there weren't so damned many of them, and if they would rot faster -if it were wetter in Indianapolis, I think they would rot better.
Waiting to rake them up with the leaves is what I did last year, and it proved difficult as leaves clump together and can be scooped up en masse, but acorns do not and cannot.
I'm heading into the time of year now when I really wish this house weren't surrounded by so many big trees... |
Thank you for informing me about a lawnsweeper LB. Around here we used leaf blowers. You blow the leaves into a big pile and then pick them up and bag them.
Last year was the first year that I was able to rake the leaves to the street and the city would come around and suck them up and mulch them, selling the mulch back to us, next spring, if we want to use it instead of buying bags from the nurseries. (Our neighborhood has reached an age where the town deems the trees old enough for them to do the job of leaf pickup, 30+ years.)
I remember where I use to live, we had a huge oak tree, but I guess we had so many squirrels that we never had many acorns on the lawn. And the Squirrels that WERE stupid enough to walk on the ground were chased by my dog. I think she caught 2 while we lived there. Both times because the squirrel would start climbing the tree and then decide to come down for some reason and my dog would get it as the squirrel charged for another tree.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by clouddancer on 06-10-2008 at 01:58.
06-10-2008 01:54
Babbling Loonie
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06-10-2008 22:58
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