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Babbling Loonie
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I am an Eagle.
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Transmute Jun
Queen of the Bird Missiles
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quote: | Originally posted by Metaliant
Didn't the Christain Right say that purple was the colour for the gay pride in America or something like that when the Teletubbies went over to the US?
Wonder what they made of Zoltar then? |
If I recall, in addition to Tinky Winky being "lavender", they also objected to the fact that he (out of curiousity, how does one tell the gender of a teletubby?) carries a purse.
My BF has a black canvas carrying-type accessory in which he keeps various items too big to fit in his pockets (his 2 cellphones plus his blackberry, a comb, keys, tissues, and various work-related print-outs, notebooks, correspondence etc) but I have noticed that such accessories are carefully marketed under the manly name "messenger bags" and are NEVER called "purses"! Me, I have always refered to it as his "man-purse," and even he, jokingly, calls it that now (as long as no one else is around).
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 01-10-2008 at 02:03.
01-10-2008 02:01