I think Springie did a poll awile back on favorite ep though. Isn't it on the front page of Gatchamania?
Secret of the Birdstyle has always been my favourite! Talk about a great Swannie episode! And in Gatch II there's an ep called The Devilish Equation (ep 17) which never made it into ER. It's a total Swannie kick butt ep! It rocks! That's where I got the 'Swan beats a million goons single-handed' animation clips from my thread.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Transmute Jun on 07-07-2008 at 13:40.
There are so many good episodes with the Swan but one of my favorites is "Gatchaman Burns With Rage". Ken is so wrapped up in feeling sorry for himself he endangers the team as well and she lets him have it. Way to go Swan!
Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.
Originally posted by Condorfan
There are so many good episodes with the Swan but one of my favorites is "Gatchaman Burns With Rage". Ken is so wrapped up in feeling sorry for himself he endangers the team as well and she lets him have it. Way to go Swan!
That was a powerful scene, especially considering that it was unexpected for Jun to confront Ken like that, but she said what needed to be said.
There's a little bit in ep. 99 where they're all fighting Galactor goons and Joe falls down (it's the same ep where he falls out of the tornado fighter) and is about to get shot but Jun sees what's happening (almost like she's watching out for him) and hits the goon with her yoyo. In the final ep when Joe throws a shuriken to save Jun, before collapsing on the grass, it always makes me think that he's returned the favour.
Originally posted by lborgia88
That was a powerful scene, especially considering that it was unexpected for Jun to confront Ken like that, but she said what needed to be said.
There's a little bit in ep. 99 where they're all fighting Galactor goons and Joe falls down (it's the same ep where he falls out of the tornado fighter) and is about to get shot but Jun sees what's happening (almost like she's watching out for him) and hits the goon with her yoyo. In the final ep when Joe throws a shuriken to save Jun, before collapsing on the grass, it always makes me think that he's returned the favour.
I agree lborgia, I thought it was touching that with Joe's last ounce of strength he saves Jun. She was really something in the Gatch finale. When Ken wants to go in the machinery to stop it, she stops him saying that he'll only be crushed by the gears and she doesn't want him to die alone like his father and like Joe. Then they hug each other...makes me cry every time.
Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.
There are far to many great episodes with Jun... I will say that all of the above episodes mentioned are very great choices... So I don't want to be a broken record...
" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"
I also love the end of the one with the SNT dummies, where she runs up and pounds Ken with her fists and then hugs him...what a great example of her exasperation over him!
There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.
You know one thing I REALLY love about the Swan in Gatch. She's confident enough to be herself. She doesn't have to put on the masculine front etc to be tough... She can have that soft sweet nature and still kick butt.
I think thats why I loved the fashion show, she got be more girly in it.
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Ebonyswanne on 08-07-2008 at 02:55.
You make a good point, Ebony. She was girly, but she totally whupped everyone's ass when they needed it, and wasn't afraid to tell Ken and Joe when she thought they were doing something wrong. Plus, you've got to know that it takes a strong hand to keep Jinpei in line!
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Transmute Jun on 08-07-2008 at 13:27.
You know what I meant the TJ. I grow tired of the expectation that for a girl to succeed she has to be harder in nature and toss out the nurturing side. I love the way Jun has it, not afraid to show it, but can have that toughness when needed.
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.
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