Princess Firebird..... Goddess of Swannie Fics
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 01-07-2002
Posts: 3689
Not exactly Elvin so heres the explanantion for what Imi is referring to.
On Wednesday 7th July I get to meet for the first time by boyfriend that I met online 1 year and and 8 months ago.
I met Adam through an online game that a Gatch member I am friends with (NikkiKarada) suggested I try. Myself and another Member (Lisya) also a friend decided to give this game (Dragonrealms) a try.
On the 4th November 2002, while in the game Lisya met another player who was very helpful in showing her around and how best to train her character. She introduced me to this guy who had in game become her boyfriend.
When I met him he was quite, polite and there was something, I still to this day could not explain what it was that sparked an interest in him. It was a very short very brief encounter.
I was not looking for anyone, to be honest I had decided a while back that I was happy just raising my son and being me, especially after my divorce which happened 13 years earlier. Anyway back to the explanation.....
When I went off to train in the game and try to work out a few other things I decided I was at that time probably just being silly, either that or had had way too little sleep and needed to go bed and just pushed it to the back of my mind. Two days later he and I ran into one another again, he had two characters in the game one of which is a healer and I had while training got hurt so had gone to the hospital to get better. I made it outside and he was there and said Hi. We got talking and that feeling from to days previous returned this time stronger and there was something else, a feeling like I had known him my entire life.
That really was the first proper talk we had and what ended up with us getting together.
Now I will confess to being a stubborn creature, even though I was very interested because of everything I knew i.e how people can lie about who and what they are, I figured with my track record for guys ( I tend to attract creeps and people with tempers) I should really steer clear. So I decided no matter what I was feeling I should just keep it as friends.
We spent a few hours talking that and quiet a few days after this, inspite of a 9 hour time difference (me being in the UK and him in Aus) and a lot of fear I realised that he was a very special guy, not just because of his manners and friendliness but the more I talked to him the more I found we had so much in common and one thing more that finished any notion of pretending we could be just friends was concerned. That one thing was a feeling for the first time of being complete ( I really dont know how else to describe it sorry).
If you ask Adam he will tell you he fell in love with me first and ill be honest still trying to be stubborn he was definitely the first to admit it.
As time went on and because of how we both were he decided that he was going to end his relationship ingame with my friend Lisya. He despite of reassurance from me felt uncomfortable having his first character, a ranger, kiss hers in game when I was around and later on his healer and my character became boyfriend/girlfriend and then husband and wife in the game. This occurred on the anniversary of our first real talk and when we both confess to realising that we had feelings for one another (6th November).
Adam and I inspite of time differences would spend anything from 6-15 hours talking and the more I talked to him the more certain I was that he was "the one" that special person, my soulmate.
It has not been an easy journey to where he and I are now. We have been through a lot, arguments,tears two house moves, job changes and illness but inspite of it all we have always talked things through and he has always been there, been supportive and even when extremely hard for him, been the wonderful, loving and caring person he is.
It maybe crazy but he and I have talked marriage and it is what we both want we decided that we should spend time together first though just in case there was a little habit or behaviour in person we could not live with as far as we were concerned. Ill be honest here given everything and the fact we at time spent hours just watching one another while talking on cams is extrmely unlikely. He has seen and is aware of all my habits good and bad as I am his and I we still want to be together.
He teases me as I tease him though by far the one he enjoyed most was when he got his visa, I called him from work and he told me he had bad news as he had a letter from the British consulate after a wait he then told me he had his Visa. It was almost a 6 week wait to find this out and definitely the best news I heard this year so far.
As I am typing this he will be trying to sleep before the first part of his plane journey here and I am missing him even though we spoke on the phone for an hour (yes the phone bills are high but it is so very worth it) just 5 hours ago. When I am not with him, not hearing his voice, I feel so lost at times. His journey is in two parts the first a 9.5 hour flight to Japan then the second a 12.5 hours flight the next day to the UK.
He has inspired so much in me and I know for certain that this is not only my equal, my partner and the person I love with all my heart as I know he loves me but he is the person I see myself growing old with, the one I will be curled up in old age under a blanket with discussing how things used to be.
The first gift he got me is a heart pendant that is in two parts he wears one and I the other and on Wednesday for the first time in 20 months I get to meet and then live with my soulmate for two years and I can not even begin to tell you how happy I am.
When we first told friends we were together Lisya (who is aware she is blamed for introducing us) said she thought of a song that seemed to fit us perfectly that song is Right here waiting by Richard Marx.
It became our song though after Wednesday the wait will be over.
My personality to be honest is such that if I had been told before he and I met that I would fall in love and maintain a relationship with someone on the otherside of the world I would have laughed. I am a tactile person I love holding and cuddling the people I love.
Imi, I have told you often what a wonderful friend you are and just as Lisya is to blame for introducing us you are to blame for helping me to soar and yet keep my feet near enough to the ground to cope with the distance. You have let me share the joy with you and been a voice of reason through everything. Thank you, you are not only a wonderful person but are a friend in the true sense of the word.
Adam, my soulmate, you stole my heart giving me yours in return and there are not words to begin to describe how very much I love you, When I am sad you cheer me up, when I am depressed and upset you calm me just by being there and talking to me. I cant wait til Wednesday.
Elvin I hope this explains in brief what Imi is referring to, Adam and I have agreed we will talk details about arranging a wedding in about 8 months or so.
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
05-07-2004 11:40
Forum God
I am a Condor.
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Registration Date: 17-07-2001
Posts: 1049
06-07-2004 07:45
Forum God
I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
Firebird, congratulations. It's very, very rare that we can find someone that makes us feel that way, and even rarer that they continue to do so, day in, day out. It looks like that's what you've found.
Some say that the Internet lets people hide their true selves.They're wrong. Sure, we may hide some things, but all too often we hit "send" when we shouldn't have, and expose ourselves for all to see.
Lee and Miller, authors of the Liaden Universe books, have this theory: love isn't something magical, it's just putting one foot ahead of the other and leaning on each other.
They're wrong.
Here's hoping that your journey together continues, one magical step at a time.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
06-07-2004 19:42
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