YOu can blame it on the lateness of the hour here, <4am> that has me in a reflective mood, with a quirky lopsided smile on my face right now, going back down memory lane, recalling the most incredibly zany, whacky, heartwarming, challenging, emotion charged, even downright frustrating and aggravating times in the three years, since a 20 year old slip of a girl decided to start up what seemed innocuously enough as yet another fandom site, only to grow into the established and respected website it is today offering a unique ambience that members old and new have flavoured it with.
I wont talk about the blood sweat and tears it took to keep the site up for our continual casual enjoyment. Kat, Cep and plenty of other webdesigners, hosts and whatnots, involved in all three versions of Gatchamania, over those tentative years, still bear the scars and battle wounds of having survived, a bitter intersite war, two major "blackouts" , and an effort to resucitate the site to what it is today.
Nope , wont talk about the behind the scene dramas that became more bizzare and intense than any IF or rp ever written, while we continued to create havoc and mayhem on the board.
I can only thankyou for each and every experience, encountered both on and off the the process of having somewhere we can let our minds and imaginations drift away from Real life stresses, finding a safe haven of "like minded" weirdos. *Grin* mean people from all walks of life, of varying cultures, age, religion, gender, bonding in cyberfriendship finding more commonality amongst ourselves other than a love of Gatchaman/BOTP/EAgle Riders/G Force/OAV.
For every single person who ever graced Gatchamania with their prescence , marking its walls with their fanfics , art, IF's , rps, scenting the atmosphere with their heady fragrance of wit, intelligence and humour, stocking its cupboards with Gatch info, merchandise, and links , I say thankyou for the ambience of a well lived and much loved cyber home.
Whether youve been here the whole three years, or all of three minutes, know youve made or are making quite an impact on the site and the cyber roomies you share it with.
In the words of Spock.."Live Long and Prosper" Gatchamania, a very Happy Birthday to you and a huge warm congratulatory hug to the admins and techies that built you up to what you are today, and to each and every member that's pased through your doors ,giving it the casual and warmhearted collective soul it posesses.

Now when's the cake with the Studly Stripper arriving?? Who has the Nambu Pinyata?...and WHERES DA BOOZE??!!!!!
Shoot first..ask questions later!