Well if I can I will try and see if my brother can get me merchandise from Thailand. Its possible that Japanese stuff reaches them and then we might open up a store on the site too
Collector alert! These aren't unique, but they are fun.
I have a pair of Gatchaman II magic sandals. Admittedly they're not really magic, they're basically flip-flops which have that 70s moving picture effect done by having a zig-zagged surface with 2 or more pictures hidden in the angles. They're pretty funky.
And I have a 1-Rover-1 from France complete with a little magnet thing which makes him open his mouth. And a 7-Zark-7 too, I think, although I'd have to find out where I've put him. He might have sort of hidden himself away
That flying skeleton Ken toy is pretty unusual. I haven't got one of those myself though.
Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny."
I never got the spare cash to make the puppets (bloody car repairs), but if anyone is interested in having one made (or all of them made), I'll see how much they would cost--my guess is about $30-40 Canadian for one, but the more you order, the less they'd be, because I'd be able to use leftover pieces to make the others.
I have an old matchbox-style Phoenix that a friend sent me...
And I got an original promotional poster from Japan that even has the times, calendar thingie and a bvox for writing stuff...
Um and a freaking KICK-ASS wall hanging of our two sexy birdies -- Joe is all beat up, helmetless and still wanting to kill, with Kenny boy holding him up and looking into the distance looking all stoic amd manly.
I saw some nifty stuff on ebay tonight...But Flash said no <wibble wibble sob sob> I've been put on a toy ban, cos I have too many now...<pout>
<sh!ts herself as the thunderstorm picks up outside> eep...Time to jet
They used to say "Make love, not war".
Now both of them can kill you
Hey, so long as he's still your favourite toy, he's got no cause to complain about the rest!
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Actually I put him on an airbrush ban...He bought his fourth this weekend...FOUR!!!
So I threatened to steal his second compressor to repaint all of his planes to funky anime colours if he didn't buy me Astroboy....We'll see how that goes
They used to say "Make love, not war".
Now both of them can kill you
I can never see the point in airbrushes (having done kits for many a year) they are a big nusiance to use.
only thing they are good for is mottling ME 109s...
I do a lot of Warhammer stuff, and they are allways painted by hand, even by the experts. they use three sable brushes, `large` `medium`and `little` the set costs £6 from Games Workshop (Im sure you could buy them cheaper)
yet they produce some stunning detailed work.
yet my father who is a watercolours artist has paid up to £70 (I kid you not!) for a fine detail brush
mysterious huh?
"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."
I don't own this but it's very nice. I can't work out whether it's a completed and painted version of the crescent coral kit that was out in the last few years, or something else.
Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny."
I don't own this one either, but it's got to be the maddest toy idea ever. Flying skeleton Ken. Apparently he has a propeller on his bum to make him go. Oh, the indignity...
Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny."
Those jeans are awesome! I'd wear them in a heartbeat. Considering getting myself some iron-on transfers for shirts, buying some plain-ol' shirts and creating my own stockpile of anime gear. ^_^ Maybe I'll make a couple of Gatch shirts. Eh, change that maybe to a probably. If I get the stuff to do it, I'll probably go nuts. ^_^
We tried the fancy paper you run through your printer to make iron-ons for a mousepad. Didn't stick to the mousepad.
Anyone know how well it works for the intended material?
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Supposedly it works pretty well. I can see how the material might not stick to a mousepad, seeing as how it has a different texture than a shirt. I guess if I do it (haven't bought the materials yet), I'll find out. ^_^
What if there is a spoon?
02-07-2004 12:41
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