I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 05-04-2004
Posts: 430
Okay...so this is not really a rant, but a definite daily frustration in my life and I am calling on the members of this board for advice.
Background: I currently own my own townhouse. Last December, the townhouse next to me was sold to a gal my age (30-something). Before the townhouse could be sold, she needed special permission from our Association to have two dogs (only 1 dog is permissable). I am on the Association board, and we granted her the permit to keep her 2 beagles. She indicated that one of the dogs was very old and didn't expect it to live long.
Since she has moved in, the dogs have become a nuisance to me. They bark (as dogs do) alot when people or other dogs pass by. But that is not the problem. The problem lies in the fact that one of the dogs continuously moans/howls for extended periods of time when its owner is away. I casually mentioned this to my neighbor in an email a couple of months back and she said that she would see what she can do.
The problem has not gotten any better, but extremly worse. Because of the warmer months, my windows are open as are my neighbors. And to make matters worse, I think my neighbor has met someone special, because she doesn't come home 2 or 3 nights a week. The moans/howls from this dog start about 10pm at night and continue on for about an hour. They stop and then start up again about 1am to 3am. Last Saturday morning, the dog woke me up at 6am with is anguished moaning. The poor thing misses its owner immensly.
I am at my wits end, as I cannot even have my windows open anymore for I am subjected to this poor dog's heartbreaking moans for its owner. Let alone, the fact that I am not getting enough sleep.
Tonight, we have an Association meeting at my home, and I need to face this woman and let her know that this problem has gotten worse. I want to maintain a friendly relationship with my neighbor, and I need some help on how to approach this situation with her. She can be a little bit stand-offish at times, and I don't want her to think that I am 'attacking' her or that I dislike her dogs. I just want some peace and quiet.
There is a regulation in our Association rules that dogs are not permitted to make noise. Our town also has a Dog Ordinance that perhibits dogs from making noise. Anybody that has dogs knows that dogs are going to make noise. The barking I can handle, cause I know it will stop, but the howling is becoming unbearable.
Sorry, this is so long winded, but I guess I am asking advise on how to handle this situation with her. I would also like to provide possible solutions to her to let her know that I am willing to work with her on this problem. Does anyone have experience with handling dog behavior problems?
Thank you all so much. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
07-06-2004 15:29
Forum God
I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
If she's leaving them alone a lot, two dogs is probably better than one lonely one.
The problem isn't two dogs, it's that the animals object to being left alone (as well they should). From the hours, I suspect there are also toiletting and food problems. (Contrary to popular belief, dogs do need to go out more than once a day; it's just as unhealthy for them to hold it as for humans.)
Some dogs, and some breeds, need more company than others. I think beagles usually need lots. They're also escape artists (acquaintance used to breed them) who were bred for hunting -- they need to RUN.
If there's any physical sign of problems, the Humane Society should be called. For barking, I think it's Bylaw Enforcement.
It may be too late to get her to move out -- here, at least, once you're in, your landlords are stuck with you, unless you're sharing living quarters (fine print: I'm no lawyer).
If it's just emotional, there are many, many advice columns and such with ideas. Toys. TV on.
Idea, which may open a whole new can of worms: offer to take the dogs out for a walk / run. Or suggest a dogwalker you know.
Best of luck,
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
08-06-2004 15:37
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 05-04-2004
Posts: 430
Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to respond...
*gives group hug*

At the meeting last night ( at my house), the dogs did the talking for me. They actually let themselves be heard about 20 minutes into the meeting.
First, they started barking. My neighbor looked alarmed. I tried being casual and talking over the dogs, but she looked worried so I said 'oh...there must be someone walking by'. When they didn't stop, she got up and went back home to quiet them.
About 10 minutes later, the one dog started its pitiful moaning. My neighbor said 'Wow! That's Loud!'. I just looked at her with concern and said 'they really, really miss you when you are gone.' I went on to tell her that I checked with my vet and the vet said that Beagles are very social animals and have a tendency to suffer from seperation anxiety and moan and howl to communicate their feelings.
We went on to discuss the problem a little bit further, but my concern now is that she is only worried about the level of the noise and not the fact that she leaves them alone overnight.
I have decided to give her another opportunity to rectify the problem. Now, that she actually hears what I am subjected to I am hoping that she takes her dogs with her on overnights. Yes, the noise is a problem for me, but I agree that they should not be left alone. Those poor dogs just want their momma.
In my original email complaint to her a couple of months back, I suggested that if she needed me to take them out while she was away, all she had to was ask. I am more than willing to help her out. She has yet to ask me, but maybe she will feel more comfortable.
If the howling continues, I guess I have no choice but to file a complaint with the Association and then the local authorities. I just really hope that things never progress to that level.
Thanks again for all the comments, info, and advise. I will keep you informed.
08-06-2004 16:32
I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 06-06-2005
Posts: 3595
quote: | Originally posted by Lolabella
I know that this is an old thread, but I thought I would update it...
My neighbor never did entirely rectify the howling dog problem. It continued on for nearly 2 years, I just got used to living with it. I bought another T.V and daybed and moved them into my second bedroom, when the howling got bad, I retreated to this room which is on the opposite side of the howling dog.
About 2 months ago, I noticed that it was relatively quiet one night, and then the next night, and the next night...pretty soon I had 1 month of quiet every single night. I could sleep through the night without being disturbed. I came to find out that the poor dog died about organ failure. I felt so terrible for the owner that I actually sent her a sympathy card.
Last night I saw her for the first time and she thanked me for the card. It's the first time since she moved in that we were actually chatting and friendly towards each other. She said she missed her dog...I suggested she might want to get another one...
Will I ever learn??? |
I have read this thread and I feel sorry for you and the dogs but not for your neighbour and very surprise that nobody has done anything in the last 2 years about it.
You are brave for putting up with all the howling and barking of the dogs when your neighbour is away everytime and I do feel sorry about the dog dying.
Maybe she should buy a cat who are inderpendent. When I was a kid, a cat from 2 house down from ours, used us as a second home and rushed off when his owners came home.
I know this sounds cruel and apologise, but I hope you can get some sleep.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
06-04-2006 11:51
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