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Registration Date: 29-12-2011
Posts: 18925

Well, it's proven to be an especially crappy Monday. I'll spare you the bulk of the details (a lot of pain, frustration, pain, bumpy rides to and from the wound clinic, pain, pain, and more pain), but I'll let you in on the event that made this one of the Monday-est of all Mondays.
I have a breakthrough infection. Yep, I tested positive for Covid.
I thought my allergies were bothering me. It never occurred to me to be concerned about how easily I was becoming fatigued. And I was utterly clueless when I came to the more intense pain I was feeling with everyday activities.
So, for the next two weeks, I'll be in the Covid ward at Hillcrest Village.
Thank you, anti-vaxxers, I love you all sooo much!
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
12-10-2021 01:27
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