Gatch Guru

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Registration Date: 03-12-2006
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Infini-T Force Movie Update
Hi all!
The Infini-T Force website has updated to include more on the upcoming Infini-T Force movie, including this nifty new key image.

They've also added the second trailer for the film, which can be seen here:
The site has also added some information on three of the characters in the film, two of whom are quite familiar and another who is new to us.
Joe, the Condor/George Asakura
CV: Kazuma Suzuki

Age: 24-years -old.
Along with Gatchaman (Ken, the Eagle), he continued to fight the evil organization Gallactor as the Sub-Leader of the Science Ninja Team. Code name G-2. He embraces an intense hatred for Gallactor from the memory of his parents being killed before his eyes when he was young, a feeling that has increased more and more during the long battle.
Dr. Nambu
CV: Eiichiro Funakoshi

Familiar with all fields, he is a genius scientist with one of the world's greatest minds. He established the Science Ninja Team to compete against Gallactor, taking charge of them as their Commander. For the members of the Ninja Team, most of whom have no parents, he is also a substitute father.
CV: Aya Endo

A government official. She approaches Dr. Nambu with a certain intent.
The site also announced that the dual soundtrack for the series and the movie will be released on February 21st, just before the premiere of the movie on February 24th.
You know there will be more to come!
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by tatsunokofan on 27-12-2017 at 17:44.
27-12-2017 06:14
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