I am a Condor.
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 04-08-2013
Posts: 4600
19-10-2014 17:47
Transmute Jun
Queen of the Bird Missiles
I am a Swan.
40 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 04-04-2007
Posts: 20978
Well I'm away for a weekend and look what I come back to, LOL!
Yeah, I guess this just shows how much time I've been spending at this site over the years. Although to be fair, I have a lot of posts because of the episode reviews, a bunch from posting fanfics, as well as the interactive fics, from back before they were banned. The rest are just from being silly, I think. That takes up a lot of my life. I know you're all shocked.
Yep, I have a 'special title' because I contributed a lot of fics to the fic library here, back when Cep had a 'contest' to see how many we could have at the site. Basically, Cep gives them out when he deems it appropriate.
Thanks everyone!
20-10-2014 17:27
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