I am a Condor.
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Registration Date: 02-11-2011
Posts: 25531
10-09-2014 18:49
I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 03-09-2014
Posts: 3107
Springie - the wedding was really awesome, small, outside, under palm trees by 7 seas lagoon, magic kingdom in background... Awesome pics!
MUD is (depending on settling) either Multi User Dungeon or Multi User Dimension. Like online Dungeons & Dragons basically. Think world of Warcraft but only text, no graphics. We both played the same one & our characters ended up married through a bizarre set of circumstances, then we met in person a few weeks or so later. 5 years after that, we got married in real life too. He's big into cars & sports (football, soccer, & hockey). Our second date was a hockey game - I was born in Toronto, so I was impressed that he understood the game since he's Florida born & raised.
Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!
Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website
11-09-2014 04:48
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Registration Date: 29-12-2011
Posts: 18925
mylari -- thanks for explaining MUD! I'm afraid I live just close enough to Redneck country that I was familiar with "mudding", not MUD.
MUDDING: The act of taking an ATV, SUV, dirt bike, pickup truck with honking big tires, etc., to an open field made sloppy (usually by rain) and "cutting loose" until the vehicle, driver, any passengers and bystanders, etc., are coated in a thick layer of mud.
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
11-09-2014 15:36
Her Royal Fluffiness...Swan of Swans...
I am a Swan.
6 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 12-06-2006
Posts: 8028
quote: | Originally posted by mylari
Springie - the wedding was really awesome, small, outside, under palm trees by 7 seas lagoon, magic kingdom in background... Awesome pics!
MUD is (depending on settling) either Multi User Dungeon or Multi User Dimension. Like online Dungeons & Dragons basically. Think world of Warcraft but only text, no graphics. We both played the same one & our characters ended up married through a bizarre set of circumstances, then we met in person a few weeks or so later. 5 years after that, we got married in real life too. He's big into cars & sports (football, soccer, & hockey). Our second date was a hockey game - I was born in Toronto, so I was impressed that he understood the game since he's Florida born & raised. |
Thanks so much for the explanation!
I grew up in VA and married a Tennessee boy (I have redneck ILs, too)! So I also thought of "muddin'", when I saw MUD!
There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.
13-09-2014 07:04