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Registration Date: 16-01-2012
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I'm sorry to hear about your brother and your own problems ...
In my case I've had the discussion with my primary physician, the specialist, and even my psychiatrist, on whether it could be "Female problems" and how you, uh, quantify that. (I'm a very literal person and it occurred to me to ask what they mean by "heavy.") They independently concluded that in my case that shouldn't be enough of a cause in and of itself -- man it's hard to have "delicate" discussion about this stuff, hehe.
I knew a woman who had Cron's disease and so everything was always blamed on that. It turned out that she also had 2 or 3 severe additional issues in and around the abdomen area (like a softball-sized tumor on an ovary!!!!!!) that were slowly hunted down and dealt with. Finally saved her from severe, constant, chronic pain. I'm not nearly at this depth of trouble. Phew. Just fatigue that makes it hard to really work up a head of steam and keep it going.
(ETA my father keeps telling me not to get old ... while I don't FEEL old, really, I keep telling him it's too late. )
Eagle Whisperer
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by ChrisW on 13-08-2014 at 01:52.
13-08-2014 01:49
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