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We have all watched how this diseases has affected many celebrities, Muhammed Ali makes rare appearances, Michael J Fox has learned how to work it into his roles and identity as an actor.
However, Robin Williams has conquered much with drug addiction and alcoholism, fought depression, I wonder if this was just that one to many, if his identity was so wrapped up in his comedy that was both verbal and physical, that this was just the one thing that he couldn't fight.
Many sources have been reporting the visit he made to Christpoher Reeve going into surgery after his accident. When we think of Christopher Reeve we don't think of the charming, good looking, actor, we think of the man who spent the last decade or so of his life a quadriplegic in a wheel chair. But Reeve still had his mind. This disease could have stolen that from Williams.
While I wish he had not made the decision that he did, I think he would rather us not remember him as a man who could not be himself in the last years of his life.
We should not condone suicide (though I'll admit to being in favor of euthanasia in the right circumstances), we should do our best to understand where people are when they get that desperate, it is the only way to learn how to help others, and it helps us with the grieving processes.
Perspective Alters Reality
15-08-2014 19:59
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