I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 18-06-2009
Posts: 5129
Just popping in to say a so long planned for "HI!"
A longing towards this place, throbbing constantly in my heart, and a Gatch dream (yep ... I still have them! ) including Gatch members and many of you Gatchamania friends ... even those whose faces I don't know how they are but to whom I've contributed imaginary ones as if I've knew them so clearly!) got me popping in to tell you that you're all still present in my thoughts!
Some time ago, EW has kindly contacted me to check on me, due to my long absence, and I've told her to send my regards. Knowing her, and thanking her heartily, I'm sure that she did so and I excuse myself for disappearing so abruptly! I also have to excuse myself again, knowing that I'd have to make my absence felt once again after this post, as RL is not permitting this so loved "me" time at the moment.
I don't know if I've told you that my son has broken his arm once again and he's still in a full cast, from just below the armpit up till the palm of his hand, like a glove, from the 1st of May. This time he's got wires running along both of his bones for support and, hopefully, next Wednesday everything will be taken off. The thing is that next Wednesday will be just in the middle of his annual exams, and between his low morale, blistered fingers out of the heavy cast which is suffocating him in the very hot weather around here, and the fact that I had to arrange things with the hospital so as he'd be able to sit for two of his exams falling on the same day of the appointment and be at the hospital in time at the same time since hours almost collide, I'm crossing fingers that everything goes well.
To top things up, my Dad has become very feeble, lately, and I'm very worried as he wants to live alone but is crippling abruptly, falling and hurting himself frequently. Tomorrow, my brothers and I are going to meet to talk to him in person so as he'd consider the option of going to a home ... something which I know will hurt his dignity and which breaks my heart. But, I myself am so tired that I can't help him more than I've done up till now and, at least, for once us siblings have come together to sort things out. This is all happening whilst my cake decorating work is booming, my exertions on my health are backfiring and when our favourite season is beginning ... let's just hope for the best!
Having said the above, and not wishing to annoy you any more, I so hope that all of you are doing well and I send the best of my wishes your way for some lovely holidays! I know that many of you ... especially TJ ... might be soon starting their adventures abroad and at Comic Con, so I really wish you to enjoy these days!
EW ... I so hope that you're feeling better.
Do take care of yourselves and hope to be able to join you soon. Lots of hugs .....
To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!
21-06-2014 13:40
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