The SciFi Japan website released an article on the live action Gatchaman movie, titled "Gatchaman (2013) Production Notes." The article is essentially a translation of much of the press material created for the release of the movie in Japan last August, as provided to SciFi Japan by Nippon TV. Nippon TV was one of the leading sponsors for the film, in case you wondered why a TV network was providing material for a theatrical feature film.
As many of us haven't seen the film yet, and as I suspect that many are awaiting the arrival of their English subbed copies from Malaysia, I figured that reading this material about the film might help hold you over until those DVDs arrive!
Thanks James. I read that they have The Turtle King mecha (or Space Terrapin in Battle of the Planets) in the movie, which is rather exciting to me personally. I had no clue, though obviously the Cataroller is there since it is featured in the trailer. Ever since I was a child watching Battle of the Planets, the giant Turtle mecha was my all-time favorite!
Tatsunoko Productions all rights to Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman, licensed to
Sandy Frank Syndication (Battle of the Planets), Turner Broadcasting (G-Force) and Saban Entertainment (Eagle Riders).
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