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ChrisW ChrisW is a Female


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Catching up is the silver lining. You might want to talk to the coach about the other player. There might not be anything that can be done, proving something was on purpose can be difficult but it might make the coach hesitate more before playing that team again.

Eagle Whisperer

No new posts 10-11-2013 11:56 ChrisW is offline Send an Email to ChrisW Search for Posts by ChrisW Add ChrisW to your Buddy List
gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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That's right, CW! We have already talked to our coaches about the happening, not specifically directing a thumb towards that particular boy to avoid unnecessary complications, and there's nothing that could be done, as there's no proof ... they were playing ... and as the other boy is with another club, out of their jurisdiction. Plus, we don't wish to fuss too much over such things for our own son's sake, as only God knows how much more persons with such an attitude he still has to meet in the future! And, since he didn't make a great deal out of it himself, albeit his sensitive character, we thought it best to let things sleep as they are! They might reconsider making our boys play with others of a considerably bigger stature, though. They told us that these are things that happen, which we know they can, especially when our son doesn't want to know about quitting the sport! He so maturely told me that you don't have to play football to break a bone! Smile ... and, he's right on that!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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Becky Rock Becky Rock is a Female


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Our football is run through the high school system. If players say anything uncalled for that is heard by a referee, an unsportsman-like conduct call is made. Since it is run through the schools, the players are separated by age. Freshman are freshmen who are 14-15, junior varsity is mostly sophomores who are 15-16 with a few juniors who are 17 that didn't make Varsity. Varsity is seniors who are 17-18 and a few juniors that are very good.

Depending on the age, 2 years can be a big difference. The other young man will have his head handed to him by someone at some point with that attitude.

Marie. I hope your son's arm heals well.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

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