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Ecclesiastes :1:9
That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:10
Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

Okay, Saw the Gatchaman movie yesterday…to be honest…..I’m not sure how I feel…. I had to think about what to write
And in saying that
Yes…. I want to see it again (there are always bits you miss)
Yes … I recommend you all see it and form your own opinions
Yes. ..If it comes out in DVD I will get it for my collection
Yes.. I walked in with some preconceived ideas about the movie and being a fan of both BOTP and Gatchaman I had expectation about the characters and how they should act.

So… here goes..
The people from the Japanese Film festival are wonderful, they did not look at me like some crazed fan as I hovered around their table waiting to be allowed into the cinema ( I had left early in case of traffic jams into the city and had time to spare)

The cinema was about a quarter filled before the movie started, with pre-determined seating (as one man proudly announced never get between a geek and the seat he has chosen).

Alas no one got dressed up.

One man seated behind me stated that he had seen the movie in Tokyo – I asked him what he thought, he was evasive in his answer, but his friend got started on Gatchacrowd and that in itself started a small but spirited debate between different rows with many referenced that went over my head (alas I am so unworthy of calling myself a nerd or a geek and not as clicky, as someone commented on BOTP and was quickly ignored (with looks) and yes as we left the cinemas someone commented that he wanted to see striped pants, bell bottoms and the swan in her short dress ..haha.

The Story Line:
The year is 2015. Galactor has attached the earth and has killed millions of people, yet as we flash to Tokyo everything seems normal expect for numbers armed personnel.

ISO is fighting back with a group of specially trained persons who they call “Receptors” . There are other groups of receptors around the world. These are people/children who are able to use the energy from the “stones” and harness their power. The stones were found in an archaeology dig, approx. 37 were found ( Di-Gata Defenders etc.) In one particular flash back we see a group of children (reminded me of a Star Wars scene with Jedi children) who have a strong repour with the stone). At a later stage we see that both George and Ken have barcodes on the back of their necks, indicating receptors (George is 62, Ken is 72) (Dark Angel.)

(NB throughout the movie the characters make reference to wanting a normal life or giving up there childhood for training and some team infighting. It seems the there is a large amount of orphans due to the war as Galactor is taking them hostage (we do not know if they are still alive)
We also find out that the DNA of human and Galactor is different by only 1%. And the X virus that is present in Galactor has been linked to legends of zombies and vampires in the past. It also gives Galactors a red haze around their eyes and extra abilities and powers.

One of the opening fight scenes shows our heroes moving about at incredible speed and dexterity using the power of the stones to produce light to disable the cyborgs/goons of Galactor ( Cyberpunk, 20 Thousand Leagues and Dr. Who). Their movements while incredible (yes there was flying) had me thinking they were a cross between Nightcrawler popping from place to place and Spiderman using the building to propel him forward, the were also using each other like sling shots to propel themselves forward.

Off course there was a mecha - a very impressive piece of machinery. The shape of a spiked tyre heading for ISO building with a bomb. (It look like a centipede rolled up and I kept thinking metal Pokémon) While the heroes try and stop it they also have to fight some of galactors evil henchmen (Okay I have to say it one of the evil characters reminded me of a cross between a SailorMoon and something evil enemy of the Power Rangers with bad PMS, another character with his lips sew shut reminded me of a character from the movie 9 and a leather clad evil scarecrow with attitude)

I faltered a bit at that scene, seriously there was reminders of PowerRanger all though the movie, not to mention the appearance of shiny suits that looked like they were made of latex or should be worn at a rubber fetish party
“oh look shiny vinyl!!, oh G2 G5” yes they looked good.

Okay back to it
The weapons are impressive and there are indications that they thought about future gadgets. The use of the wrist comms with the stones in them to access computers via holograms, (projected from both wist and onto the floor, mobile phones, medical bay and communication equipment. The God Phoenix (we don’t see till late in the movie (inside I kept thinking Wonder Woman’s plane with a grid drawn over it, yes invisible looking) . The external God Phoenix impressive with grey army camouflage paint . The teams Weapons glowed blue.

Galactors own mecha reminded me of shades of Clash of the Titans, Farescape, , the giant turtle Great A’Tuit Discworld Terry Pratchett.

The action and fight scenes (when done) were fantastic and well-choreographed. Unfortunate the movie as a whole did not flow well. There were part of the movie when the special effects were not blended well (models, green screens, computer ) and is very noticeable
There are a few moments of unnecessary conversation between characters that did not fit in (yes I understand that they were trying to give character details, but the editing seemed hurried and unfinished)

The acting (cast and extras) was sometimes wooded or over dramatic (I don’t know if it just from a westerners expectations on how acting should be)

Katse Berg steals the show, she is brilliant playing the part of a bored villain, wonderfully thought out the movie

Ryu came in a close second, he is constantly getting injured (minor), fights with attitude sarcasm and gruff, he stands out, especially in the fight scenes.

Ken is who I expected – duty driven and emotional restrained.

Nambu is okay but his character was not developed enough and he isn’t good with controlling the group

Jun is wonderful, perhaps slightly neurotic , in love with

Ken who ignores her

Jinpei is adorable, full of mischief, attitude and hacking ability, a kid with toys.

George is slightly sullen, disrespect authority, defiant, more like Jason than Joe to me. There was a little bit too much defeat in his attitude for me.

If a receptor gets infected by the x virus they can turn galactor indicated by red hazed eyes, as long as their stone glows they are okay.
There is a love triangle between ken, George (atlas not Jun) and another receptor Naomi, and a marriage proposal (I want those rings)
Watch till the end of the trailers, there is a scene in there that indicates sequel.

ps there was pictures but they don't seem to want to post
Also I loved this movie, but had a problems with all the other bits referenced from other movies and shows.

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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by littlewolf on 20-10-2013 at 12:33.
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Thank you for your detailed and honest review, LW Bowdown it is really helpful to have 'one of us' see the movie and give their honest opinion about it.

It's disappointing that you were unhappy with the flow and story of the movie, yet I can also see how you appreciated the parts that were satisfying. Unfortunately, if this is what a true fan sees, I can understand why the movie didn't do well in Japan. It makes me wonder what they were doing, releasing the movie with rushed editing and poor special effects.

I didn't realize that Joe was called George in this movie. I'm guessing that's a reference to 'Giorgio'?

I love that you were able to find fellow Gatchaman fans in your area who were all discussing the movie! And how funny that Crowds brought up some controversy! Big Grin

I still want to see this movie, but now I know what to expect. Thank you. Thanks


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A big THANK YOU from me, too, LW! That's an awesome and detailed review of yours, lending us your eyes for us to see! Your comments are very close to what I read in the following review, which link I'm going to try to attach (I hope the link works!), over drama, sloppy special effects and all.

In the attached review, the possibility of a sequel is also mentioned, so you're spot on on that, too! Like TJ said, I still wish to watch the movie, hopefully in an understandable language, some day!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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LW, you are amazing! Thank you for posting this, it's the best and most complete review I've read of the movie!

Now I just have to wait for it to come to Brussels...

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Thanks, LW, for being our undercover agent! I'm interested in seeing it, though I hope I don't get annoyed at all the "borrowing" from other shows!

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So glad that you were able to see the film and that you shared your opinion of it with us LW! Thank you! Smile

Originally posted by littlewolf
One man seated behind me stated that he had seen the movie in Tokyo – I asked him what he thought, he was evasive in his answer, but his friend got started on Gatchacrowd and that in itself started a small but spirited debate between different rows with many referenced that went over my head (alas I am so unworthy of calling myself a nerd or a geek and not as clicky, as someone commented on BOTP and was quickly ignored (with looks) and yes as we left the cinemas someone commented that he wanted to see striped pants, bell bottoms and the swan in her short dress ..haha.

I'll admit I'm a purist at heart. I would have loved to have seen this made with the bell bottoms, and the "original" Birdstyles,etc. (And of course a tricked out G2 vehicle would be nice). Tongue

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Thanks for the review, LW.

They allowed George to have a defeatist attitude? That is sooooo not Joe.

Since there was a sense there could be a sequel, then I assume Gatchaman didn't win the war. If Ken and George had such high numbers, does that mean other receptors could be introduced in a sequel?

The bar codes on their necks - so they can never escape their responsibility? But it also cracks me up - go to the store, look them over, grab the one you want (he's the cutest!) and pay at the cash register.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

No new posts 20-10-2013 18:38 Becky Rock is offline Send an Email to Becky Rock Search for Posts by Becky Rock Add Becky Rock to your Buddy List
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You have to remember that a lot of those shows borrowed from Gatchaman to being with! Power Rangers, especially, has a direct link in origin to Gatchaman... without Gatchaman, there would be no Power Rangers.

So it's difficult to say that Gatchaman was copying those things, when they were originally copying Gatchaman!


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Originally posted by Becky Rock
But it also cracks me up - go to the store, look them over, grab the one you want (he's the cutest!) and pay at the cash register.

Love it Becky! Smile Animeclap

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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
You have to remember that a lot of those shows borrowed from Gatchaman to being with! Power Rangers, especially, has a direct link in origin to Gatchaman... without Gatchaman, there would be no Power Rangers.

So it's difficult to say that Gatchaman was copying those things, when they were originally copying Gatchaman!

I agree with you, TJ. But when it comes to shows that were around and had developed concepts long before Gatchaman, I must take exception. (Doctor Who, for instance, premiered the day after President Kennedy was assassinated, and it was during the second ep that the Cybermen -- cybernetic beings that could only be defeated with gold dust -- were introduced.)

LW -- BTW, cool avatar....though I'm not sure I'd want to wake up and find THAT puppy at the foot of my bed!

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by ElectricWhite on 20-10-2013 at 20:22.
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Originally posted by ElectricWhite
I agree with you, TJ. But when it comes to shows that were around and had developed concepts long before Gatchaman, I must take exception.

Fair enough. Obviously not all of it originated with Gatchaman. But not all of it is 'ripped off'.


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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by ElectricWhite
I agree with you, TJ. But when it comes to shows that were around and had developed concepts long before Gatchaman, I must take exception.

Fair enough. Obviously not all of it originated with Gatchaman. But not all of it is 'ripped off'.

I didn't mean to come off sounding as if I thought "borrowing" and "ripping off" were one and the same. There are no copyrights on ideas , after all. I just think it's a big disservice to the audience if they are saying "That's from Star Trek" or "I saw that on Buffy the Vampire Slayer" instead of getting into the story.

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Thanks, LW! Still so excited that one of us actually got to see it (warts and all).

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Me too. (I said it would be dire, did I not?)

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LW, thank you for posting your honest opinion.

I am still looking forward to seeing it, when it eventually makes it to DVD.

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Thanks LW, I had my doubts as well, as it seemed to be a rushed-put together job, rather than a well thought out premise...

Sigh, just makes all the bits that are sneaking out about the Imagi film just seem that much more intriguing.

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Thank you, LW -it's great to have your opinion!

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I still want to see this movie, but now I know what to expect.

Sounds like there's no Red Impulse.

Unless that's for the sequel.

Originally posted by Littlewolf
throughout the movie the characters make reference to wanting a normal life or giving up there childhood for training and some team infighting. It seems the there is a large amount of orphans due to the war

Originally posted by k2p2
just makes all the bits that are sneaking out about the Imagi film just seem that much more intriguing.

Yes, I would like to have seen the final version of what Imagi had planned. Though them having Joe be a sort of "bad boy" street thug instead of a trained Ninja didn't sit so well with me -that might be one thing that I'll like better with Nikkatsu's version.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 26-10-2013 at 21:50.
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Originally posted by lborgia88
Yes, I would like to have seen the final version of what Imagi had planned. Though them having Joe be a sort of "bad boy" street thug instead of a trained Ninja didn't sit so well with me -that might be one thing that I'll like better with Nikkatsu's version.

Well, that is how Joe started out, as we learn when he meets up with Alan on BC Island. Smile

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True, but he would have only have been 8 or 9 at the most then -perhaps more a "bad boy Joe" in his mind than in reality. I'd like to think that Dr. Nambu proceeded to make him do his schoolwork, eat his veggies, go to bed on time, learn martial arts etc -though he might not have always had an easy time of it!

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A lot of kids get into trouble before a caring adult helps them channel the aggression elsewhere.

I forgot to ask - did they show any of their vehicles, LW?

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