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ElectricWhite ElectricWhite is a Female


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The commander stood before the high-set throne of Berg Katse. He didn’t seem uncomfortable wearing his customized uniform – he looked like a clown. But not just any clown. He was a clown so twisted and demented that even Stephen King would shudder. He even held three drab green balloons in his right hand.

The Galactor leader peered down at his underling. He sat unmoving, keeping his fingers steepled in front of his lips, obstructing the thin grin.

“I must admit I had my doubts.” Katse finally said, “But your recruitment scheme has surpassed all expectations!” He lowered his hands, showing his grin growing to an almost maniacal size.

“My liege.” the commander replied with a swooping bow. He needed an excuse to look away from Katse – it was rare to see his leader becoming so happy to the point of being giddy, and it proved to be quite uncomfortable.

“Tell me,” Katse commanded, “how did you develop this way to bring so many of the most ruthless people on Earth into our ranks?”

“Well, Sire,” the clown replied as he straightened up, “after the verdicts of a couple of well-publicized trials, I realized that a haven for child-murderers existed in that particular region of Ameris. There would surely be a market for people who wanted to kill kids – either their own kids who’d become disappointments or were simply killing the parent’s style, or those who just wanted the thrill of hunting down and killing the little leeches.”

Katse’s grin grew even wider when the clown said that last part. “It was just a matter of creating a travel agency that catered to these people.” he added.

“Yes, Lord Katse. Of course, much of the operation had to be kept underground – the rest of Ameris has never taken to kindly to child murderers getting off – if not given a blessing for their deeds – in that one state.”

“Among other things.” Katse added. “And when they saw that we could give them the means to continue in their – how shall I say it – hobby...”

“We got our current surge.” the clown concluded. “By the way, Lord Katse, you are always welcome to come on one of our safaris to the theme park cities near the center of the state.”

“I’ll let you know.”

“Oh, and Sire, do you have ant suggestions for an appropriate thank you?”

“A thank you? What for?”

“Well, if it weren’t for Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman, none of this would have been possible!”


Okay, I think you can see why I put this in the "Rant" section.

I was practically spitting nails when I heard that George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. Did they use the same jurors who let Casey Anthony off? One thing is certain: Florida doesn't seem to think much about children, in spite of all the theme parks that bring in a large portion of the state's money!

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

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amethyst amethyst is a Female
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I'm certain if Martin were white, Zimmerman would be on death row right now.

We have been overcome by a culture of ignorance.

It is sad to think that instead of moving forwards we are moving backwards.

I'm rereading To Kill a Mockingbird, and the themes in it seem more prevalent now, than at any other time in my lifetime that I can remember. It sad and scary.

Perspective Alters Reality

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Daniella T Daniella T is a Female


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Thank you for putting in words what so many of us feel, EW!

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

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I still don't understand how Zimmerman didn't at least get manslaughter. I mean, there's no doubt that he did it. And don't get me started on Casey Anthony. I got really obsessed with that case and read lots of theories about it. At a minimum, she was clearly delusional (and I am sure she was involved with the child's death). Can't we ship Zimmerman and Anthony to Spectra permanently?

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

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