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07-07-2013 14:32
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07-07-2013 16:02
Gatch Guru
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Hi all!
Well, as promised, the Gatchaman Crowds G Suits were revealed at the Japan Expo, and were then promptly shared across the Japanese media. The Gatchaman Crowds website also updated, giving us some additional details regarding the suits and their abilities. Here's what they had to say, with links to images of the new G Suits:
Hajime Ichinose:
NOTE Ability "NOTE of the Designer"
Embodying the ideas and innovative perspective of Hajime, it makes possible her hidden ability to "design for everything."
Features of the Suit
Various special weapons which imitate scissors and stationery are stored throughout the entire body.
Sugane Tachibana:
NOTE Ability "NOTE of Infinite Distance"
A NOTE with the ability to interfere with space-time, and is strongest when used in combination with Iaijutsu.
Features of the Suit
An armored warrior and ninja, its shape is like combining a phantom beast with scales. When the enemy is nearby, he can use the molecular vibration sword "Tuning Fork Sword - Hurricane," a hidden weapon. When the enemy is at a distance, he can unleash the deadly sword of the infinite distance "Infinite Sword - Storm."
Joe Hibiki:
NOTE Ability "NOTE of Exploding Flames"
Allows flames to be freely manipulated.
Features of the Suit
With flames always spouting from the top of his head, steam will occasionally spread from his body for cooling.
Possessing flaming feather shuriken and balls of fire from both arms, he attacks with fire during a battle.
Also, by shooting flames out of his hands and feet, he can fly in the sky.
Japan Expo attendees were also treated to an advance look at the Gatchaman Crowds opening credits. While the credits themselves haven't appeared online yet, four images from it has shown up, showing Hajime, Sugane, and Joe in their G Suits, and a shot of all the heroes together. Take a look!
And, lastly, the artwork for the special edition of the CD single with the Gatchaman Crowds opening theme song has also been released. Here's what it looks like:
08-07-2013 03:13
I am a Condor.
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RE: Gatchaman Crowds - G-Suits revealed
quote: | Originally posted by FangJoker
I must say I'm baffled by the intricate designs they thought up, considering this is a Gatchaman spinoff. |
Yeah, those G-suits are seriously... busy. Maybe Gel Sadra would really like them...
I can only think that the creators are really trying to thwart or provide a massive challenge to any potential cosplayers!
Though nearly all "modernizations" of the birdstyles that I've seen seem to end up looking a lot more like body armor than like fabric suits. An over-all trend in anime, no doubt, but perhaps also indicating a belief that no one now could believe that something like an original-series, simple birdstyle material could provide sufficient protection or damage-infliction? (Just like the apparent perception that no one could believe that the Ninjas' talents might come from talent and training -it seems to have to be explained now as "superpowers" stemming from a mystical rock.) Me, I was certainly able to just go with the idea that whatever the original Ninjas' birdstyles were made of, it could (mostly) stop bullets, flames etc. And it was a far cleaner, sleeker and aesthetically pleasing design, I think. You could really see a human body there, not just armor plating
quote: | Originally posted by Becky Rock
What does the little alien do besides look ridiculous? |
I think that's all it's supposed to do -cute little non-human sidekicks seem to be somewhat common in anime. The last one I watched, "Samurai Champloo," the main female character had a squirrel that spent most of its time hiding in her kimono except when called upon for comic relief duty. If the original Gatchaman were remade now, Jinpei would probably be stuck with something similar...
And what is with this Utsu-tsu character who seems to wear only her underwear? Somewhat oddly, her description is "She works as a volunteer taking care of the flowers at the Tachikawa City International Greenery Garden. She does not have a very positive image of herself, and fears getting closer to others." Not my first idea of how a shy gardener would dress!
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 09-07-2013 at 02:18.
09-07-2013 01:42
I am an Eagle.
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09-07-2013 18:18
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quote: | Originally posted by amethyst
The more I see about this, the more disinterested I become. The artwork is generic, the characters don't make sense, and the only relation to Gatchaman that I see, besides the studio, is a recreated Berg Katse and the birdhead emblem on the G-suits. |
I'm with you, Ame! Maybe it's because I cannot find any satisfying connection with our Gatchaman, but I'm really losing all interest in this series ... in fact, I must be honest that I'm not even interested to try to watch it! If it were only a series totally not related to Gatchaman, in any way, it would also probably be one of the many modern ones which do not attract my attention due to their style!
To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!
09-07-2013 18:24
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I am a Galactor.
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quote: | Originally posted by FangJoker
Here's a clear look at the OP sequence.
I, for one, will follow this and then give an assessment when the show ends... |
Well thanks for sharing the opening credits, but at this point I am NOT going to give this a chance. I don't care for one single thing I have seen thus far, and I see no reason to even bother with it. It irritates me when they do something like this, as there is nothing here that even remotely says "Gatchaman". If you are going to use the name and the franchise, then you need to make an effort to deliver on what made Gatchaman so good to start with. Making it all cutesy is not going to draw me to it at all, and all I am seeing here is cutesy. Even the mecha things in the opening look cute more than anything else. This is embarrassing and definitely a slap in the face to everything Gatchaman is about. At least the live action movie seems to have embraced delivering on what made the original so great. It could be awful too, I suppose, but the trailer doesn't look bad and I see lots of things lifted straight out of the show. This new Crowds cartoon? I see nothing here but garbage. I know I sound harsh, but I am not going to give this a chance because they aren't even trying to do Gatchaman justice. I am all for new character and new designs, but it still needs to feel like the world Gatchaman. This does all. This is just embarrassing looking on every level.
This is the epitome of everything I detest about anime these days.
Z is my codeword for murder!
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by TheSolarSailor on 11-07-2013 at 03:54.
11-07-2013 03:50
I am a Condor.
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Well, I got curious enough to sign up for a free 14-day trial membership with Crunchyroll, and saw the first episode of Gatchaman Crowds today -and it had English subtitles.
I guess I'll watch next week's too. Whether I stick with Crunchyroll to watch the whole series remains to be seen...
I wasn't all that impressed, but it seems interesting enough at this point to justify watching at least the next episode.
Basically, the episode shows Sugane (who is serious and dutiful, and carries a sword everywhere he goes) get an alert (via a NOTE-thing that is a bit like a large cell phone) and then proceed to use his NOTE to cast an "amnesia effect" on all people nearby (so that they don't remember seeing him) before transforming into his G-Suit to battle a "MESS" villain (who initially looks like a normal person but then becomes a cluster of squares with tentacles).
Jo also gets the alert, but seems disinterested and leaves it up to Sugane.
Sugane defeats it, and then goes to school -where other students are overheard speculating about whether the mysterious "Gatchaman" actually exists or not.
In the midst of all that, we are introduced to Hajime, who is rather irritatingly cute and hyper-perky. She is standing on the roof of her school when the super-tall alien, JJ, appears, gives her a NOTE and tells her she's one of the Gatchaman team.
She is able to see Sugane just after he de-transforms after defeating the MESS and introduces herself. He seems to find her a tad annoying, and has to scold her that she's not to talk about Gatchaman as it must stay secret.
But, he takes her to the "CAGE" headquarters, where she meets everyone else. Underwear-clad Utsu-tsu seems moody/half-drugged and we don't learn much of anything about her yet. Jo is aloof and unfriendly, but O.D. is very friendly and chatty. The little panda-thing, Paiman (apparently 2nd in command after JJ) is also there, and speaks in a normal enough voice rather than something cutesy -and apparently has a chip on his shoulder about not being taken seriously because of his appearance.
There's some exposition about how it's their duty to protect humans and "eradicate alien criminals and unidentified objects that have infiltrated Earth" (which they call "MESS").
Another alert comes in about another MESS. Jo doesn't go, just Sugane and Hajime, who activates her G-suit for the first time as Sugane attacks the MESS (that had been disguised as a bus).
Then we see that Berg Katse is watching this from the roof of a building, and seems surprised or possibly pleased to see them.
FWIW, I made some screen-caps.
Jo, choosing to leave the attack on the MESS at the beginning of the episode solely to Sugane.
Sugane fighting the first MESS (in a shopping mall).
The MESS, no longer disguised as a person.
Hajime meeting JJ.
The CAGE headquarters that Sugane takes Hajime to.
Being introduced to everyone else.
Jo doesn't want to be introduced (and he smokes -apparently so that we can all tell he's a "bad boy"? *eye roll*)
Paiman and JJ.
The mission against the second MESS (don't they know it's supposed to be "Bird go!"?) as Sugane transforms.
And so does Hajime.
Berg Katse is watching...
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 13-07-2013 at 00:39.
13-07-2013 00:33
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