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ElectricWhite ElectricWhite is a Female


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May must be anvil month for me! Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

No, I didn’t fall off a cliff.

No, I’m not in the Federal Witness Protection Program.

No, I didn’t run off to live in a monastery in Nepal.

No, I wasn’t captured by Canadians from outer space.

No, I didn’t catch some strange alien virus that caused me to mutate into a new life form and was then quarantined in a Centers for Disease Control lab.

So, what happened to me? Well, friends o’mine, get some popcorn and something to drink, and settle in while I tell you.

First, think back to a little over six months ago. I told you about a couple of places that had opened up on my legs (on the back of my left calf, and one on the front of my right shin) and a blister on the arch of my left foot that had popped and had been rubbed by my shoe. Well, my right leg had healed, but everything on the left side has been going very slowly.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, the place on my leg developed an infection. Dr. Mahmood, the infectious disease specialist at the Wound Care Center, took a culture and was quite cheerful when the lab results came in – it was the kind of infection that’s cured with one or two doses of penicillin. But then he muttered a few choice words in Farsi – I’m allergic to penicillin. (How many of you saw that coming? Be honest.) So that meant I had to take the other treatment, which was vancomycin every 12 hours and cefeprime every 8 hours for 3 or 4 weeks.

Okay, at this point you’re probably thinking “So you have to take a couple of pills for a while. What’s the big deal?” Well...those antibiotics are given through IV infusion....with a PICC home...and I had to give the infusions to myself.

Lose the blank stare – I’ll explain. Whenever a patient needs to have an IV for an extended amount of time, or if it’s a medication that’s hard on the blood vessels, a PICC line is used. A thin tube is inserted just above the bend of the elbow and is threaded inside a blood vessel toward the center of the chest until the end of the line is above the heart. The end that stays outside the body has a couple of ports that the IV can connect to. This is the third time I’ve ever needed a PICC line, and immediately after each procedure I’ve felt like a building had been dropped on me. I had to administer the IV myself at home because: 1) visiting nurses won’t come out to the house so many times a day every day, 2) insurance wouldn’t pay for such a long hospital stay unless I suddenly develop some other, more severe symptoms, and 3) there was no way in hell I was going to leave the house unguarded, making it oh so easy for my brother to go marching in to take whatever he wanted and do whatever he wanted to the place!

At any rate, the antibiotics were doing their job (and making me feel yucky in the process) when I got a call from the city housing authority.... I don’t know if you remember this, but, shortly after my dad died, I discovered that I couldn’t afford to live in the house (not to mention I simply couldn’t get to about 80% of it). Well, I also discovered that my disability pension wasn’t enough to pay for anything, so I had to apply for city housing. I had been waiting so long that I was almost certain that I’d have to become homeless and get on the emergency housing list in order to get a place. (Yeah, it’s really fun having that in the back of my mind while dealing with my health issues plus all the crap from my brother and sister-in-law!)

Well, when I was wondering how I was going to protect the Raggedy Ann doll my grandfather gave me the day after I was born as well as my contributor’s copies while in a homeless shelter (and with an IV stuck in my arm), the call came. Not only is this place accessible, it’s in one of the newest buildings in town; I’m the second person to ever occupy this apartment! And it’s about twice the size of any 1-bedroom apartment I’d seen in the past. It was definitely worth the wait.

That call came on a Thursday. I was set to see the apartment, sign the lease, etc., on Monday. However, I simply couldn’t go that long without something else happening!

It was Sunday, and I had just fixed a sandwich for lunch. I looked down and saw a few spots of blood on my blouse. My eyes went over to the PICC line. Instead of seeing a thin tube coming out from under a 4"x4" dressing, I saw a thin tube coming out of what looked like an enormous overstuffed ravioli. I grabbed a kitchen towel and made a few, desperate phone calls.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the emergency room. The PICC line had completely popped out of my arm. After a new PICC line was inserted (using a different blood vessel), I was sent home. The next afternoon was spent signing a pillar of papers.

After that, I’ve been dealing with the move (in between IV infusions)....including losing my internet connection. (Grrrrrrr!) But now I’ve got the internet back, and I’m still working on the move. (But, on the upside, I’m done with the IV!) I hope this didn’t cause anybody else a lot of grief. Now to get things to at least look almost normal.........

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

No new posts 22-05-2013 02:27 ElectricWhite is offline Send an Email to ElectricWhite Search for Posts by ElectricWhite Add ElectricWhite to your Buddy List
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OMG! EW, I certainly hope things settle down for you! Are you all moved in? How are you feeling now?


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EW, oh, that sounds so stressful! I hope things settle down for you soon. (((hugs)))

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No new posts 22-05-2013 03:45 jublke is offline Send an Email to jublke Homepage of jublke Search for Posts by jublke Add jublke to your Buddy List
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EW, are you sure you didn't piss off a whole bunch of ancient Chinese and get the "may you have an interesting life" curse? Youch. It's great news about the apartment, at least, and that you got that IV over with! Hang in there.

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Awwww!!! bolt

DON"T ever say "Almost normal" or "could be worse"

The universe had a realy BAD sence of humour at the moment!!!!!! and it seems to be going " realy? normal or worse? try this on for size"

Repeat!!!! They have no sense of humour. evil beings trying to test how strong we are and how far they can push us
(chocolate only help so much, I know this from experience)

LW shakes fist at sky "damn you karma, damn you"

In saying that - is good to know that you are still in the land of the semi sane, have not been kidnapped, are not some test subject in a lab somewhere, don't sure about the Canadian reference, protection program may have merits new start and all, and Nepal would be cold this time of year.

Sending you
love, hugs, prayers and imaginary set of Wonder Woman's Bracelets (deflection purposes only), armour for you chair (producing spikes optional) a big arse shield and some Teflon so things slid off and don't cling to you and a massive stick to beat them away with and my Condor and Owl (short term use only)

- can't help you with the brother, but there is always duck tape

PS and an inner knowing that you are one very strong determined , kick arse, take no prisoners woman, who will survive all of this one way or another

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by littlewolf on 22-05-2013 at 06:51.
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clouddancer clouddancer is a Female


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EW it sounds like things have fallen your way, even if it has meant a lot of troubles before they did.

Glad to hear your IV is finished and enjoy your new place, it certainly sounds like it was worth the wait.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

No new posts 22-05-2013 10:31 clouddancer is offline Send an Email to clouddancer Search for Posts by clouddancer Add clouddancer to your Buddy List
k2p2 k2p2 is a Female
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Glad you are a-okay! And now that you are on the top of the world, (love the idea of the new place, my MIL condo had been outfitted to be completely accessible so I know what a boon that is..) Keep healing!

P.S. I am glad that the I.V. line didn't irritated the blood vessels like mine did...(just one more thing that could have gone wrong...just sayin...)

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No new posts 22-05-2013 11:18 k2p2 is offline Send an Email to k2p2 Search for Posts by k2p2 Add k2p2 to your Buddy List
ElectricWhite ElectricWhite is a Female


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Originally posted by Springie
OMG! EW, I certainly hope things settle down for you! Are you all moved in? How are you feeling now?

Thanks, Springie! I'm not completely moved in brother and sister-in-law did drive up to help me get the heavy stuff moved, but now I'm working with my niece's husband, Shawn, to get one more moving blitz before the dreaded duo comes back or the auctioneer goes in to prep the house for sale. (Right now I need to get some of the smaller for the walls, a can opener for the cabinet full of canned goods, and so on.) Right now that's turning into a challenge -- one guy Shawn works with had volunteered right away to help, but then he got a tear in his colon and is now using a colostomy bag! That's made me a little skittish about asking for help -- I'd hate to have somebody drop dead! (I wouldn't be surprised if my dumb brother emailed a bad joke to China and managed to hack off at least half the population...)

Now that the antibiotics are out of my system, I'm starting to perk up! Now I'm just tired from moving and unpacking!

And, LW, I originally put "I wasn't captured by Galactor", but that's kind of expected at this site. I changed it just to see what kind of reaction I'd get (especially from the Canadians). It's just an attempt to lighten things up just a little bit. Black2

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by ElectricWhite on 22-05-2013 at 16:42.
No new posts 22-05-2013 16:40 ElectricWhite is offline Send an Email to ElectricWhite Search for Posts by ElectricWhite Add ElectricWhite to your Buddy List
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EW, maybe things would have been easier if you had been captured by Galactor.

I'm glad you're feeling better and moving into what sounds like a better apartment. My brother had a port like you described when he was getting cancer treatments a few years ago, but I imagine having it there between treatments can be a hassle.

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No new posts 22-05-2013 22:31 Becky Rock is offline Send an Email to Becky Rock Search for Posts by Becky Rock Add Becky Rock to your Buddy List
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EW, it certainly sounds like you've had enough stress for a lifetime! I'm glad everything has been fixed with the PICC line and that you had a huge new place to live. Hopefully now you can settle into your new place and heal!


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Daniella T Daniella T is a Female


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Ok, EW, I was getting a bit worried about you and was thinking of sending a distress signal through the site - and you know what??? I was right!!! To be worried, I mean!!!

Glad to read that things are picking up a bit - and hopefully the universe will let you catch your breath! Huggles

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No new posts 23-05-2013 22:30 Daniella T is offline Send an Email to Daniella T Search for Posts by Daniella T Add Daniella T to your Buddy List
ElectricWhite ElectricWhite is a Female


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Aw, shucks, DT! I didn't know you cared so much!

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

No new posts 24-05-2013 16:29 ElectricWhite is offline Send an Email to ElectricWhite Search for Posts by ElectricWhite Add ElectricWhite to your Buddy List
Daniella T Daniella T is a Female


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Originally posted by ElectricWhite
Aw, shucks, DT! I didn't know you cared so much!

Duh! Of course I do!

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

No new posts 24-05-2013 21:32 Daniella T is offline Send an Email to Daniella T Search for Posts by Daniella T Add Daniella T to your Buddy List
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Oh gosh, EW ... I'm really out of words! I'm so sorry to hear that you've been through so much, lately, as if you didn't have enough on your plate already!

At least, I'm glad to hear that things are seeming brighter right now, and so hope that by today they're even better and that you're settling down! Ah ... when life knocks you have to open the door! ... there's nothing else to do! You are a strong woman, EW, that's why life keeps knocking at your door! But, I surely hope life's knuckles are sore by now and that it stops knocking at your door with these kind of things eventually! Sending you millions of hugs! I wish I could have been of some help!Huggles Huggles Huggles

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Isn't it annoying how life tends to look like one of those biorhythm waves from the 80's -- either everything happens all at once, or absolutely nothing is happening.

Hopefully the move goes smoothly for you and then you get a few weeks of welcome boredom.

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Flashing Wink You know, sometimes "thanks" doesn't seem to quite do the job!

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

No new posts 27-05-2013 02:33 ElectricWhite is offline Send an Email to ElectricWhite Search for Posts by ElectricWhite Add ElectricWhite to your Buddy List
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