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gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Hi all!

I hope that this message of mine is finding you all well! I’ve been telling myself to contact you many a time during my absence, but as always I’d find myself immerged in doing something else, which would be enough to make me postpone my wish of doing so! This notwithstanding, please know that each and every one of you is always present in my heart and mind!

Another excuse of mine, if I can call it so, is that I have always felt reluctant and uncomfortable, and somewhat disrespectful, to just pop in without having the chance to read all the wonderful, and ongoing contributions of yours, hence without being able to leave any related feedback, and also without giving any contributions of mine in return! Ah … I’m such a complicated person!

Warm memories of all of you have driven me to make a small comeback today, but I have to say that the generous pokings of TJ and Electricwhite have also helped a lot! I know that Electricwhite has also so kindly opened a thread in which she delivered a message for me and, whilst thanking her again for this altruistic gesture, I also wish to thank all of you for your kind comments, which I read enthusiastically! That’s why I’ll try to make it possible for me to peek in more regularly! If I couldn’t join in as much as I did in the past, I’d make it a point of being present every now and then other than being totally absent! There has been a wise someone who has told me that peeking in whenever I could, and communicating randomly, wouldn’t be disrespectful towards you others, at all!

Moreover, I’m back to that part of my life when the wish of writing down something and expressing myself is most overwhelming! I’m also seeing that poetry is in the air! Not being able to do much work myself, I’m quite happy to catch up with the lovely fics I know I will find piling up! … not leaving up the long, unread threads! It might take a while but, hopefully, I’d have a better schedule commencing next October, with my two kids back to school and with a fixed timetable for their sports sessions, even though these sessions are going to become thrice a week per child instead of the regular two, all falling on different days! These I have to fit in in my already tight agenda, hoping that I’d have enough energy left! I’m already panicking, though, my being aware of the cumulative homework my kids are going to be given this year, the mass of homework given always being an issue here, and because I still have to fit in taking care of my Dad on those days per week which I try to dedicate to him!

One thing I’m sure of … just the thought of joining you, or taking one small glimpse of what’s going on here, instantly makes me smile … and, I cannot wait to jot down something myself! Now, I'm literally terrified (even in a good way!) at seeing the amount of my unread posts glaring down at me! Only God knows what I have missed, apart from the random updates, during my absence ....

Huggles to all!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 28-08-2012 10:26 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
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Very good to hear from you Gatchamarie, glad to see you popping in whenever you can find the time, and I'm sure everyone here will be glad to hear from you, however briefly it may be.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

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Don't be so rough on yourself. Smile Friends like to hear from you and they understand if you're incredibly busy and don't have time to read every thread and comment. Especially if you communicate and let them know that you're very busy!

Also be sure to take care of yourself, too. Women in particular have a habit of forgetting that part while they take care of everyone else.

Looking forward to seeing you around! Animevalentine

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No new posts 28-08-2012 10:46 ChrisW is offline Send an Email to ChrisW Search for Posts by ChrisW Add ChrisW to your Buddy List
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Gatchamarie, it is wonderful to hear from you and thank you for letting us know how you have been.

Real life has a way of taking over everything and before you know it weeks even month have passed.

In saying that, I hope you have scheduled some time just for you, amongs everthing else, even if it is only to take a few deep breaths.
Huggles Luvu4

May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!

No new posts 28-08-2012 10:53 littlewolf is offline Send an Email to littlewolf Search for Posts by littlewolf Add littlewolf to your Buddy List
gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Thanks guys!Huggles I so appreciate your understanding! I'm just one who likes to recoil in oneself other than annoying others with my own health or real life issues, which seem not wanting to let go, lately, when everyone else is already immerged in their own! On the contrary, I love to hear about my friends'' problems and help whenever I can, so I know how much sincere your words are! I promise I'll try to be more open ...

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 28-08-2012 11:04 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
clouddancer clouddancer is a Female


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Welcome back Marie!

It is great to hear from you again. I have been bad in that unfortunately, I have been very busy with my own life changing situations to not be able to stay in contact with you through email, although I have constantly thought about you and the kind words you have relayed when we do talk.

Look after your family and your health but remember there also needs to be time for yourself. I completely understand the lack of time to catch up on threads after being away for so long. Don't feel you need to catch up on everything but do join in where you can.

Hope to see you around more in the next few months and perhaps a little of your creative written work that sounds like it wants to emerge. Muses have a tendency to do that, don't they, disappear for a while and then come back with a vengeance.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

No new posts 28-08-2012 12:18 clouddancer is offline Send an Email to clouddancer Search for Posts by clouddancer Add clouddancer to your Buddy List
Daniella T Daniella T is a Female


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Hello Gatchamarie! Wave2

Nice to hear from you, and do try to make some time for yourself also! Animeflower

In the meantime, a big hug!Huggles

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

No new posts 28-08-2012 12:42 Daniella T is offline Send an Email to Daniella T Search for Posts by Daniella T Add Daniella T to your Buddy List
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Welcome back, Marie!

I'm not sure what else I can say that hasn't already been said, but personally, I'd hope to catch you lurking around more regularly and making a comment here and there, then to have you disappear completely and feel overwhelmed trying to catch up.

As for sharing what's going on in your life, if you're not comfortable doing it, that's okay. If you are, you'll find others here going through similar issues. The cliche Misery Loves Company may seem depressing, but in reality sharing things and talking with others going through those issues too, can help.

Anyway, glad you are back, and hope you don't disappear and stay away to long again.

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No new posts 28-08-2012 14:57 amethyst is offline Send an Email to amethyst Search for Posts by amethyst Add amethyst to your Buddy List
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Glad to have you back with us, Gatchamarie. Life does get busy sometimes, but I hope you are able to still carve some little bit out for yourself every now and then. Like CWW said, it is common for women to neglect themselves during these busy times.

Anyway, hope to see, hear, and read, from you soon!

The world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.

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Hi Gatchamarie:

I can't keep up with everything on these boards either, but I read what I can and comment where I can and I trust that this is enough. I like knowing that when I've had a rough day - like when my Spectra oven catches fire!! - there are warm and welcoming people here. But I never worry that folks who don't comment are mad at me or whatever - I just figure that everyone is busy like me.

Hugs & don't be too hard on yourself. You have lots of friends here who love you.

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Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

No new posts 28-08-2012 17:41 jublke is offline Send an Email to jublke Homepage of jublke Search for Posts by jublke Add jublke to your Buddy List
ElectricWhite ElectricWhite is a Female


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woohoo Hooray! You finally did it!

See, no huge meteorites crashed down on your head, and none will if you end up doing more lurking than you'd like. Just don't deprive your spirit so much, okay?

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

No new posts 28-08-2012 17:49 ElectricWhite is offline Send an Email to ElectricWhite Search for Posts by ElectricWhite Add ElectricWhite to your Buddy List
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I'm glad to see you posting here again, Marie, even if it is only briefly. It's good to see that you are still thinking of us and dropping in from time to time. In the meantime, we are also thinking of you. Huggles

Hoping your life calms down somewhat soon!


No new posts 29-08-2012 02:09 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Many sincere thanks to all, guys! Your comments are most heartwarming ... plus, they're making me also realise how much of an a**hole I am!!

I'm realising, even in real life, since I admit I'm still going through a rather rough and emotional period from last year onwards, or so, that by bottling things up I'm tending to push people away rather than the contrary! This I do unintentionally ... more the "I don't want to annoy you more with my problems!" thing than the "I don't give a damn about your friendship/help!" thing, when friendship and communication are really things that I truly and indeed cherish! I've been brought up hearing myself being told not to let anyone else know about any mishaps, and to smile always, whatever the case, over and over again! ... I'm still learning that this attitude sometimes backfires because others can see it as a lack of trust! And, I don't know why I do this when it comes to myself when I always advise the contrary to people I care about and to whom I'm always ready to give help!

CD ... please, do not excuse yourself! I know well enough about what kind of a rough period you've been going through yourself, and I so hope that things have eventually calmed down a bit for you, too! As to my health ... well, the daily pain is growing stronger as time passes by, with not much more new medications left to try! ... that's the only thing I can say! Regarding the muse ... yes, after a long period of deep reflection, that's what's expected!

KT1972, Daniella, and Amethyst ... I'm really willing to follow your advise!

LW ... thanks a lot for your caring words! LOL ... I'm the one who needs to thank and not you! ... but, message received!

Jublike ... I happened to have just read about your Spectra oven incident! Yikes! At least, all's well that ends well, and next time make sure to keep away from Spectra!

K2P2 and CW ... you're right about what you're saying about women! That's another thing that's overwhelming me since I have my own limits but I tend to not rest before I satisfy the exigencies of each and every other important member of my family first!

EW and TJ ... can't thank you enough! (rubbing where the pokings still hurt!!)

Can't deny that I've literally taken the good advice, but I think that I've said more than enough, now! ... really! (have a few earplugs at hand in case anyone of you needs any!) Must admit that I feel much better, though! More Huggles to all!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 29-08-2012 10:34 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
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Marie, I've got one problem with what you just said:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
... plus, they're making me also realise how much of an a**hole I am!!

If that were true, you wouldn't care about others, and others certainly wouldn't care about you! While I won't deny that I'm glad you've realized that acting Condor-ish through this time in your life wasn't the best tactic, I simply can't sit back and let you belittle yourself by calling yourself things that aren't true!

Nono1 Do I make myself clear, young lady?

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

No new posts 29-08-2012 17:52 ElectricWhite is offline Send an Email to ElectricWhite Search for Posts by ElectricWhite Add ElectricWhite to your Buddy List
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EW brings up a good point. As much as I admire the Condor's stoicism, ultimately that behavior led to his demise. Learning to reach out is a sign of strength, not weakness. Huggles

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

No new posts 29-08-2012 21:27 jublke is offline Send an Email to jublke Homepage of jublke Search for Posts by jublke Add jublke to your Buddy List
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Hiding 2

EW and Jublike ... Message received as clear as possible! Really ... again, million thanks for your sincere care and friendship! The term I called myself with I wrote because it took me some time to open my eyes and see that there are truly people like you who are willing to reach out to me unconditionally, also! And, I didn't even have to search so far! You don't even know how much this means to me!Huggles Now, nuff said and on with the fun ...

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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