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The first huge summer movie, Troy, comes out this coming week which got me thinking about which of these films I'm going to see this summer. I was going to make a top 10 list, but as i was looking though what was coming out I could really find 10 movies I really want to see. I think I saw like 5 or 6 definates and a few other maybes.
1. The Day After Tomorrow - YES!!! Another movie about the destruction of the world. This time with the weather as the cause. This will kick ass. Directed by Roland Emmerich who brought us Independence Day, The Patriot, and Stargate. Not a bad line-up. Oh yeah, he did do Godzilla, too.
2. The Village - I'm sure this will be another awesome one from M. Night Shyamalan. A village surrounded by woods with creatures and people keep disappearing. He should score big with this one.
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - OK, I'm a wicked Harry Potter fan. I loved the books and I loved the first two films. The only thing that worries me is that there's a new director; Alfonso Cuaron instead of Chris Columbus. I hope is has the same feel as the others.
4. Troy - This is so big for me for one reason; Peter O'Toole. He is, in my opinion the greatest actor of all time. I'm so happy to see him in a huge mainstream movie once again, even if his part is small.
5. The Terminal - Ahhh. Another summer, another movie from Steven Spielberg, with Tom Hanks in it no less. About a man stuck in an airport terminal. Hey it's Spielberg, it's got to be good.
As for other movies that I will probably end up seeing: Spider-Man 2, Collateral, King Arthur, I Robot. I'm more likely to see the first 2 more than the second 2, but who knows. I still need to see Kill Bill vol. 2.
Oh and then there's the possibility that Michael Moore's new documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 might be released this summer, if they can FIND A DISTRIBUTOR!!! (Oh there will be a rant coming on that subject). If it comes out I will find the closest theater to me that showing is and see it on opening day.
10-05-2004 06:23
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11-05-2004 17:00
Board Pirate
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11-05-2004 18:05
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Registration Date: 25-07-2001
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quote: | Originally posted by Berg Katse
... but this summer the movies seem to tip the scales to the lame category. The Garfield movie and Catwoman immediately spring to mind... I mean, just one look at Halle Berry in her Catwoman costume and you're left slapping your forehead so much as to cause brain damage.
Okay, this find is for Katse. I saw the previews for the Catwoman movie. I knew it wouldn't be brainfare, but *glee* another superhero flick! Action Eyecandy Eyecandy. What's not to like? Well, I just went to the official Catwoman/Warnerbrothers website. This is the synopsis they posted on the movie:
"Catwoman is the story of shy, sensitive artist Patience Philips (Halle Berry), a woman who can’t seem to stop apologizing for her own existence. She works as a graphic designer for Hedare Beauty, a mammoth cosmetics company on the verge of releasing a revolutionary anti-aging product. When Patience inadvertently happens upon a dark secret her employer is hiding, she finds herself in the middle of a corporate conspiracy. What happens next changes Patience forever. In a mystical twist of fate, she is transformed into a woman with the strength, speed, agility and ultra-keen senses of a cat. With her newfound prowess and feline intuition, Patience becomes Catwoman, a sleek and stealthy creature balancing on the thin line between good and bad. Like any wildcat, she’s dangerous, elusive and untamed. Her adventures are complicated by a burgeoning relationship with Tom Lone (Benjamin Bratt), a cop who has fallen for Patience but cannot shake his fascination with the mysterious Catwoman, who appears to be responsible for a string of crime sprees plaguing the city."
Oh I couldn't help laughing my tuckus off. A superheroine named Patience (alliterations galore) who was born as a result of dastardly deeds visited by the evil cosmetics industry.... By the Gods of Homeshopping and Infomertials, say it ain't so!
I am flashing back to every 1960's Archie-esque/Barbie type fashion comic ever published. That's what this is...a Barbie Adventure on Crack! You can bet your butt that the Punisher never worked for a(n Evil) cosmetics company. Wolverine never obtained 'newfound prowess (mrowr) and wo-lv-er-inish intuition' Fe- line/male intuition my albino hind end.
My Grrlie-Sense is Tingling.

"Spider sense....tingling."
13-05-2004 10:26
Elvin Ruler
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Every time I see the trailer for " Day After Tomorrow," I think it's a birds remake because of all the birds at the beginning. Even though I know it isn't.
Edit: *beats hijacking smilie* Can we turn that grin's code into something else so that it'll stop doing that?
As far as 9/11 and all this about the warning, I really don't care for the idea about a movie. As far as who's at fault, I'd have to say Bin Laden. The FBI and CIA *both* received (and still receive) hundreds of warnings a week. Some are real, some aren't. The fact is that the warning of 9/11 is extremely vague. I probably wouldn't have acted on it myself. Okay, Al Queda is thinking of attacking through the use of airlplanes...which airport? Way, way too vague to be pointing fingers at *anyone* besides the terrorist organization itself. Besides, the director has shown himself to leave out facts/exxagerate circumstances in order to show his own pov. Not a bad thing, I understand. Everyone does that. I just don't care to see his movie. Personally, it hits a little close to home. Can't look at anything relating to 9/11 without tearing up a little. TANGENT WARNING! It was really weird that day. A friend called and told me to turn on CNN. It was right after the first tower had been hit. I saw the other plane coming in and as the reporter wondered what was going on, I figured it would probably hit the second tower, which, of course, it did. Then I figured the Pentagon would be next. And it was. Then I shut up. But it just broke my heart to see the buildings with the smoke rising into the air and people jumping out. Anyways, it just really irks me that someone would do this so soon. I imagine that one of the primary reasons that Disney dropped the movie is because they're afraid of lawsuits, because honestly, I don't think it's very likely that the producers take the victims' families into consideration. I would be furious. I wouldn't care what the movie brought to light, if it even does that. It's a theory, nothing more. I would be very irritated at seeing my loved one's death being used as political propaganda. Very angry.
Troy - Historically accurate? Even remotely close? Nah. Full of hot, hunky actors? Heck yeah. Definitely tempted.
Harry Potter - Woohoo! I'm a Potter freak, I admit. Will definitely see this one.
Spiderman 2 - I'll see this one because I liked the first. Hope they do as good of a job. Or better, even. Spiderman rocks. (btw, Dad watched the first one with me after it was released on dvd. Says it was pretty close to how he remembered the comic. Ah, the joy of having someone who *knows* his old comics. ^_^)
Catwoman - Not planning on seeing. An interesting fact, though? Halle Berry ran into a mike boon in one scene so hard that she knocked herself out. Hilarious stuff.
Shrek 2 - The first movie was so stupid it was hilarious. I have very high hopes for the sequel to be just as stupid and, consequently, just as hilarious.
What if there is a spoon?
13-05-2004 20:21
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