Forum God
I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
Go Fraggle Rock! I loved that show, but that's about all I remember about it. Loved the Trash Heap.
Son took kid/parent pottery this spring. Two sessions, he took a different parent to each. He enjoyed it, but is very disappointed that they really don't recommend the wheel for kids under 14, as they claim it's quite difficult. He does want to take the longer kid-only session next fall. No clue what the clay was, probably cheap and reliable. Creamy colour.
As for me, I've been gardening. This place came with huge gardens. The front one is 10x20ft, as is the main back one. Both seriously over-grown, the front by euonymous and the back by snow-on-the-mountain -- never thought I'd see something that won against wild violets! Still, I'd rather have an aggressive ground cover that I trim back than something I have to baby along.
As of today, the big front garden is done and one of the small ones; we'll see how everything takes. May want to squeeze in some colourful annuals; most of what's there is spring colour, but I want to see how it looks after some growth before adding more perennials. Still have to weed and thin-out the back garden and add ground-cover to the gardens along the walls. I prefer ground covers rather than mulches, and don't like bare dirt.
So, happy, happy, in anticipation of how the front garden will look next week (when things recover a bit) and for the rest of the summer and more.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
24-05-2007 16:47
Forum God
I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
Water them? If they need water beyond the first two weeks (or their new toy shine fades), they're not the right plants for us. Although,... the neighbour loves gardening, so the excuse of not having someone to water them is gone.
And thanks for the wheel info. Not that he'll learn from any other person's experience, mind you.
Great news! The new computer is 90% up and running. I'm using it now. Still have glitches and such, though. The external hard drive failed half-way through the first test backup. Firefox bookmarks didn't come over yet; I told him I'd been putting all NEW bookmarks on an external site, he heard ALL bookmarks. But, it booted in well under the 10 minutes I'd been used to, and there's sound! With any luck, I'll have my husband back later this week.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by CricketBeautiful on 29-05-2007 at 13:40.
29-05-2007 13:39
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 05-04-2004
Posts: 430
31-05-2007 23:15
Her Royal Fluffiness...Swan of Swans...
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 12-06-2006
Posts: 8028
15-06-2007 23:44
I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 06-06-2005
Posts: 3595
Despite the day going worong, I am happy (again) because despite my supervisor told me to do, which is to do 2 bays of overs and 1 bay of paint overs, within the 21 hour week I have and which will finished tomorrow at 2 pm.
Now, this means that any stock that can't go onto the shopfloor needs to be looged into the computer system as "overs" and put in bays for each department, eg paint/wallpaper, cookshop/cleaning, electricl, tiles/bathroom accessories, etc, which all have about 3 or 4 shelf per bay.
Now I have done 2 AND HALF bays and 1 paint bay in 16 hours or 2 days.
In other words, I did do what my supervisor told me to do and then some.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
19-06-2007 19:56