Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
I did one style of Karate at college and just got an orange belt and started to doanother syle a year after me getting knocked over by a car and did it for 2 years and got a puple belt myself. I was quite please for getting it,so congrats to him.
I bet the kids are behaving themselves now.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Whenever I think of Karate I always think of the Simpsos episode where Bart did, like, a nonosecond of a class and then boasted about "the Touch of Death"...
Good on the wee one, Cricket!!
I'd put mine into something like that, but he's already dangerous enough ...
He's definitely a Condor - no doubting that ...
Why do men snore when lying on their backs? Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.
There are so many different styles of Karate, both in traditional and freestyle. The proper name is KarateDo which means in Japanese Way/Path of the Empty Hand, but as Karate wasn't originally Japanese but started out in the Ryukyu islands and meant The Chinese Hand as it was influnced ty the Chinese martial arts orignally but changed to The Empty Hand when the islands becamee influnced by Japan.
As the name suggests, Karate is used by the hands only and no elbows or kicks were orignally used and there were only 3 main styles of Karate called after the names of ciies where the started.
One style used straight moves, while another used circular moves and the third used a combination of straight and circular moves.
Gichin Funakoshi, the man who is generally thought of as the grandfather of Karate developed Shotokan Karate, which is the first "modern" style
I did Shukokai at college for jusovera year and gota orange belt and did Wado-Ryu freestyle for 2 years and got the purrple belt and proud of it as well.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
I just wanted to share I had a great day! Work was satisfying and time did not drag on. got home and cooked up a lovely spaghetti bolognese . found out kids had very good days at school and at Tafe. And tonight , even tho once again I burned the midnight oil. I enjoyed catching up with threads and reading more fics from links. Im so glad they are now in one place , where they are easily accessible!
I'm just coming off a glorious weekend here in SE. Wisconsin!!
I attended the wedding of my next door neighbor, and while I didn't know anyone there, I had an awesome time at my assigned table. The people I sat with were fun and engaging and I was all swoony when the handsome guy next to me said that he couldn't believe that I was single and then we exchanged numbers. But alas...I'm still waiting for him to call.
Sunday, was so incredibly beautiful out...Spring has arrived here in the midwest.I went on a 2 hour hike with my best friend in the state forest. The time flew right by as we chatted it up and we've decided to make it our weekly catch up session.
This morning I was up early and practicing yoga and I was finally able to reach and hold a pose that has been eluding me for awhile...
Yep life is good over in the Black Country (West Midlands) as I listened to classic rock going to and from work and it's been a glorisously sunny and warm (not too hot) day. Now it's time for , damm good mug of and an hour of telly.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Can I rant instead? At whoever decided that broken bricks make good mulch for flower gardens? After a few years they break (into shards) and get moved to other places, and burried, and, well, just look ugly. And I hate digging around them. Good news is ... I'm 1/10 done.
Forsythia tree seems to have survived my enthusiastic pruning last week. Still got the yellow buds on it. (So do the branches I cut off, so maybe it's too early to be relieved.)
My men do the Okinawan style, seems to have a lot of straight in it, but I wouldn't rule out curves for blocks. Think there's something about Shotokan in the handbook.
Other good news is we're definitely getting the roof redone. The last guy to quote went up with hubby and they found enough rotten board edges that they'll be pulling up enough that we can check the ventilation and insulation from that direction, much easier than crawling through the attic.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
One of my brothers-in-law is a good roofer. Shame he's at least 3000 miles away from your roof, really
I have done some much needed gardening. My husband has decided to grow tomatoes - hope he does better than me - and I'm going to see if the slugs will stay away from my strawberries. I am looking forward to the hopes of edible home-grown fruit.
Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny."
This is more of a Shared Shocked Joy Challenge post.
About an hour before I left work, my supervsor came upto me and gave me a £5 note sayig the our useless store manager not only thinks I do a great job but paid me our of his own pocked.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
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