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Maybe those niches are for all the numbers inbetween. There might be another team someplace else. After all, the Precipice doesn't have to be anywhere near the Cage.
As for Hajime, I loved that whole exchange between her and Sugune while on the train (letting x not letting the old lady sit). It neatly illustrates the difference in their moralities. And the nonchalant way with which she sat down next to JJ or tied Sugune down with the masking tape was awesome. I wonder about the future connection between her and Rui. Not counting the opening, both of them complained about being hungry while having uneaten food in their near reach (Hajime her bento, Rui his...uh... crisps, or whatever they were)
(By the way, did you notice all those spare black pants hanging in Paiman's room?)
Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise, In Brudersphären Wettgesang, und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise, vollendet sie mit Donnergang.
My fanart is here
25-07-2013 21:26
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