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I was hoping to go to Uni this year.

But its a degree course at a college...They do have a halls of residence, hardly suitable for me.

My Psychologist says to leave it a year...and be better prepared. He has spoken to the college and hes not happy with their support package.

I can do my A2s in the meantime.

I would `love` to do my A2s.

But I want to move on. I have been two years in college already.

However Im in no real hurry. I take my time in things and some of my projects have taken years to furfil. (That trip to North Rona, for example.)

And I do take advice. I respect him. He is a leader in his field. (Though it took me a while to find that out. He is the most unasuming type ever.) I know that if I follow it or no, it `is` good advice.

So what do you say?

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No new posts 30-06-2012 16:45 Tengu is offline Send an Email to Tengu Search for Posts by Tengu Add Tengu to your Buddy List
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I can appreciate your desire to move on, and I'm glad to see you're willing to slow down and take extra time to reach a goal when necessary.

But I do have a few questions. For starters, besides wanting to move on, what other feelings have you been having about this? Also, have you taken a good, hard look at why he said what he did?

I wish I could be more helpful. Since I don't know you very well, I wouldn't be much good to you if I went beyond asking you to step back and try to rationally take it all into consideration.

Anyway, I'll keep you in my thoughts and wish the best for you.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

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The best thing I even learned was how to set goals.

Setting a goal is more than just seeing something and wanting it, more than a road map on how to get there.

Setting a goal is at least two-fold: it is the big picture and where you want to end up, but it is also all the little goals that you meet to get there. Those little goals are sometimes just as important and just as difficult as the final goal.

So when I set a big goal, I also set several short term or more immediate goals to help me reach the big goal. Each little goal becomes an accomplishment on its own and it keeps the big goal from feeling overwhelming. They also help with setbacks, because life happens, and having the short term goals to focus helps to dispel the sometimes hopeless feelings that can happen during those times.

I'm not sure if this is helpful, but maybe more along the same lines as what EW has said, maybe you need to see if there is a short term goal that you missed that would be extremely helpful or essential for your long term goal.

And remember this, education is not a race, your not going to lose points for taking your time and getting what you need instead of racing through it, where you might miss something.

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Thats good advice.

I need more money. (inevitably.)

I want to stay in a self contained unit rather than halls of residence (or a bedsit)

Ive lived on my own now since I was 22. other people i am not used to.

Obviously a flat is more expensive!

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

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Tengu, you know yourself better than anyone.

Ask yourself what it is that you truly want to do. What's your "gut feeling" telling you about this?

Some people need to take smaller steps, or approach a goal from a different angle, and that's okay. Approach your goal in the way, and at the pace, that will make you feel comfortable about it.

Just be sure not to rush into anything, or do something that you don't feel ready to do.

Good luck with your future plans, whatever you decide!

"It is a rare man that is taken for what he truly is...We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream...." Peter S. Beagle

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