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I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
Do yourself a very big favour and read the original!!!
I haven't seen the movie, but based on the trailer, the only thing they kept was the name. I reread the book last month.
(Yes, I'll see the movie, but it's not Asimov's I Robot.)
Asmiov wrote the book because he was tired of the "robots run amuck" story. Hence, the three rules, which truly are inviolate. The stories are about how, even with those rules, there can be problems -- intellectual ones, and even some violent ones. They're detective and psychological and trouble-shooting stories, not action.
So, please, do read the book as well.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
19-07-2004 15:10
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